Calls for proposals under the 2012 work programme ‘People’ of the Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities (2011/C 307/07). ‘People’ specific programme:
- Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes FP7-PEOPLE-2012-COFUND Budget: € 110 000 000 Deadline: 15 February 2012
- Industry-academia partnerships and pathways FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IAPP Budget: € 80 000 000 Deadline: 19 April 2012
Call for proposals under the 2012 work programme ‘People’ of the Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities (2011/C 308/09). Career Integration Grants FP7-PEOPLE-2012-CIG Budget 40 milioni Deadlines 06-03-2012 – 18-09-2012
Call for proposals for modal shift, catalyst, motorways of the sea, traffic avoidance and common learning actions under the second Marco Polo programme (Regulation (EC) No 1692/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council — OJ L 328, 24.11.2006, p. 1) (2011/C 309/09).
Digital Agenda: Commission proposes over €9 billion for broadband investment. The European Commission has proposed to spend almost €9.2 billion from 2014 to 2020 on pan-European projects to give EU citizens and businesses access to high-speed broadband networks and the services that run on them. The funding, part of the proposed Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), would take the form of both equity and debt instruments and grants. It would complement private investment and public money at local, regional and national level and EU structural or cohesion funds. At least €7 billion would be available for investment in high-speed broadband infrastructure.
The FUTURAGE Road Map for European Ageing Research now available. The Road Map summarises the research priorities for ageing research in Europe. It is the collective product of the most extensive consultation ever undertaken on this topic, which spanned two years and involved the major stakeholder groups in ageing research and policy among Member States and Associate Countries. These included scientists (from a wide range of disciplines), policy makers, practitioners, product developers and producers, carers and older people and their organisations. The Seven Major Priorities for European Ageing Research identified in the roadmap are: Healthy Ageing for More Life in Years; Maintaining and Regaining Mental Capacity; Inclusion and Participation in the Community and in the Labour Market; Guaranteeing the Quality and Sustainability of Social Protection Systems; Ageing Well at Home and in Community Environments; Unequal Ageing and Age-Related Inequalities; Biogerontology.
Launch of the WAI-ACT Project to Support eAccessibility. The WAI-ACT project will develop a framework for open, expanded cooperation among European and international stakeholders, technical guidance on advanced web technologies; an evaluation methodology for web accessibility; and a research agenda for eAccessibility. Technical guidance will include a repository of information on accessibility support in web technologies, application notes on authoring accessible web page components, and code samples for web applications. WAI-ACT will result in: expanded cooperation on the development of accessibility solutions; authoritative accessibility guidance on advanced web technologies; harmonised methodologies for evaluating accessibility of websites; common visions for a coordinated eAccessibility research agenda.
3 – 4 November 2011, Budapest Final BRAID (Bridging Research in Ageing and ICT Development) Workshop. The efficient engagement of relevant stakeholder groups is a key ingredient in the BRAID project for successfully addressing pertinent issues relevant to ICT and ageing. The final BRAID workshop will be reaching out to representatives from the Central and Eastern Europe region, in order to share the BRAID vision with key stakeholders and local authorities, as well as to get an insight on the current situation and future prospects in the area of ICT and ageing for countries that have most recently joined the European Union.
5 – 6 December 2011, Brussels, Belgium Innovation Convention 2011. The European Commission is holding its first Innovation Convention following the adoption of the Innovation Union Flagship initiative in October 2010. This major event will gather more than 1200 participants involved in the innovation chain, including high-level policy makers, leading CEOs, deans of universities and research centres, bankers, venture capitalists, top researchers and innovators. The programme of the Innovation Convention will include master classes and round tables on innovation, an interactive panel debate with global innovation players and the award of the Women Innovators Prize. The exhibition of the Innovation Convention will showcase exciting research and innovation results being developed in Europe. Registration is now open.
10 – 12 March 2012, Berlin, Germany Information Systems 2012. IADIS, the International Association for Development of the Information Society, is preparing its “Information Systems”-conference for 2012. It covers both the technical as well as the non-technical aspects of the Information Society. Broad areas of interest are eSociety and Digital Divide, eBusiness / eCommerce, eLearning, New Media and E-Society, Digital Services in eESociety, eGovernment /eGovernance, eHealth, Information Systems, and Information Management. A call for papers is open until 28 October 2011.
BANDO – PREINFORMAZIONE: Prossimo al via il Bando INAIL 2011 a scadenza locale. Prossimo all`uscita, ormai, il nuovo bando INAIL per sostenere gli investimenti in sicurezza delle imprese. Numerose le modifiche per tentare di rimediare ad alcune delle difficoltà emerse nell`edizione 2010, introdotte nelle nuove Linee Guida per la concessione degli incentivi economici, emanate con delibera del consiglio di indirizzo e vigilanza dell`Istituto nazionale per l’assicurazione contro gli infortuni sul lavoro. I fondi disponibili, pari a circa 150 milioni di euro, saranno concessi “a sportello”, come avvenuto per il Bando 2010.
BANDO – PREINFORMAZIONE: Gara per la facilitazione della Piattaforma comunitaria del Partenariato Europeo per l’Innovazione (EIP) sull’Invecchiamento Attivo e Sano. La Commissione Europea (DG SANCO e la DG INFSO congiuntamente) lancerà all’inizio del 2012 una piattaforma online per la mobilitazione delle parti interessate al lancio del Piano Strategico di Attuazione (SIP) del Partenariato Europeo per l’Innovazione (EIP) sull’Invecchiamento Attivo e Sano. La piattaforma sarà accessibile dalla home page di EIP. Esso comprenderà un’area “mercato e partnership” sulla base di strumenti di collaborazione (wiki) che consentirà alle parti interessate lo scambio di idee concrete, soluzioni innovative, proposte di idee, per eseguire ricerche di partner, per sensibilizzare sulle opportunità di finanziamento, per costruire coalizioni. Un bando di gara verrà inviato subito ad un minimo di 5 candidati individuati dalla Commissione europea per un contratto di servizio di un valore massimo di € 60.000 per la facilitazione della piattaforma.
Bando di assunzione PE/148/S. Il Parlamento europeo organizza la procedura di selezione: PE/148/S – Capo Unità (AD 9) – Unità affari esteri e finanziari. Detta procedura di selezione richiede un livello di formazione corrispondente a un ciclo completo di studi universitari sanciti da un diploma ufficialmente riconosciuto in uno degli Stati membri dell’Unione europea. I candidati debbono aver acquisito alla data di scadenza per la presentazione delle candidature e posteriormente ai titoli sopra menzionati, un’esperienza minimia di 10 anni attinente alle mansioni da svolgere, di cui 3 in funzioni d’inquadramento.
7 novembre 2011 Bruxelles TEN-T for smart and sustainable regional development. Le infrastrutture di trasporto sono il presupposto per una forte posizione economica delle regioni e per la loro competitività. D’altra parte, è stato più volte sottolineato in varie sedi che gli obiettivi della TEN-T non sono stati raggiunti ancora. Nella quinta relazione sulla coesione si possono trovare riferimenti alla politica dei trasporti dell’Unione europea. Dopo aver condotto l’analisi si è scoperto che Europa centrale e orientale è ancora in ritardo rispetto ai paesi dell’Europa occidentale in termini di sviluppo delle infrastrutture.
27 ottobre 2011 Milano Il licensing: un’opportunità di crescita per le PMI, Cestec, nell’ambito del progetto SIMPLER, organizza il convegno “Il Licensing: un’opportunità di crescita per le PMI”. Il licensing rappresenta un’opportunità di crescita per le imprese e in particolare per le piccole e medie imprese che vogliono valorizzare economicamente i propri brevetti. Analogamente il licensing può essere uno strumento per valorizzare i risultati della ricerca pubblica e generare utili da reinvestire in formazione e ricerca. In Italia però il licensing è ancora uno strumento poco conosciuto soprattutto tra le PMI. Il convegno si propone di avvicinare le piccole medie imprese e i centri di ricerca al licensing, fornendo le basi per un efficace approccio alla valorizzazione dei brevetti.
27 to 28 October 2011 in Brussels, Belgium.Final conference of the IKNOW project. Funded by the Seventh Framework Programme, the project has sought at interconnecting knowledge on issues and developments potentially shaking or shaping the future of science, technology and innovation in Europe and the world. In so doing, IKNOW focuses on ‘wild cards’, and the ‘weak signals’ which help to track them.
6 to 8 November 2011 in Hamburg, Germany.’Sustainable consumption-towards action and impact’. A phenomenon of modern society is the increase of private consumption. Private consumption is a social practice and economic driving force, yet at the same time, its consequences are in conflict with important social and environmental sustainability goals. Finding a path towards sustainable consumption has become an emerging issue. The focus of the conference will be on consumer behaviour, its social and cultural roots, and its interdependencies with institutional, economic, physical and political frameworks.
Regione Abruzzo. Struttura Speciale di supporto al Sistema Informativo Regionale. Servizio di aggiornamento e manutenzione del software ArcInfo relativamente alle licenze installate presso il servizio infrastrutture statistiche e geografiche per l’anno 2011. Scadenza 25 ottobre 2011.
Comune di Gela (CL). Progetto per l’infrastruttura informatica e l’implementazione del nodo SITR (Sistema Informativo Territoriale Regionale). Importo complessivo 64.200 + iva. Scadenza 27 ottobre 2011.
OECD Scoreboard on science, technology and industry 2011. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published on 20 September 2011 its annual report entitled “Scoreboard on science, technology and industry 2011” that on 204 pages reviews the trends on STI with the purpose to map the progress in the field of innovations and the position of the countries in the global knowledge economy. To one of the alarming findings belongs the fact that the quality of patent filings has decreased significantly and this slows the whole patenting process and transfer to market.,3746,en_21571361_44315115_48714477_1_1_1_1,00.html?rssChId=37437
Industrial competitiveness of EU member states. The European Commission published its communication on “Industrial policy: Reinforcing competitiveness”, which looks specifically at the industrial competitiveness performance of the member states. There are considerable differences among member states, for example in the average labour productivity or in business-friendliness of regulation. The results say that the EU has fewer young innovative companies than the US or Japan but in industrial efficiency the EU is leading the way in many instances. The EU industry is also improving raw material efficiency.