15 – 16 June 2011, Brussels, Belgium ICT Finance MarketPlace Venture Academy and Investment Forum for SMEs.
ICT Finance MarketPlace is an initiative to improve access to finance for innovative ICT Small and Medium Sized Enterprises(SMEs). The event is run in conjunction with the EU Digital Agenda Assembly. The Venture Academy consists of a one-day, coaching event where experienced coaches from relevant industry areas will help SMEs pragmatically to develop their pitching skills towards potential investors. The Investment Forum offers SMEs the opportunity to showcase their business in front of an international network of venture capital and corporate investors, strategic partners and expert advisors. Awards for the best investor presentations will be presented by Commissioner Kroes during the Digital Agenda Assembly.

7 – 9 September 2011, Brussels, Belgium Internet and Societies – New innovation paths. The main objective of this event will be to give an insight in possible and probable interactions between Internet and societal developments in the next decades, from which recommendations on innovative research areas and applications to explore can be derived. It aims to offer the participants a platform to access and exchange valuable information, to meet and interact with leading stakeholders from Europe and the rest of the world.

L’Agenzia EACEA ha comunicato che  l’invito a presentare proposte  EU-Atlantis – EACEA/36/10 (2011/C 142/03) è stato cancellato  a causa dei forti tagli al bilancio 2011 degli Stati Uniti.

More than half EU Internet surfers use foreign language when online. While 90% of Internet surfers in the EU prefer to access websites in their own language, 55% at least occasionally use a language other than their own when online according to a pan-EU Eurobarometer survey released today. However, 44% of European Internet users feel they are missing interesting information because web pages are not in a language that they understand and only 18% buy products online in a foreign language. The results underline the need for investment in online translation tools so that EU Internet users are not excluded from finding information or products online because they lack the language skills. Currently the European Commission manages 30 different research projects working at the interface of language and digital content, supported by €67 million of EU funding and the new projects submitted this year will get an additional €50 million. One of the objectives of the Digital Agenda for Europe is to ensure more accessibility to web content for everyone.

How to promote eHealth to help patients and healthcare systems in Europe. An EU eHealth Task Force to assess the role of information and communications technologies (ICT) in health and social care and to suggest ways for ICT to speed up innovation in healthcare to the benefit of patients, carers and the healthcare sector has met for the first time in Budapest on the margins of eHealth week. ICT applications already help to empower patients and address challenges faced by EU healthcare systems. However, there is considerable potential to develop eHealth much further in the future: allowing healthcare workers to dedicate more time to be with patients; enhancing self-help and independence of patients and elderly; and also to develop new modeling-based diagnostic techniques. Promoting eHealth is a key objective of the Digital Agenda for Europe.

Promotion of trans-national thematic tourism products in the European Union as means of sustainable tourism development (12/G/ENT/TOU/11/411B).
The overall objective of this call for proposals is to provide added value to the European tourism sector by improving the sustainability and competitiveness of European cultural and sustainable tourism. This call aims at supporting and promoting cross-border and trans-national tourism routes/itineraries/trails, either physical or virtual, with a view of being able to contribute, directly or indirectly, to a more sustainable tourism industry (e.g. spreading local cultures and traditions, promoting emerging destinations “off the beaten tracks”, reducing CO2 emissions caused by the tourism industry, etc.). Budget € 500.000,00 Deadline: 01-07-2011

European Destinations of Excellence (EDEN) – selection and awareness raising (13/G/ENT/CIP/11/B/N02S001). The overall objective of this call is to draw attention to the value, diversity and shared characteristics of European tourist destinations and to promote destinations where the economic growth objective is pursued in such a way as to ensure the social, cultural and environmental sustainability of tourism. The measure will also help European citizens to become better acquainted with one another. Deadline: 01-07-2011


Bonus ricerca a quota 90%. Per il credito d’imposta sul piatto i 100 milioni del vecchio premio.
Una sperimentazione biennale per avviare il credito d’imposta a favore delle imprese che spingono sull’acceleratore della ricerca e finanziano i progetti delle università o degli altri enti pubblici del settore. Con una dote iniziale certa di 100 milioni (recuperati con il bonus previsto dalla legge di stabilità) ed eventuali risorse aggiuntive ottenute con un taglio lineare delle spese rimodulabili (esclusi Ffo e 5 per mille). È questa la struttura definitiva del nuovo bonus ricerca delineato dal decreto sviluppo.


15 giugno 2011 Roma. Le scienze socio-economiche ed umanistiche: lancio del bando 2012 e prospettive per il futuro programma quadro.
La giornata, organizzata da APRE per conto del Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca, sarà l’occasione per presentare le novità del programma di lavoro 2011/2012 in vista dell’apertura del prossimo bando 2012. Inoltre, la giornata informativa verterà anche sul futuro delle scienze sociali. Gli esperti invitati avranno il compito di delineare quali potrebbero essere gli sviluppi delle Scienze Socio-economiche ed Umanistiche nell’ambito del “Common Strategic Framework for EU research and innovation”.

19 maggio 2011- Sasso Marconi.Tecnologie wireless nella lotta al divario digitale. L’edizione 2011 del convegno dedicato all’eredità marconiana ancora una volta si occuperà dei futuri assetti del settore Tlc riportando i luoghi di origine della radiocomunicazione al centro del dibattito offrendo l’occasione per fare il punto sullo stato dell’arte del Next Generation Access Network in termini di normative, tecnologie disponibili, infrastrutture e device. Resta inoltre una costante (sin dalla prima edizione nel 2005) l’attenzione alle reti di comunicazione senza-fili per i territori montani e il confronto tra l’Emilia Romagna ed esperienze d’avanguardia in altre regioni (con un esclusivo focus sugli aspetti di carattere più economico come il reperimento delle risorse e il ritorno dell’investimento).

7 giugno 2011 Bruxelles. “CBRNE Security Research. Roadmap for a Demonstration Programme”. Il Workshop è organizzato dalla DG Impresa con il supporto dei due studi di fattibilità inerenti al CBRNE: DECOTESSC1 e CBRNEmap. L’evento riunirà numerosi stakeholders nell’ambito della ricerca in materia di sicurezza, tra i quali rappresentanti delle istituzioni, del mondo accademico e dell’industria. Durante la giornata verranno presentati e discussi gli studi di fattibilità e saranno analizzate le priorità inerenti al Demonstration Programme, phase II nel settore CBRNE (call for proposal FP7 SEC prevista per Luglio 2011).

COST riceve altri 30 milioni di euro.
Il budget totale dello European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), l’ente preposto dalla Commissione allo sviluppo di network tra strutture di ricerca e ricercatori in tutta Europa, aumenterà per il 7PQ fino a 240 milioni di euro. Infatti COST ha ricevuto comunicazione dalla Direzione Generale Ricerca e Innovazione che ulteriori 30 milioni di euro verranno stanziati per aumentare il totale a disposizione dell’ente.

CNR: bandi di selezione per l’assegnazione di assegni a tempo determinato per collaborare ad attività di ricerca


Pmi sul web: ecco l’idea di Google e dei big IT Per le pmi che non si sono ancora avvicinate al Web, nasce una piattaforma semplice da una partnership tra i grandi del web: Google, Seat Pagine Gialle, e Poste Italiane. Il progetto “La mia impresa” sarà inizialmente gratuito.
“Le pmi italiane raccolgono il 70% del Pil e impiegano l’80% dei lavoratori”. Esordisce con questi dati Carlo D’Asaro Biondo – presidente Sud e Est Europa, Medio Europa, Medio Oriente e Africa di Google  – per introdurre un progetto che punta proprio alle pmi locali, “perché aiutare le pmi a svilupparsi su Internet significa aiutare l’economia italiana”.

POR FESR, modifiche allo statuto del Fondo capitale di rischio. Con la deliberazione n. 167 del 29 aprile 2011 la Giunta regionale ha modificato lo statuto del Fondo di Capitale di rischio (POR FESR, attività I.3 “Sviluppo dell’impresa innovativa, patrimonializzazione e crescita dimensionale delle Pmi”), che costituiva l’allegato A alla deliberazione n. 485/2010. In particolare, la deliberazione n. 167 stabilisce che il finanziamento complessivo a ogni singola impresa target non potrà superare l’ammontare di 2,5 milioni di euro (anziché 1,5 come stabilito in precedenza) e modifica di conseguenza i due avvisi pubblici emanati dalla Filas.

eGov, piano di azione UE 2011-2015 “Utilizzare l’Information communication technology (ICT) per promuovere una amministrazione intelligente, sostenibile e innovativa”. Questo il sottotitolo con il quale l’Unione Europea ha presentato il Piano d’azione per l’eGov per il periodo 2011-2015, piano quinquennale sul quale si baserà il nuovo assetto che le amministrazioni europee dovranno assumere nelle funzioni, nei servizi dedicati e destinati al rapporto con i cittadini.

In Italia è Mobile Revolution. Il Mobile Internet cresce del 27% e arriva a superare i 530 milioni di euro. Insieme con gli Application Store sta diventando il cantiere di sviluppo dei nuovi canali digitali. Dall’Osservatorio Mobile Internet, Content & Apps un messaggio positivo , anzi rivoluzionario di questi tempi: nel 2010 il mercato tenuto sotto controllo dalla School of Management del Politecnico di Milano è tornato a crescere.

Lavoro, al via progetto Pro.di.Gio. Le imprese laziali che offriranno consulenze ai professionisti under 35 iscritti a qualsiasi ordine professionale potranno contare sul sostegno della Regione Lazio: attraverso il progetto “Pro.di.Gio” la Giunta regionale mette infatti a disposizione 2,5 milioni di euro che serviranno a finanziare alle imprese il 50 per cento del costo delle prestazioni offerte ai cosiddetti “consulenti junior”.

Guadagnare con Facebook guardando la pubblicità. Dopo le aziende, anche gli utenti iniziano a chiedersi come guadagnare con Facebook. Da oggi il papà dei social network propone la visione di video pubblicitario dietro pagamento agli utenti, tramite credits. Se Facebook fa business grazie ai suoi iscritti che, in maniera più o meno consapevole, non fanno altro che dare indicazioni commerciali alle aziende, è forse arrivato il momento di dare a Cesare ciò che è di Cesare, cioè fare in modo che anche gli utenti possano guadagnare su Facebook.


9 – 11 July 2011 Budapest, Hungary. 24th Annual Conference on Learning Theory.
The field of learning theory looks at the process of how humans learn, and has two principle objectives. One is in providing a vocabulary and conceptual framework for interpreting the examples of learning that may be observed. The other is in suggesting where to look for solutions to practical problems.

17 June 2011 Brussels, Belgium. ‘FP7 environmental research brokerage – event focus on Russia’. The main aim of the conference is to help foster competitive research project proposals in the field of Environment (including climate change) for the upcoming calls of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) that will be published at the end of July 2011.

7- 8 July 2011 Newcastle, UK. United Kingdom Research Office Annual Conference. Each year, the UK Research Office (UKRO) organises an event designed to promote European funding programmes and implementation issues, and to hear presentations from representatives of the European Commission and other international organisations.

14 June 2011 Exeter UK ‘European funding for environmental projects’. The event will look at upcoming opportunities for European funding for environmental projects, focusing specifically on the ‘Environment’ Theme of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) and the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme’s eco-innovation initiative.

30 – 31 May 2011 in Bucharest, Romania. Final conference of the ‘Research infrastructures: foresight and impact’ project. The Rifi project has sought to develop an integrated framework for the identification of research infrastructure (RI) investment opportunities and methods for the socio-economic impact assessment of new RIs. During its operation, the Rifi consortium developed a preliminary version of a holistic methodology containing foresight elements intertwined with impact assessment. This was then tested and validated through six case studies on different RI projects of pan-European, regional and national interest.

AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting) platforms and services for scientific data/information resources – SMART 2011/0056.
The subject of the contract is to perform a feasibility and impact analysis for European legal/policy initiatives that aim at a unified and interoperable AAA infrastructure. The overall objective is to facilitate access to data and information resources and to achieve better integration of scientific data infrastructures. The study should provide a report of the state-of-the-art in Member States and worldwide on the usage of AAA systems in the realm of research and education. By means of a detailed SWOT analysis the study should identify technical, organisational, regulatory and legal obstacles to pan-European AAA platforms and services adapted to scientific information and propose solutions to them. It should also provide recommendations for policy, legislative or regulatory actions at European and Member State level. Budget: € 150 000 Deadline: 20 June 2011

Clouds for science and public authorities 2011/S 75-122111. The subject of the contract is to contribute to the drafting of a sound strategic European agenda for clouds for e-science and e-government in the EU. The study should, first, provide a cartography of the e-science and e-government clouds; second, identify technical, organisational and legal obstacles to pan-European e-science and e-government cloud computing services and propose solutions to them; third, determine the potential for using clouds deployed for e-science for providing e-government services and vice versa; fourth, specifically for e-science, determine estimates of the size of the cloud(s), the models for organising and operating them and the ways to leverage the purchasing power of public funders. Budget: € 150 000 Deadline: 06 June 2011

All 27 Member States in on geohazards project
.The impact of geohazards such as flooding and volcanoes on our everyday lives will soon be better understood, thanks to a new EU-funded project involving all 27 Member States, which has just got up and running.’PANGEO’ (Enabling access to geological information in support of Global Monitoring for Environment & Security (GMES)), which received funding to the tune of EUR 2.5 million under the ‘Space’ Thematic area of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), will work towards the pooling of European geological data to form an information portal for public policymakers.

EU project spotlights better health for longer living. Medical, technological and educational advances are providing Europeans with a new boost for life. Standards of living are better than ever and people are living longer. The European Food Information Council (EUFIC) says we can expect to live up to 78 years of age compared to the 72 years recorded in the 1980s. But Europeans are also living to just over 60 years without poor health or disabilities affecting their daily routines, according to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) report ‘Health at a Glance: Europe 2010’. The question is: can people live healthier for longer? A new EU-funded project is set to find out.