Programma di Collaborazione Scientifica e Tecnologica tra ITALIA e CINA (2010 – 2012) Bando per la raccolta di progetti di mobilità e per la segnalazione preliminare di iniziative di grande rilevanza.http://www.miur.it/UserFiles/3137.pdf
Ministero Sviluppo Economico
In agosto è boom per il Fondo di Garanzia. Il volume di finanziamenti attivati con la garanzia del Fondo è pari a 2,2 miliardi (+ 67% rispetto al 2008) per un importo garantito di 1,2 miliardi (+81% rispetto al 2008). L’incremento sta proseguendo anche in settembre: nella sola seduta di giovedì 2 settembre sono state accolte 600 domande e altre 600 si prevede saranno accolte giovedì prossimo 10 settembre.
“Il Fondo di Garanzia – ha dichiarato il Ministro Claudio Scajola – si conferma uno strumento importante per assicurare il credito al sistema delle piccole e medie imprese. Abbiamo esteso l’operatività del Fondo anche all’artigianato e abbiamo accelerato al massimo le procedure per ottenere le garanzie, procedure che impiegano mediamente dieci giorni per essere completate. Le risorse per le garanzie, pari a 1,6 miliardi da qui al 2012, sono ampiamente sufficienti ad assicurare la copertura a tutte le imprese che ne facciano richiesta ed abbiano i requisiti per ottenerle”.
Protezione Civile
Mattinale del 10 settembre 2009 – I mezzi antincendio al lavoro su 28 roghi. Anche nella giornata di ieri, 9 settembre, numerosi incendi boschivi divampati soprattutto al Centro-sud hanno richiesto l’intervento della flotta aerea dello Stato, impegnata fin dalle prime luci dell’alba su 28 roghi. I mezzi antincendio hanno supportato le operazioni delle squadre a terra, rese difficoltose per il forte vento. http://www.protezionecivile.it/cms/view.php?cms_pk=16512&dir_pk=187
08/10/2009 Palermo. Italian launch of the 2010 Work Programme of the Environment theme. Organizzato da: APRE per conto del Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca http://www.apre.it/Eventi/giornata.asp?id=901
Sviluppo Lazio
Progetto interregionale India.Sviluppo Lazio partecipa alla missione imprenditoriale congiunta Governo-Regioni (Toscana, Marche, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trentino Alto Adige, Liguria e Lazio). Il progetto interregionale ha un taglio multisettoriale tecnico-operativo e mira a promuovere lo sviluppo dei rapporti di cooperazione economica e commerciale tra imprese italiane e aziende indiane. Per aderire c’è tempo fino al 15 settembre. http://www.sviluppo.lazio.it/news.asp?id=3288
Ricerca e innovazione
Alla fine l’ha spuntata Rita Levi Montalcini. Anche se domani non dovesse aver buon esito l’udienza contro l’ingiunzione di sfratto per la sede del suo istituto di ricerca sul cervello, l’EBRI, infatti, non chiuderà. E la garanzia è arrivata direttamente dal ministro dell’Istruzione, Mariastella Gelmini, che ha assicurato l’impegno del ministero a trovare una soluzione per il centro di eccellenza diretto dal premio Nobel che rischia di rimanere senza ‘casa’. Per raccomandare una soluzione, ieri il presidente della Repubblica, Giorgio Napolitano, aveva telefonato al ministro Gelmini. http://www.ricercaeinnovazione.regione.lazio.it/innovazione_ricerca/ansa/dettAnsa.php?id=1446
New top researchers selected in the second StG ERC call. On September 8, 2009, the European Research Council (ERC) published on its webpage the results of the second call of the ERC StG. The ERC expects to fund some 240 top researchers in its second prestigious ERC Starting Grant competition with an estimated total budget of € 325 million. In total, 2503 proposals were submitted to the second Starting Grant call. Set against the more than 9000 proposals received in the first call, this has led to a substantial improvement in success rates, 10% as opposed to 3% in the first call. http://erc.europa.eu/pdf/Press_release_StG-2_results.pdf
Belgian Science Policy
Antarctica InBev-Baillet Latour Fellowship Award : Call for Proposals – REMINDER. In bringing together the aims of the InBev-Baillet Latour Fund and the International Polar Foundation to promote science and scientific excellence, and in recognition of the important role of the scientific activity carried out in the Antarctic, this Award will seek to encourage scientific research activity linked to the new Antarctic research station, the Princess Elisabeth Station. The InBev-Baillet Latour Antarctica Prize (IBLAP) of € 150 000 (one hundred and fifty thousand euros) is to be disbursed for use over a two year period. The Prize will be awarded following the scheme: scientific preparation and work in Belgium during the first year, followed by an Antarctic research campaign. http://www.belspo.be/belspo/BePoles/agenda/be2009_en.stm
LA TECNOLOGIA eCALL PER SALVARE VITE UMANE SULLE STRADE.Nel corso di una cerimonia Viviane Reding, commissario dell’informazione e mezzi di comunicazione e Martin Whitehead, il direttore dell’Associazione GSM Europa, ha firmato il protocollo di intesa eCall a nome del settore delle comunicazioni mobili. Pieno sostegno quindi del settore della telefonia mobile europea alla diffusione del sistema eCall, il dispositivo automatico europeo di chiamata di emergenza installato a bordo degli autoveicoli. In caso di incidente grave il dispositivo eCall compone automaticamente il 112, il numero unico d’emergenza europeo e trasmette la posizione del veicolo al servizio d’emergenza più vicino, anche se i passeggeri non sanno dove si trovano o non sono in grado di dirlo.La diffusione di eCall presuppone una stretta collaborazione tra le autorità pubbliche, l’industria automobilistica e gli operatori di telefonia mobile: la sua diffusione generalizzata permetterà di salvare fino a 2 500 vite umane l’anno nell’UE e di ridurre del 10-15% la gravità degli incidenti non mortali.
“It is time for Europe to turn over a new e-leaf on digital books and copyright”. Joint Statement of EU Commissioners Reding and McCreevy on the occasion of this week’s Google Books meetings in Brussels. Viviane Reding, Commissioner for Information Society and Media, and Charlie McCreevy, Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services, today made a joint statement setting out the important cultural and economic stakes of book digitisation in Europe. To face the daunting task of digitising Europe’s books, of which there are tens of millions in Europe’s national libraries alone, the two Commissioners stressed the need for fully respecting copyright rules to ensure fair remuneration for authors, but also welcomed public-private partnerships as a means to boost digitisation of books. http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=MEMO/09/376&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en
EU launches major series of calls for transport research proposals.The European Union is making available new funding for key transport research initiatives. Calls for proposals have been launched under the ‘Green Cars’, ‘Ocean of tomorrow’ and ‘ERA-NET’ initiatives, while new international co-operative research with China and Russia will also be funded. ‘Information Days’ events are set to support calls. http://ec.europa.eu/research/transport/news/article_9272_en.html
INVITO A PRESENTARE CANDIDATURE IN VISTA DELLA NOMINA DEL MEDIATORE EUROPEO (2009/C 216/06) Deadline 9 ottobre 2009 http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:C:2009:216:0007:0008:IT:PDF
CALL FOR PROPOSALS ‘Support for information measures relating to the common agricultural policy’.Implementation of information measures under budget heading 05 08 06 for 2010 (2009/C 215/04)Budget EUR 3 250 000 Deadline 31 October 2009 http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:C:2009:215:0003:0016:EN:PDF
Call for proposals and expressions of interest — ESPON 2013 Programme In the framework of the ESPON 2013 Programme, five calls will be launched on 16 September 2009 (2009/C 216/07) http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:C:2009:216:0009:0009:EN:PDF
Call for Tender EACEA/2009/04 “Analysis and exploitation of the results of two Grundtvig measures:
Lot 1: European cooperation projects, networks and accompanying measures
Lot 2: In-service training activities”
Deadline: 22/10/2009 http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/about/call_tenders/2009/call_tenders_04_2009_en.php
22 – 23 September 2009, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.Roadmap for Research on Ambient Assisted Living – Evaluation Workshop.This workshop is organised by the AALIANCE project – “The European Ambient Assisted Living Innovation Alliance”. This project aims to coordinate the European Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) community and to develop a common strategic vision for R&D approaches in the AAL context. An important steps towards this aim is the release of the AAL Roadmap, providing an in-depth look into the future of application areas, concepts and technologies until 2025. During 2 parallel sessions, the content of the roadmap will be discussed. http://www.aaliance.eu/public/events/aaliance-aal-roadmap-evaluation-workshop
13 October 2009, Stockholm, Sweden.Public procurement of innovation – a driver for future health in Europe.The conference will be a platform to discuss and illustrate Public Procurement of Innovations, PPI, within the Life Science sector. The aim of the Conference is to mobilise Europe for a public procurement of innovation policy in the life science area in order to increase the competitiveness in EU and thereby also increase the industrial development. http://www.vinnova.se/In-English/eupresidency/Official-conferences/Innovativ-upphandling-i-halsosektorn/
19 – 21 May 2010, Durban, South Africa.IST-Africa 2010 Conference – Call for Papers: Deadline 06 November.IST-Africa 2010 is the fifth in an Annual Conference Series which brings together senior representatives from leading commercial, government & research organisations across Africa and from Europe, to bridge the Digital Divide by sharing knowledge, experience, lessons learnt and good practice and discussing policy related issues. http://www.ist-africa.org/Conference2010/default.asp
9 October 2009, Luxembourg.Digital Libraries and Digital Preservation: ICT Call 6 Information Day.The next call for proposals of digital libraries and digital preservation research projects is ICT Call 6, expected to be published by the end of November 2009. The European Commission is organising an information day specifically dedicated to these research fields. The event aims at helping participants to better understand the work programme and criteria for the evaluation of proposals, to facilitate sharing of ideas and experiences, and to meet potential partners for project consortia. Participation is free of charge http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/telearn-digicult/call6-infoday_en.html
Call for proposals under the 2010 work programme ‘People’ of the 7th EC Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities Identifier: FP7-PEOPLE-2010-ITN (2009/C 213/07) Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN) In support of training and career development for researchers, the action addresses joint research training networks in the form of either multi- or mono-partner ITNs. Multi-partner ITNs require at least three participants from three different Member States or Associated Countries. Mono-partner ITNs, on the other hand, are composed of just one single participant in a Member State or Associated Country and a network of associated partners. Budget: € 243 790 000 Deadline: 22 December 2009 http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/dc/index.cfm?fuseaction=UserSite.FP7DetailsCallPage&call_id=247
5 – 9 October 2009 Geneva, Switzerland. Conference on information and communication technologies, Under the theme ‘Open networks, connected minds’, the event will explore the trends and technologies that are driving the information and communication (ICT) sector. It will also showcase companies from across the ICT industry and feature pavilions from around the world. Thematic pavilions will spotlight different aspects of the ICT industry.The conference will bring together high-level participants, including heads of state, heads of United Nations agencies, ministers, CEOs and other key industry figures, to share views on the role and positioning of the ICT sector for global recovery. http://www.itu.int/WORLD2009/
25 – 28 November 2009 Sousse, Tunisia.Management International Conference.The aim of the conference is to present and discuss research that contributes to the sharing of new theoretical, methodological and empirical knowledge, and to a better understanding of management practices, particularly in the fields of creativity, innovation and management.MIC 2009 is a conference for those involved in management studies. This year’s event will concentrate in particular on creativity and innovation that are becoming important attributes for a successful society. There is a need for skills and competences that enable people to embrace change as an opportunity and to be open to new ideas in a culturally diverse, knowledge-based society. http://www.mic.fm-kp.si/2009/
1-2 Ottobre 2009 Palermo.Seminar on co-creativity for territorial innovation.Co-creativity is a key feature of ‘living labs’, an emerging approach in research and development (R&D) based on user-driven innovation. A living lab takes research out of the laboratory and puts it into the real world, blending technological, organisational and social innovation. This takes place through co-creative processes that involve a broad range of stakeholders including researchers, local authorities, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), associations and individual citizens. http://www.enterprise-europe-network.ec.europa.eu/public/calendar/viewdetails.cfm?EventID=2104&type=future
13 -14 ottobre 2009 Bruxelles Summit europeo sull’innovazione – Organizzato dal Knowledge4Innovation (K4I)/Lisbon Forum presso la sede del Parlamento europeo, l’evento sarà un’opportunità unica per le organizzazioni per dimostrare e spiegare come contribuiscono a rendere l’Europa un leader globale nel campo dell’innovazione.L’EIS riunirà i responsabili delle politiche provenienti da istituzioni dell’UE e stati membri, rappresentanti delle organizzazioni regionali e parti interessate del settore accademico e privato con diversi background e competenze. L’obiettivo principale dell’evento è la sensibilizzazione sull’importanza di generare e gestire l’innovazione per sostenere il futuro dell’Europa. http://www.knowledge4innovation.eu/k4i/europeaninnovationsummit.aspx
21-23 October 2009 Istanbul, Turkey. eChallenges e-2009 conference.This nineteenth edition of the event will aim to stimulate the rapid take-up of research and technology development (RTD) results by industry and in particular small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The event will also address opening up the European Research Area (ERA) to other parts of the world. http://www.echallenges.org/e2009/
Upper Austria Regional Research and Innovation Service now online on CORDIS.The region of Upper Austria is now presenting its research and innovation potential on a new regional service hosted by the Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS). The Upper Austria site provides a wealth of information, including key data, details on the region’s economy, infrastructure and even culture, as well as insights into the Upper Austrian Technology Plan and contact information for the most important research and innovation stakeholders. http://cordis.europa.eu/upper-austria/
Polarstern installs Arctic Ocean observatory.EU-funded researchers have succeeded in installing a new deep-sea observatory to monitor a mud volcano in the Arctic region. The observation ward was established during the research vessel Polarstern’s 24th Arctic expedition from mid-July to early August. The study is part of the ESONET (‘European seas observatory network’) project, funded under the EU’s Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) with EUR 7 million. http://cordis.europa.eu/search/index.cfm?fuseaction=news.document&N_RCN=31213
EUMINAfab is open for business and science.The EUMINAfab (‘European infrastructure for micro- and nanofabrication and characterisation’) infrastructure facility has opened its virtual doors, and now offers researchers from science and industry open access to machines and know-how in micro- and nano-technologies.Coordinated by the Germany-based Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) through its ‘NANOMICRO: Science, Technology, Systems’ programme, EUMINAfab combines scientific expertise with technological capabilities and provides top European research institutions and companies with solutions. http://cordis.europa.eu/search/index.cfm?fuseaction=news.document&N_RCN=31205
Maps Google sul cellulare.La nuova versione Mobile di Maps Google permette oltre alle tradizionali funzioni di questo famoso servizio mappe, di avere informazioni in tempo reale sul traffico non solo delle autostrade ma anche nelle principali arterie delle città, differenziandole con colori rosso – giallo – verde in funzione della situazione più o meno difficile.
Regione Toscana – lidar. Realizzazione di rilievi Lidar e di rilievi aerofotogrammetrici. Importo complessivo € 570.000. Scadenza 8 ottobre 2009.
Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano. Realizzazione e fornitura della nuova infrastruttura del sistema informativo geografico provinciale denominata Newgis e della applicazione client Genesis. Importo complessivo € 149.000. Scadenza 16 settembre 2009.
23 settembre 2009 Roma.Giornata informativa per la presentazione del terzo bando “Attività per la cooperazione internazionale” SP Capacità, 7 Programma Quadro dell’UE. http://www.apre.it/Eventi/giornata.asp?id=908
18 settembre 2009 Torino. Workshop “Il 4° bando “SALUTE” del 7PQ: opportunità di finanziamento per PMI, Università e Centri di Ricerca. http://www.apre.it/Eventi/giornata.asp?id=907
5 ottobre 2009 Roma.Giornata di lancio Nazionale del bando “Spazio” 2010.Il tema “Spazio” con un budget totale di 1.430 milioni di euro, ha come obiettivo principale quello di supportare la Politica Spaziale Europea seguendo due linee principali di attività: lo sviluppo dell’iniziativa GMES (Global Monitoring for Environment and Security) a beneficio dei cittadini e delle istituzioni, il supporto in R&S a tematiche quali le scienze spaziali, l’esplorazione, il trasporto spaziale e le tecnologie spaziali in sinergia con iniziative sviluppate in ambito ESA, nazionale o regionale. http://www.apre.it/Eventi/giornata.asp?id=906
Disponibili i lucidi della “Giornata informativa sul bando FIT a favore di progetti proposti da start-up”. L’evento, organizzato dall’incubatore di ASTER WE TECH OFF in collaborazione con il servizio F1RST, si è svolto a Bologna il 10 settembre 2009. http://first.aster.it/doc09/eventi/Corrente_L46_bando_startup.pdf