Last week ’s News,  Events and Funding opportunities on Environment and Security


The Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI) launches a call for tender on the European IPR helpdesk.
This open tender aims at selecting a contractor to carry out the IPR Helpdesk, a project to assist potential and current beneficiaries taking part in European Union funded projects with IPR and exploitation issues. In parallel, it aims at raising awareness of IPR issues and of EU rules for dissemination and exploitation of the project’s results, in particular in transnational research and innovation projects. Deadline: 30 September 2010

Selection of a temporary agent for Unit ENTR/F6 (EU Satellite navigation programmes – Legal, Financial and Institutional Aspects).
DG ENTR is organising a selection procedure to fill one administrator post in Directorate F (Consumer Goods and European GNSS Programmes), Unit F6 (EU Satellite navigation programmes – Legal, Financial and Institutional Aspects).

9 – 10 December 2010, Helsinki, Finland. 2010 Euro-Africa e-Infrastructures Conference.
This event will address the whole e-Infrastructures programme, from research networking to global virtual research collaboration. The Conference will be held in the framework of the “2010 Euro-Africa Week on ICT Research & e-Infrastructures”, a series of events held under the aegis of the European Commission and the African Union Commission (AUC) with the support of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Employment and the Economy of Finland.

7 – 8 December 2010, Helsinki, Finland. 3rd Euro-Africa Cooperation Forum on ICT Research. This is a side event to the 3rd Africa-EU Summit and will be held in the framework of the “2010 Euro-Africa Week on ICT Research & e-Infrastructures“, a series of events held under the aegis of the European Commission and the African Union Commission (AUC) with the support of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Employment and the Economy of Finland. One of the objectives is to allow European and African stakeholders involved in the development of cooperation on ICT to get together and to exchange views, share information, and identify synergies in order to increase the impact of their activities.

23 November 2010, Brussels, Belgium. SciTech Europe. This event aims to promote breakthrough research, successful innovation networks and potential investment opportunities. It will bring together leading figures in science, engineering and technology across Europe for a high level meeting on how we can turn science into commerce.

29 September 2010, Brussels, Belgium. Securing Europe’s Information Society – Towards a European IT Governance?In the first of a series of events, ENISA will gather opinion leaders from the European Commission, European Parliament, and Council as well as major industry representatives to discuss a policy framework for securing Europe’s future information society, while addressing aspects such as securing infrastructures, fighting cyber crime, promoting standardisation, enhancing ePrivacy and educating on ICT security.

7 – 8 October 2010, Sevilla, Spain. Access for all in the desktop, web and mobile field: an end-user and developer perspective. This 1st AEGIS International Conference will showcase the world’s most influential open source, web and mobile accessibility projects and bring together developers and people with disabilities. It gathers presenters and exhibitors that address assistive technology in Rich Internet Applications (RIA), desktop applications and mobile applications, as well as developer tools that embed accessibility plug-ins. It is organised by AEGIS, a research & development project supported by the European Commission.

28 September 2010, Brussels, Belgium. Brokerage event : Find your ICT PARTNERS face2face. This international information and brokerage event is organised by Ideal-ist in cooperation with other international networks for research, innovation and business and the European Commission. Organised during the ICT2010 conference, it aims to make research, innovation and business communities aware of funding opportunities offered by the Framework Programmes of the European Union and to foster potential co-operations through dedicated networking activities, such as the offered face-to-face meetings.

23 September 2010, Hamburg, Germany. PEP-NET Summit. This event is organised to promote eParticipation in Europe. It will bring public servants, practitioners, politicians, representatives of grass-roots organisations and academics together to share their knowledge and to kick-start new ideas and initiatives. The event will be attended by a broad spectrum of eParticipation actors and will feature a range of high-level speakers from political bodies, major corporations, and universities.


Google App Inventor: sviluppo facile per Android.
Se la vostra domanda ricorrente è come poter diventare sviluppatori di applicazioni per Android senza essere… sviluppatori, la risposta viene da quel di Mountain View: Google App Inventor. Si tratta di un’applicazione per creare applicazioni: anziché scrivere codice, il (non) programmatore disegnerà visivamente i mattoncini base del programma che intende creare (esattamente come molti IDE avanzati permettono di fare con le più svariate tecnologie, dall’HTML, al Basic, al C), per poi dar loro vita mediante bottoni dalle funzionalità predefinite e associabili agli oggetti creati.


Bando per la selezione di nominativi per il Consiglio Direttivo ANVUR
. Procedure per la selezione di nominativi per il Consiglio Direttivo. Con la pubblicazione del presente bando si dà attuazione a quanto previsto dal Regolamento in merito alla raccolta delle candidature, necessarie per la definizione dell’elenco di nominativi dal quale il Ministro sceglierà i membri del Consiglio Direttivo dell’ANVUR.

Bando per la raccolta di progetti congiunti di ricerca scientifica e tecnologica nell’ambito del programma di collaborazione scientifica e tecnologica tra Italia e Messico per il periodo 2011–2013. Deadline     31-08-2010

Bando per la raccolta di progetti congiunti di ricerca scientifica e tecnologica nell’ambito del programma di collaborazione scientifica e tecnologica tra Italia e Sud Africa per il periodo 2011–2013. Deadline 16-09-2010

Spinner 2013: Ricerca di profili mentor esperti. Nell’ambito dell’Azione Pilota Spinner 2013 “DONNE TECNOLOGIA E INNOVAZIONE”, si stanno ricercando profili esperti interessati a prendere parte attiva alla sperimentazione in atto di un servizio di mentoring a favore di donne impegnate in progetti di creazione di impresa, ricerca industriale e trasferimento tecnologico.