Ministero per le Riforme e le Innovazioni nella P.A.

Bando per l’affidamento in concessione del “servizio di comunicazione elettronica certificata tra pubblica amministrazione e cittadino (CEC-PAC)” mediante procedura ristretta.Il Dipartimento per la digitalizzazione della pubblica amministrazione e l’innovazione tecnologica della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri ha pubblicato il 5 agosto 2009 sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale delle Comunità Europee 2009/S 148-217096 e sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale Italiana 5^ serie speciale n. 94 del 12 agosto 2009, un bando per l’affidamento in concessione del “servizio di comunicazione elettronica certificata tra pubblica amministrazione e cittadino (CEC-PAC)” mediante procedura ristretta. Importo massimo stimato della concessione: Euro 25.000.000,00 (EuroVenticinquemilioni/00) iva esclusa, per un periodo di 4 (quattro) anni, più ulteriori Euro 25.000.000,00 (EuroVenticinquemilioni/00) iva esclusa nell’ipotesi di esercizio dell’opzione per successivi 4 (quattro) anni, per un totale complessivo di Euro 50.000.000,00 (EuroCinquantamilioni/00).Criterio di aggiudicazione: offerta economicamente più vantaggiosa.Deadline 9 settembre 2009


Roma, la prima città europea interamente cablata con fibra.Tra cinque anni Roma sarà la prima città metropolitana europea ad essere interamente cablata con fibra ottica. Il progetto, presentato dall’UIR (L’Unione degli Industriali e delle imprese di Roma), da 600 milioni di euro prevede la realizzazione di tutta l’infrastruttura all’interno e all’esterno del raccordo anulare. Il comune di Roma non parteciperà economicamente al progetto e l’investimento sarà coperto al 75% da Telecom e, per il resto, da altri operatori.

DTC Lazio: Beni culturali a prescindere dal(la) Capitale.Dal 31 Luglio il Distretto Tecnologico per i Beni e le Attività Culturali della Regione Lazio – il più conosciuto DTC- è diventato operativo. Sul bando si comprende l’impostazione che la Regione ha dato, in cui intende suddividere il territorio in sei aree. Obiettivo, non nascosto, quello di rinnovare e riorganizzare l’offerta turistica.

La Francia cede al gigante Google “Metterà online la Bibliothèque”.E alla fine anche il piccolo Davide francese dovette cedere al Golia venuto dall’America. L’immenso patrimonio culturale della Bibliothèque Nationale de France (Bnf) finirà dentro all’impero di Google. Dopo aver tentato invano di lanciare un progetto alternativo al gigante di Silicon Valley, l’istituzione francese ha dovuto gettare la spugna.

Twitter sarà geolocalizzato dirà da dove vengono i messaggi.Un nuovo servizio è in arrivo per tutti gli utenti della piattaforma di microblogging più famosa del mondo: sarà possibile conoscere le coordinate geografiche di ogni “tweet”. Ma quanto rischieranno i dissidenti? Il dubbio sollevato da alcuni, però, è che la geolocalizzazione, utile da un punto di vista pubblicitario, potrebbe essere un boomerang per i dissidenti di tutto il mondo. Chi farà circolare video e notizie scomode se potrà essere facilmente individuato? L’eco dell’attacco di qualche settimana fa a Twitter, scatenato a quanto pare per censurare un blogger dell’Abkhazia, è ancora troppo forte per non suscitare qualche perplessità.

Sony lancerà a fine agosto sul mercato Usa due nuovi modelli di libro elettronico, destinati ad accendere ancor più la concorrenza tra la casa giapponese e il sito Amazon, che produce l’e-book campione di vendite Kindle. La più economica delle due proposte sarà venduta a 199 dollari, 100 in meno rispetto al Kindle, in vari colori e con un display da cinque pollici. L’altra costerà 299 dollari, proprio come il Kindle, ma in più avrà la tecnologia “touch”. Sony, inoltre, ha detto che ribasserà il prezzo medio dei libri compatibili con il dispositivo, da 11,99 a 9,99.

Bando Rete transnazionale e piattaforma supporto web nel settore della mobilità degli apprendisti. L’obiettivo specifico di questo invito a presentare proposte è quello di creare una rete sostenibile di operatori e di enti competenti attraverso una piattaforma web al fine di  incoraggiare, facilitare ed informare gli operatori del settore sulla mobilità degli apprendisti e delle persone coinvolte in schemi di formazione professionale alternativi.  Tale piattaforma rappresenterebbe uno strumento rivolto soprattutto alle organizzazioni intermediarie (come ad esempio le organizzazione professionali, imprese e servizi pubblici) e potrebbe, inoltre, essere utilizzato dagli individui, quale fonte di prima informazione relativa alle possibilità aperte di mobilità.Deadline 30 settembre 2009.


L ‘UE investe altri 18 milioni di euro nell’internet mobile ultra veloce del futuro.A partire dal 1° gennaio 2010 l ‘UE investirà 18 milioni di euro nella ricerca a sostegno delle reti mobili di quarta generazione. La Commissione europea ha deciso di avviare la procedura di finanziamento della ricerca sulla tecnologia Long Term Evolution (LTE) Advanced che consentirà di offrire velocità di accesso all’internet mobile fino a cento volte superiori rispetto alle attuali reti di terza generazione.

Europe’s Digital Library doubles in size but also shows EU’s lack of common web copyright solution. 4.6 million digitised books, maps, photographs, film clips and newspapers can now be accessed by internet users on Europeana, Europe’s multilingual digital library ( The collection of Europeana has more than doubled since it was launched in November 2008 (IP/08/1747). Today the European Commission, in a policy document declared as its target to bring the number of digitised objects to 10 million by 2010. The Commission also opened a public debate on the future challenges for book digitisation in Europe: the potential of the public and private sector to team up and the need to reform Europe’s too fragmented copyright framework.

European eGovernment Awards 2009 finalists announced.The European Commission has announced the names of the 52 finalists that are going to compete for the European eGovernment Awards 2009. The Awards ceremony will take place on 19th November in Malmö (Sweden). The 52 selected projects are managed by public authorities at local, regional or national level from 17 different European countries, providing services locally or cross-border. All projects make a significant contribution to increasing the efficiency of public services in Europe through the use of digital technologies.

eCall – Cars that dial 112 !Imagine an electronic safety system in your car that would automatically call emergency services if you had an accident! Supposing that, even if you were unconscious, the system would inform rescue workers of your exact whereabouts. The ambulance and the fire brigade could be on their way in minutes, without the need for any human intervention. And imagine that this system would work anywhere in Europe – whatever the local language. Such a system is not only possible; it is currently being rolled out across the European Union. The system is called “eCall” and it is one of the most important road safety actions under the European Union’s “e-safety” initiative.

European space observation capacity helps to speed up fight against forest fires. The European Union, year after year, is being hit by forest fires. This puts European citizens at risk and causes tremendous costs economically and to nature and wildlife. Therefore 55 partners, with support of the European Commission, have joined forces in a project for rapid mapping of places at risk via satellites (SAFER project). This common project is a part of the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) programme, one of the two independent European space capacities.

The first photo competition on sustainable and responsible tourism has been launched.The European Commission has launched the EDEN photo competition, in the framework of the “European Destinations of Excellence” project which promotes off the beaten track destinations offering tourists an unforgettable responsible experience in the respect of the local cultural and natural environment. Professional and amateur photographers from across Europe are invited to show their pictures of sustainable and responsible tourism in the EU. A prestigious jury will award the winners. The best 25 photos will be exhibited in the European Parliament at the end of this year.

Call for papers – 25th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference.The 25th Annual International Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference invites submissions of papers for this conference to be held March 22 – 27, 2010 at the San Diego Manchester Grand Hyatt hotel. The “CSUN” conference is the world’s longest-running and largest conference of its kind on the topic of assistive technology and the positive impact on persons with disabilities.

Establishing an Expert Panel on services innovation in the EU. This open call for tenders concerns the provision of services related to establishing and managing an Expert Panel on services innovation in the EU, including selection of Panel members through an open call for applications, management of the Panel’s operations, preparation of input materials for and organisation of Panel meetings as well as drafting of the final report summarising the Panel’s work and presenting its policy recommendations Deadline: 19 October 2009

CALL FOR PROPOSALS — EACEA/22/09  ‘Youth in Action’ programme  Action 4.6 — Partnerships  (2009/C 199/08). The main purpose of this call is to support partnerships between the European Commission — via the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency — and those regions, municipalities or European NGOs which aim to develop or reinforce their long-term actions, strategies and programmes in the field of non-formal learning and youth.Budget EUR 1 200 000.Deadline 1.12.2009

Calls for Tenders – New calls for tender published.Three new calls have been published in the following areas: • Analysis and regular update of bibliometrics indicators • Internationalisation of business investments in R&D and analysis of their economic impact • Investments in joint and open R&D programmes and analysis of their economic impact. Deadline 07 October 2009

26 – 30 October 2009, Sorrento, Italy.International Conference on Quantum Communication and Quantum Networking.This conference is devoted to the discussion of new challenges in quantum communication and quantum networking that extends from the nanoscale to a global satellite communication networks. It will place particular emphasis on basic quantum science effects and on emerging technological solutions leading to practical applications in communication industry.

22 – 23 September 2009, Victoria, London. Access-IT 2009: a two day event on Accessibility and Assistive Technology. ACCESS-IT builds upon the success of the ACCESS-IT Awards Competition in 2008 and sees the integration of a series of seminars, workshops, demonstration stands and networking activities with key players from across Europe working in the field of e-Accessibility and Assistive Technology in Europe.

21 – 23 October 2009, Copenhagen, Denmark. Pan European eProcurement with PEPPOL.The conference, organised by PEPPOL project, will focus on the role of service providers and middleware suppliers in Pan European Public Procurement. This three day event is targeted to different audiences from executives and decision makers to IT-architects and programmers.

2 – 5 September 2009, Lisbon, Portugal.9th Conference of the European Sociological Association – session on Ageing and Technology.The Ageing in Europe Research Network will hold paper sessions that focus on empirical, theoretical and conceptual aspects of research on ageing.


Call for tender:GALILEO Operating Company Service Centre and Safety of Life Service Centre definition study. The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Energy and Transport has published a call for tenders for a GALILEO Operating Company Service Centre (GOC-SC) and Safety of Life Service Centre (SoL-SC) definition study.The objective of the study is to undertake the engineering definition activities for the GOC-SC and the SoL-SC, which include, among other tasks, the development of the operation concept, mission and system requirements specification and high level architectural design. Initial prototyping activities for the GOC-SC have been performed as part of a project funded under the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) and need to be consolidated in order to reach a fully mature definition state. Deadline 21.09.09

24 September 2009 Brussels.Seminar on the conclusions of the European Foresight Expert Group.Building on input from an expert group set up by the European Commission and several directorates-general, the event will highlight future trends in demography, urbanisation, macro-economic projections, education, science and culture. In addition, issues such as demands on natural resources, new production-consumption patterns, a ‘multi-polar world’ and socio-ecology beyond technological innovation will be addressed.

13 – 14 October 2009 Brussels, Belgium. European Innovation Summit.The first European Innovation Summit (EIS) will take place on Organised by the Knowledge4Innovation (K4I)/Lisbon Forum at the premises of the European Parliament, the event will provide a unique opportunity for organisations to demonstrate and explain how they contribute to making Europe a global leader in innovation.

Series of events on applying for ERC Starting Grants, various locations. The UK Research Office (UKRO) is organising a series of information events for researchers, based in the UK or moving to the UK, who are interested in applying for European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grants.The sessions will be held in the following locations:

  • University of Sheffield, 3 September 2009;
  • Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 7 September 2009;
  • Royal Veterinary College, University of London, 14 September 2009;
  • University of Cambridge, 21 September 2009;
  • Brunel University, London, 22 September 2009.

9 October in Brussels, Belgium 2009.Conference on the deployment of innovative broadband networks. The event will offer a strategic view on existing opportunities for rapid deployment of advanced access infrastructures, particularly wireless broadband and next generation networks. An important aim is to encourage regional and national stakeholders to think strategically about the importance of information and communication technology (ICT) expansion, especially of broadband networks, as a means to achieving productivity gains and accelerating economic recovery.

16 – 17 November 2009 Nice, France.Forum on ICT for sustainable homes.The first edition of the ‘ICT (information and communication technology) for sustainable homes’ research and industry forum will be held in Nice, France on.The forum will be devoted to the new challenges faced by all those developing innovative products and services for the home environment, addressing such issues as:

  • putting ICT to work for ‘greener homes’ (lower energy consumption, reduced impact on the environment);
  • new consumer patterns (more meaningful and affordable products);
  • new markets at the international scale;
  • ‘greener homes’ which give the elderly and disabled a better life, in which health, security, communication, knowledge and learning are improved thanks to ICT.

14 – 15 2009 September Thessaloniki, Greece  Training seminar on simulator-based training and research. At the seminar, FERSI and external experts will present driving simulator technologies, tools and scenarios for training a wide variety of drivers.After an overview of simulator technologies, their characteristics, functionalities and guidelines, two parallel sessions will be dedicated to car, motorcycle and virtual reality/augmented reality (VR/AR) simulators, as well as for truck, bus and emergency vehicle simulators.

6 ottobre 2009 Bruxelles, Conferenza ‘Thinking across disciplines – shaping our future welfare together’. La conferenza tratterà una serie di sfide affrontate oggi dall’Europa in materia di ricerca e sviluppo (R&S) e di innovazione. Tra gli argomenti discussi quello di come l’Europa – pensando attraverso varie discipline – possa meglio affrontare alcune delle complesse realtà della società odierna, nonché quali politiche sono necessarie per raggiungere in futuro la migliore R&S trategica europea.

22 – 23 September 2009 London, UK.  E-accessibility and assistive technology event. An event dedicated to e-accessibility and assistive technology.Organised by ACCESS-IT, the event includes a series of seminars, workshops, demonstration stands and networking activities. Those expected to attend include key stakeholders from across Europe working in the field of e-accessibility and assistive technology with the aim of promoting usable, affordable and needed developments and solutions which enhance the lives of the elderly or those with a disability.

EU project to speed up fight against forest fires worldwide.The recent forest fires in Portugal and northern Spain as well as the massive floods in Taiwan have highlighted the importance of responding quickly to natural disasters. The EU-funded project SAFER (‘Services and applications for emergency response’) is working to make this possible by providing rapid mapping of disaster-prone areas and other tools to help optimise disaster response.The project, financed with approximately EUR 27 million through the ‘Space’ Theme of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), is part of the larger Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) programme.

SAFESPOT targets better road safety.How can we improve road safety? The answer, say European researchers, is to use cooperative systems technology to detect in advance potentially dangerous situations. The EU-funded SAFESPOT (‘Cooperative systems for road safety “Smart Vehicles on Smart Roads”) project is developing this technology by using infrastructure and vehicles to communicate safety-related information. The project’s ‘Safety margin assistant’ will extend drivers’ awareness of the surrounding environment. SAFESPOT is funded under the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) to the tune of almost EUR 21 million.


European Enterprise Awards 2010.La Direzione Generale Imprese e Industria della Commissione europea ha dato il via all’edizione 2010 del Premio European Enterprise Awards (EEA). Il premio riconosce e premia l’eccellenza nella promozione dell’imprenditorialità specialmente a livello regionale. Obiettivo chiave è mettere in luce le migliori iniziative che promuovano l’impresa e creino consapevolezza rispetto al valore aggiunto dell’imprenditorialità. Possono partecipare ai Premi Impresa Europea (European Enterprise Awards) le autorità locali e regionali dell’Unione europea, dell’Islanda e della Norvegia. Sono inclusi anche comuni, città, regioni, comunità e partenariati pubblico-privati fra enti pubblici e imprenditori, programmi didattici e organizzazioni imprenditoriali. I candidati dovranno dimostrare di avere contribuito allo sviluppo economico della propria regione nel biennio precedente l’anno di premiazione. Deadline 23-10-2009

Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide: bando 2009. Il Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide del prossimo triennio, anche con la finalità di massimizzare l’utilizzo delle risorse, è impostato con nuovi criteri che vedono le ricerche antartiche sviluppate in una prospettiva bi-polare, orientate in modo da razionalizzare le attività e la presenza di personale sul campo, dare impulso alle attività da svolgere in laboratorio e potenziare la collaborazione internazionale da sviluppare con diverse strategie e a sostenere la partecipazione alle attività di ricerca promosse e condotte da piattaforme e presso laboratori di altri paesi.Deadline 20-09-2009

11 settembre 2009 Bologna. Misure specifiche per le piccole e medie imprese nell’ambito del VII PQ di RST. Finalizzato ad aggiornare i partecipanti rispetto alle principali misure di finanziamento dedicate alle Piccole e Medie Imprese nell’ambito del VII Programma Quadro di Ricerca e Sviluppo Tecnologico. Verranno, in particolare, approfonditi i contenuti del nuovo bando “Ricerca a favore delle PMI – VII PQ” per quanto attiene contenuti e modalità di partecipazione.

10 settembre 2009 Bologna.Giornata informativa sul bando FIT a favore di progetti proposti da start-up in settori di alta e medio-alta tecnologia.