6 September 2011, Brussels, Belgium. 1st dialogue on “Platforms for collective awareness and action”. Can individuals save the planet from the multiple sustainability problems which we are facing? Can ICT create a higher level of consciousness about the state of the environment, and about the role that local individual actions can play in the global society, at the level of lifestyles or democratic participation? During this dialogue, the role of online platforms for collective awareness and action will be explored. Platforms based on the connecting power of online social networks and on the knowledge coming from collective co-production, combined with the Internet of Things. This one-day dialogue aims to contribute to identifying related multidisciplinary research priorities for the last Call of FP7 and for FP8. Registration is free of charge but mandatory.
7 September 2011, Luxembourg. Technology-enhanced Learning: ICT Call 8 Information Day. The event addresses researchers interested in submitting project proposals to the 8th ICT call under FP7, objective ICT-2011.8.1: Technology-enhanced Learning. The information day aims at helping participants to better understand the work programme and criteria for the evaluation of proposals, to facilitate sharing of ideas and experiences, and to meet potential partners for project consortia. Participation to the event is free of charge but prior registration is required.
10 October – 13 September 2011, Brussels. The Future Internet Public-Private Partnership at the OPEN DAYS 2011. Discover through the different workshops and events what the Future Internet PPP means in the context of smart city developments, fostering ICT infrastructure roll-out and support to regional innovation policies. – 11 October 2011: Future Internet, Smart Cities, Coming your Way – 12 October 2011: European Broadband Futures, Preparing for the Age of Communication – 13 October 2011: Regional Innovation through the Future Internet Public Private Partnership.
8 September 2011, Brussels, Belgium. Internet and societies: new innovation paths. Over 450 participants from Europe and the rest of the world are expected at this event that will be opened by Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda. During the conference, an international panel of 40 experts will present the draft conclusions of their analysis of the interactions between Internet and societies in the next decades, leading to the identification of new innovation paths in Internet research.
15 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium. ‘eHealth and Equity in the Global Health Communities’ workshop. The workshop will seek answers to questions such as: What types of disparities does this ease of access minimize or exacerbate? How are health systems and their governance influenced by these eHealth solutions, policies and practices? What evidence is there to strengthen activities and programmes that support local, regional, national and global health communities? We particularly seek experiences and lessons learnt in low-resource settings including contributors from developing countries.
‘Digital Agenda for Europe’ is coming to you! The second round of visits “Going Local” will be launched in autumn 2011. Going Local 2011 will not be a repetition of the first round. This time events will be more adapted to the specific priorities in the Member States. The Objectives are * Reporting on progress of the Digital Agenda; * Identifying challenges for the future and * Stimulate actions and commitments.
Commission takes first step to ensure life-saving emergency call system for road accidents in place by 2015. The first measure to ensure that by 2015 your car can dial emergency services for you when you have a serious accident has been adopted by the European Commission today. The Commission wants the life-saving eCall system to be fitted to all new models of cars and light vehicles from 2015. eCall automatically dials Europe’s single emergency number 112 in the event of a serious accident and communicates the vehicle’s location to the emergency services. A Commission Recommendation adopted on 8th September, urges Member States to ensure that mobile phone network operators upgrade their infrastructure so that eCalls are efficiently passed on to emergency services.
POR FESR, scorrimento graduatorie dell’Attività I.1 Con la determinazione n. B6474 del 9 agosto 2011, pubblicata sul Burl n. 33 del 7 settembre 2011 (parte terza), la Regione Lazio ha disposto lo scorrimento delle graduatorie relative all’Avviso pubblico per la presentazione di progetti esecutivi di Ricerca, Sviluppo e Innovazione delle Pmi, inerenti le Frontiere Tecnologiche (Attività I.1 “Potenziamento e messa in rete delle attività di ricerca e trasferimento tecnologico”).
28 February to 4 March 2012 in Tokyo, Japan. ‘Mathematics for innovation – large and complex systems’. In many industries, mathematics is used to conduct virtual experiments. For example, the field is a help in simulating multiple scenarios for a given phenomenon and its control and optimisation. Mathematics is also used in helping explain social, environmental, and economic phenomena. This connection is especially strong in areas where innovation is seen as contributing to the well-being of society, such as health, security, communications and environment.
4 October 2011 in Madrid, Spain.’Workshop on network resilience: from research to practice’. In computing, networking resilience can be defined as the ability to provide and maintain an acceptable level of services while meeting challenges to normal operations. Services may have a variety of meanings, ranging from supporting distributed processing and networked storage to maintaining communications links or access to applications and data.
18 to 21 April 2012 in Porto, Portugal. Second International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science. Emerging enterprise technologies are changing the way that some look at information and communication technologies (ICT). For example, some organisations look to externalise information technology systems and services by moving internally-hosted services to external providers. Other entities view the ‘external’ ICT as a potential disaster recovery system or as an on-demand capacity to boost business continuity and customer service levels. These trends can further extend to anything which is a service, and is often referred to collectively as cloud computing.
7 to 8 December 2011 in Waterford City, Ireland. Second International Conference on Networks, Learning and Entrepreneurship. The event will be a forum for bringing together academia and industry in order to discuss the challenges faced by micro-enterprises and small to medium-sized enterprises in enhancing the competitiveness, creativity, and innovative capacities and capabilities of their organisations to achieve growth and regional economic development.
21 September 2011 in Brussels, Belgium. ‘Global perspectives on Europe in a multi-polar world’. Europe faces a number of challenges in ensuring that European interests are defined, articulated, and promoted in ways that influence the ongoing processes of global change. These questions are crucial to the EU’s role as a global actor and its place within the changing global order.
19 to 21 September 2011 in Warsaw, Poland. ‘Security research conference’. Organised under the auspices of the Polish Council Presidency of the EU, the conference will be a forum for bringing together policymakers, researchers, industry representatives and end users from all over Europe.The conference will aim to facilitate cooperation between research organisations and companies from the European Union, associated and third countries, and initiate common competitive proposals for the upcoming FP7 call for proposals in the field of security technologies.
New mobile format puts CORDIS News in the palm of your hand. A new layout for mobile computing is being launched by CORDIS, the Community Research and Development Information Service. Whether in the middle of a commute, attending a conference abroad or enjoying a coffee outdoors, CORDIS users will be able to stay up on the latest news and information on EU-funded science and technology. The mobile format is suitable for hand-held internet devices and can be accessed either automatically or manually. For the former, the CORDIS News homepage should automatically reconfigure when accessed from a smaller screen. It is also possible to manually switch to the mobile version through a link in the page footer.
Bando per la raccolta di progetti congiunti di ricerca scientifica e tecnologica nell’ambito del programma di collaborazione scientifica e tecnologica tra Italia e Turchia per il periodo 2012 – 2014. Submission of joint research projects by researchers of both Countries is requested, with the aim of encouraging scientific and technological cooperation between Italy and Turkey. Financing will be granted exclusively for the exchange of researchers holding Italian nationality (or of another EU Country and resident in Italy) or working as a permanent staff in a Turkish university.
Bando per la raccolta di progetti congiunti di ricerca scientifica e tecnologica nell’ambito del Protocollo di Cooperazione Scientifica e Tecnologica tra Italia e Romania per il periodo 2012 – 2013. Il Ministero degli Affari Esteri ha pubblicato un avviso per la selezione di progetti di ricerca congiunti nell’ambito del nuovo Protocollo Esecutivo di Cooperazione Scientifica e Tecnologica tra Italia e Turchia per gli anni 2012 – 2014.
Al via Diritto al futuro, bonus e agevolazioni per giovani precari. Ministero della Gioventù, INPS e ABI e hanno presentato il nuovo pacchetto di misure “Diritto al Futuro”, iniziative sui fondi di garanzia per l’accesso al credito per gli studenti universitari, per l’accesso al mutuo per l’acquisto della prima casa da parte delle giovani coppie di precari e per il bonus dedicato a stabilizzare i giovani genitori precari. Beneficiari di questi interventi strutturali voluti dal Ministero della Gioventù sono giovani coppie precarie sposate, single con figli e studenti universitari.
14 settembre 2011 Roma.Viaggio al centro dell’innovazione. Sali sul FrecciaRossa delle start-up – Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane e Augmendy annunciano per mercoledì 14 settembre il Viaggio al centro dell’innovazione: 11 carrozze, 30 esperti, per parlare di Rete a 300 km all’ora. Da Roma a Milano un Frecciarossa si trasformerà in un vero e proprio laboratorio viaggiante. Un’esperienza unica, professionale e personale, per startupper, investitori, media e aziende interessate all’evoluzione del mondo delle startup, della Rete e a tutto ciò che ruota intorno al digital.
Programmi Esecutivi Cooperazione Scientifica e Tecnologica. Programma Esecutivo di Cooperazione scientifica e tecnologica tra Italia e Romania (2012- 2013). Bando per la raccolta di progetti congiunti di ricerca Italia- Romania. Scadenza 15 ottobre 2011
Finanziamenti alle imprese. Da IBM, 1 miliardo di dollari per finanziare le PMI. Il fondo, che sarà disponibile nei prossimi 18 mesi, intende facilitare l’accesso al credito alle piccole e medie imprese, con approvazioni pressoché immediate degli stanziamenti (anche a tasso zero), tramite la divisione Global Financing. La notizia non è certo di poco conto: nei prossimi 18 mesi, IBM stanzierà un finanziamento da 1 miliardo di dollari per aiutare le piccole e medie imprese a sfruttare soluzioni avanzate nelle aree della business analytics e del cloud computing. Questa iniziativa intende stimolare l’innovazione, rendendo più accessibile il credito alle piccole e medie imprese, con approvazioni rapide in meno di 60 secondi, tramite la IBM Global Financing.
Datasiel SpA (GE) Formazione del database topografico alla scala nominale 1:25.000 (25k) e realizzazione della corrispondente cartografia alla scala 1:25.000 e 1:50.000. Importo complessivo € 437.811 + iva. Scadenza 24 ottobre 2011.
GAL Oglio Po Terre d’Acqua. Incarico per la realizzazione del sistema di gestione WebGIS della rete integrata di itinerari e percorsi ciclabili, di servizi e attività complementari finalizzati alla valorizzazione e promozione del territorio. Importo complessivo € 70.000 + iva. Scadenza 31 ottobre 2011
Informatica Trentina. Accordo quadro. Individuazione dell’aggiudicatario per la fornitura di prodotti e servizi necessari per l’erogazione di servizi applicativi rivolti agli enti trentini in modalità on-site e centralizzata ASP. Sono compresi applicativi e software GIS (vedi ufficio tecnico). Importo complessivo € 7.600,000 + iva. Scadenza 29 settembre 2011.