Selezione nell’Amminictrazione Provinciale di Siena per l’assegnazione di 25 borse di ricerca per l’attrazione di ricercatori in azienda. http://www.miur.it/0003Ricerc/0140Notizi/0620Docume/7572Selezi_cf3.htm
3 – 9 marzo 2009 Roma. XVIII Settimana della Cultura Scientifica http://www.miur.it/0006Menu_C/0013Eventi/0101Manife/08732008/6819XVIII__cf3.htm
I Distretti italiani dell’Aerospazio presentati In Francia.A Parigi, l’Ufficio Commerciale dell’Ambasciata Francese ha presentato i distretti italiani del settore aerospaziale agli omologhi francesi e a numerose aziende associate al GIFAS (Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales). L’incontro si è svolto negli uffici dell’Associazione Francese delle Imprese Aerospaziali ed è stato organizzato in vista del Road Show Aerospaziale di marzo 2009, iniziativa quest’ultima promossa da Ambasciata di Francia, AIAD, ICE e dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico Italiano.
Lazio: oltre 30 milioni per la ricerca, di cui 15 per il Distretto delle Bioscienze.Via libera dalla Commissione sviluppo economico, ricerca, innovazione e turismo, a uno stanziamento di 32,5 milioni di euro per il quadriennio 2008-2011 a sostegno della ricerca e dello sviluppo sperimentale in ambito sanitario.
GALILEO programma europeo di radionavigazione e di posizionamento via satellite. Ogni giorno vengono sviluppate nuove applicazioni di navigazione satellitare, che coprono i più svariati settori dell’economia mondiale. Si stima che il mercato globale, sia in termini di prodotti che di servizi, raggiungerà i 400 miliardi di Euro nel 2010. Tali attività offriranno all’industria europea la giusta occasione per acquisire le conoscenze e le competenze necessarie in un ambiente internazionale fortemente competitivo. In quest’ottica ed in questo settore, le PMI sono indicate come i “key players” ideali. http://www.filas.it/Downloads/Documentazione/GALILEO.pdf
ESRI’s ArcGIS for AutoCAD Provides Easy GIS and CAD Interoperability. New Version Allows AutoCAD Users to Share and Use GIS Information without Disrupting CAD Workflow. http://www.esri.com/news/releases/09_1qtr/arcgis_for_autocad.html
Sviluppo Lazio
Ambiente, due nuovi bandi.Al via due bandi regionali per l’efficienza energetica negli edifici e per il trattamento domestico dell’acqua potabile. L’iniziativa, presentata il 13 febbraio, è rivolta a cittadini e condomini ed è promossa dall’assessorato regionale all’Ambiente. I due bandi sono stati pubblicati il 14 febbraio sul Bollettino ufficiale della Regione Lazio:
- L.R. 4/06 (art. 36) – Contributi per la realizzazione di interventi di risparmio energetico su edifici privati residenziali esistenti. http://www.sviluppo.lazio.it/leggi.asp?lcat=31
- L.R. 4/06 (art. 36) – Incentivi per l’acquisto di impianti per il trattamento domestico dell’acqua potabile http://www.sviluppo.lazio.it/leggi.asp?lcat=30
L. 598/94 Innovazione (bando riaperto): agevola gli investimenti delle Pmi, attive nelle aree ammissibili del Docup Ob. 2 2000/06, in innovazione tecnologica, organizzativa e commerciale, tutela ambientale, sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro http://www.sviluppo.lazio.it/leggi.asp?lcat=20
Sanità, 32 milioni per lo sviluppo sperimentale. Sono destinati al sostegno della ricerca e dello sviluppo sperimentale in ambito sanitario i 32,5 milioni di euro stanziati dalla Regione Lazio per il quadriennio 2008-2011. Il provvedimento ha ricevuto il via libera dalla Commissione sviluppo economico, ricerca, innovazione e turismo. http://www.sviluppo.lazio.it/news.asp?id=2903
Study on the requirements and options for RFID application in healthcare.This first deliverable of the RFID & Health project provides an overview of the state of the art in RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) applications in healthcare delivery. Primarily, it provides a basis for the rest of the study. As a stand-alone document it gives the reader an overview of all relevant issues related to RFID deployment in healthcare delivery. The line is deliberately drawn not to include the pharmaceutical industry, counterfeiting of drugs and tracking of medical devices as they move through the supply chain. This study is primarily focused on the delivery of patient care, mostly within the context of the hospital, but also including telemedicine applications. http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/health/docs/studies/200807-rfid-ehealth.pdf
Investigating the potential of Robotics in Healthcare – December eHealth Monthly Focus.Robotics for healthcare is an emerging field which is expected to grow in the face of demographic change (ageing), expected shortages of healthcare personnel, calls for improving quality of life for the elderly and disabled, and the need for even higher quality care, for example high precision surgery. All these factors stimulate innovation in the domain of Robotics for Healthcare.
Future ICT Research and Innovation agenda: Results of public consultation.From 4 September to 7 November 2008 the European Commission conducted an online public consultation on “Shaping the ICT research and innovation agenda for the next decade”. The final report of this consultation has now been published. http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/tl/research/key_docs/documents/report_public_consultation.pdf
Seven EU-funded films nominated for Oscars.Seven films funded by the EU’s MEDIA film support programme will compete in thirteen categories at this year’s Academy Award ceremonies, to be held on Sunday 22 February. One of these MEDIA funded nominees, Slumdog Millionaire, will compete in the prestigious Best Film and Best Director categories. The MEDIA programme will also be represented by three of the nominees for the Best Foreign Language Oscar, including Entre les Murs (“The Class”, France), winner of the Palme d’Or at the 2008 Cannes film festival (IP/08/800). Last year, two films funded by MEDIA, the EU film support programme, brought home Oscars. In the last three years, MEDIA funded films have won a total of eight Oscar awards.
112 : the European emergency number.112 is the phone number to call emergency services throughout the EU, from fixed or mobile phones, free of charge. Imagine you are visiting an EU country and you are involved in, or witness, an accident. Would you know which emergency number to call? As Europeans are increasingly travelling for business or leisure, millions of people could be faced with this problem. Fortunately, there is no need to look up and remember the emergency numbers for each EU country you are visiting. Just remember 112! http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/112/index_en.htm
European SME Week.The first European SME Week, taking place from 6 to 14 May 2009, is a campaign to promote entrepreneurship across Europe and to inform entrepreneurs about support available for them at European, national and local level. It allows SMEs to discover an array of information, advice, support and ideas to help them develop their activities. http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/entrepreneurship/sme-week/index.htm
SME Portal .This portal provides access to information on the whole spectrum of EU policies, legislation, programmes and initiatives relevant to Europe’s small and medium-sized enterprises. http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sme/index.htm
Enterprise Europe Network.Welcome to the Enterprise Europe Network, your gateway to competitiveness and innovation. Wherever you are in Europe, you can get access to all the information you need to develop your business and find the right business partners. http://www.enterprise-europe-network.ec.europa.eu/index_en.htm
ACTION ENT/TOU/09/5.1.1. : European Tourist Destinations of Excellence.The overall objective of this call for proposals is to draw attention to the value, diversity and shared characteristics of European tourist destinations and to promote destinations where the economic growth objective is pursued in such a way as to ensure the social, cultural and environmental sustainability of tourism.Deadline 20 April 2009 . http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/newsroom/cf/itemlongdetail.cfm?item_id=2441
Call for proposals under the annual work programme for grants in the field of the Trans-European Energy Network (TEN-E) for 2009 (Commission Decision C(2009) 1360) (2009/C 41/08) Budget EUR 26 048 000 Deadline 24 April 2009 http://ec.europa.eu/energy/infrastructure/grants/2009_04_24_ten_e_en.htm
Entrepreneurial culture of young people, and entrepreneurship education ACTION ENTR/CIP/09/E/N02S001.The European Commission has published a new call for proposals on “Entrepreneurial culture of young people and entrepreneurship education”. This action aims to implement the Small Business Act and the Oslo Agenda for Entrepreneurship Education in Europe by promoting winning ideas in the field of education for entrepreneurship. Projects with a clear European added value will receive co-funding from the Commission. Deadline: 20 April 2009. http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/newsroom/cf/itemlongdetail.cfm?item_id=2103
B-Bruxelles: Contratto quadro relativo all’ideazione di modelli di lungo periodo nel settore dell’energia – 2009/S 21-029008. La direzione generale dell’Energia e dei trasporti della Commissione europea ha pubblicato un bando di gara d’appalto per offerte sui modelli di lungo periodo nel settore dell’energia. Lo sviluppo di approcci in materia di politica e delle strategie energetiche ha bisogno di essere sostenuto da un’efficace analisi energetica che fornisca un quadro esaustivo e conforme dell’economia energetica europea e della sua evoluzione. L’obiettivo del contratto quadro è fornire una serie di prospettive energetiche quantitative di lungo termine per tutti gli Stati membri dell’UE nonché per i paesi candidati e di preferenza anche per gli altri paesi europei (ovvero i vicini diretti come Norvegia e Svizzera e forse i paesi dell’Europa sudorientale). Budget 2.000.000 euro Deadline 14.04.2009 http://ted.europa.eu/Exec?DataFlow=N_one_doc_access.dfl&Template=TED/N_one_result_detail_curr.htm&docnumber=29008-2009&docId=29008-2009&StatLang=IT
B-Bruxelles: Coordinamento della settimana europea della mobilità 2009/2010 – 2009/S 31-044532. Obiettivo del presente bando è far si che la direzione generale della Commissione dell’Ambiente selezioni un contraente in grado di assicurare il coordinamento europeo della settimana europea della mobilità 2009/2010. La funzione del coordinamento europeo è promuovere la partecipazione e facilitare la realizzazione dell’evento da parte delle autorità locali in tutta l’UE.Budget 85.000 euroDedaline 30.03.2009 http://ted.europa.eu/PopulateDocFromUDL?Template=TED/N_one_result_detail_curr.htm&View=TEXT&user_dkey=&docnumber=44532%202009&docId=44532-2009&StatLang=IT
4 March 2009, Brussels, Belgium. Making your voice heard – European eParticipation Day 2009.This event is organised by the European Commission and aims to enhance and boost eParticipation – the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to support citizens’ participation in decision-making. It will provide an opportunity for a high-level debate on the state of play and future developments in eParticipation. In parallel, there will be an exhibition showcasing results of EU-funded projects in this field. Viviane Reding, European Commissioner for Information Society and Media, will give the closing speech at the event. http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/events/eparticipation/2009/index_en.htm
19-20 marzo 2009 Bruxelles.High-level event on ICT for Energy Efficiency.La conferenza sul tema ICT for Energy Efficiency è organizzata dalla Direzione Generale Information Society and Media in collaborazione con la presidenza ceca dell’Unione europea http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/events/ict4ee/2009/index_en.htm
27 April 2009 Brussels.Making Intellectual Property Rights working for SMEs. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) can be a vital competitive advantage for small and medium sized European businesses. Their competitiveness, creativity and innovative abilities are threatened by counterfeiting, piracy and uncertainty about enforcing their rights. Small and medium enterprises are particularly vulnerable to these risks. They often lack resources and knowledge to act against fake products or are convinced it is impossible to do so. Support for IPR enforcement is rather patchy and, at present, far less developed than support for general awareness of IPR. http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/enterprise_policy/industry/ipr_conference.htm
16 March 2009, Brussels, Belgium.Public services 2.0: How to implement and promote user-driven open innovation in public service.This workshop aims to bring together the best experiences from all over Europe. It will focus on projects that apply web2.0 in government, run by civil society, individual citizens, private companies and government. It will also look into existing policies on how to enable and promote web 2.0 in government. http://www.epractice.eu/workshop/40
26 – 28 May 2009, Paris, France.Hit Paris 2009.The European Health Information System Congress is designed to bring together all actors involved in the process. Decision-makers and management teams, network leaders, public authorities, for whom information is a strategic resource and the information system an investment intended to create added value and develop performance. Users (doctors, pharmacists, nurses and managers), and engineers (biomedical, hospital organisation, information system security…) for whom information systems represent a major issue in terms of security and quality of care for patients, at ward level, in networks or in outside hospitals. http://www.health-it.fr/
25 – 26 March 2009, Brussels, Belgium. 1st Euro-Africa Cooperation Forum on ICT Research.This event is co-organised by the European Commission and the African Union Commission (AUC) with the support of the EuroAfriCa-ICT project, a FP7 coordination and support action aiming at enhancing ICT research cooperation between Europe and sub-Saharan Africa. http://euroafrica-ict.org/events/forum.php
5 March 2009, Hamburg, Germany.Workshop on Ethical issues in ICT Research and Development.This workshop aims to help researchers and other partners in research projects to recognize ethical issues related to their work, thereby supporting them to meet standards of FP7 and other R&D programmes. http://tutech.de/22328286?language=en
23 – 24 March 2009, Berlin, Germany. Challenges for FTTB/H in Europe.This international conference will focus on critical issues related to the creation of a high-speed internet access infrastructure for Europe (FTTB/H – Fiber to the Building / Fiber to the Home). It addresses issues such as technology, deployment & operation, regulation, investment & financing, national fibre broadband strategies and business cases. The conference aims to provide insights into the experiences, expectations and perspectives of leading international network operators, national regulatory authorities, representatives of the European Commission, government officials, investors, equipment manufacturers and independent experts. http://www.wik.org/content_e/challenge_of_fttb.htm
24 March 2009, Luxembourg. Technology-enhanced Learning: ICT Call 5 Information Day.The next call for proposals for technology-enhanced learning research projects is ICT Call 5, expected to be published on 31 July 2009. The European Commission is now organising an information day dedicated to this research topic. http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/telearn-digicult/telearn-call5-infodays_en.html
29 – 31 March 2009, Sevilla, Spain. EuroCPR: The competitiveness of Europe’s mobile communication sector.The 2009 European Communications Policy Research Conference will address the policy challenges of competitiveness, innovation and energy efficiency. Key topics include mobile internet 2.0, mobile media, new user roles and new market structures, data roaming and environmental sustainability. http://www.eurocpr.org/
1 – 3 April 2009, Luxembourg Med-e-Tel 2009.This forum focuses on ehealth and telemedicine applications and on a wide range of medical ICT applications. Their implementation should lead to higher quality of care, cost reductions, workflow efficiency and widespread availability of healthcare services. http://www.medetel.lu/index.php
1 – 3 April 2009, London, United Kingdom.Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare.Pervasive healthcare is an emerging research discipline, focusing on the development and application of pervasive and ubiquitous computing technology for healthcare and wellness. This conference aims to gather technology experts, practitioners, industry and national authorities who contribute to the development and application of pervasive healthcare. http://www.pervasivehealth.org/
27 – 29 May 2009, Dakar, Senegal. eLearning Africa 2009.This event focuses on information and communication technologies (ICTs) for development, education and training in Africa. The event will be accompanied by an exhibition. http://www.elearning-africa.com/
28 – 30 September 2009, Saint-Malo, France. Towards Future Media Internet – Networked and Electronic Media Summit.The second Networked and Electronic Media (NEM) Summit will be organised by the NEM European Technology Platform under the aegis of the European Commission and with the support of the Région Bretagne. This summit aims to emphasise the importance for Europe of Networked Electronic Media as an undisputed driver towards a “Future Media Internet”, reaping the full benefit of convergence and digitalisation. http://www.nem-summit.eu/index.html
29 September – 1 October 2009, Vienna, Austria.First announcement of the “AAL (Ambient Assisted Living ) Forum” event. The “AAL forum” will serve as a platform and meeting place for the AAL Joint Programme. Beyond this, the forum will present, discuss and communicate the AAL field in a holistic view including national, regional, European and international aspects. http://www.aal-europe.eu/news-and-events/aal-forum-2009
3 March 2009, Brussels, Belgium.Cyberellas are IT !During this event, organised ahead of International Women’s Day on 8 March, the European Commission will receive a “Code for Best Practices for Women in ICT”, signed by some of the major actors in the ICT sector. The Code provides for practices which aim not only to attract women in ICT but also to keep them in the sector and help them reach their full potential. This is part of broader initiative to raise awareness about the ICT sector and to highlight job opportunities. http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/itgirls/conference_0309/index_en.htm
4.03.2009 Brussels Belgio.Conference on the role of scientific cooperation between the EU and developing countries. The conference will centre on the question of the role of cooperation between the EU and developing countries in the field of science and technology and the socio-economic development of developing countries.Science, technology and innovation play a crucial role in achieving sustainable development and fighting poverty. This conference aims to analyse the EU’s partnerships with developing countries and to see how these partnerships could be further advanced.
28.04.2009 Roma.International Vacuum Electronics Conference.The event will open with a plenary session covering several topics of broad interest. This will be followed by two and a half days of parallel technical sessions that will include both oral and poster presentations.Organised by the European Space Agency (ESA), the conference will have a special session dedicated to the technologies and applications of vacuum electronics in space. This session is intended to be a forum of information and discussion between the various actors in the field (satellite/payload manufacturers and operators, the tube industry, government/institutions, etc.) and to address the main challenges of future space missions. http://www.congrex.nl/09a01/
02.03.2009 Brussels, Belgium Conference on creativity and innovation.The event will explore and identify examples of best practice among projects that have received funding through several European Union programmes and funds. The most appropriate ways to ensure that these examples are followed and multiplied will be examined, making the European Year of Creativity and Innovation 2009 a catalyst to a long-lasting, enduring process. http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/education_culture/valorisation/conferences_en.html
25 febbraio 2009 Bologna.Migliorare i processi attraverso le soluzioni Mobile & Wireless: le opportunità per le Imprese Manifatturiere. Sono molteplici le opportunità offerte dalle tecnologie Mobile & Wireless alle imprese operanti nel settore Manifatturiero per migliorare i propri processi di business. Dalle applicazioni di Mobile&Wireless office, che consentono l’accesso all’email e agli strumenti di office automation “in mobilità” alle applicazioni di Sales Force Automation e di Field Force Automation basate su rete cellulare, che supportano le attività di venditori e di coloro che operano “sul campo”; dalle applicazioni di tele-lettura e di telecontrollo Machine to Machine alle applicazioni di supporto alla gestione del magazzino basate su reti Wi-Fi; dalle applicazioni per il monitoraggio della produzione basate su RFId alle applicazioni di Customer Management basate sul telefonino. http://www.osservatori.net/ict_pmi/eventi/evento/journal_content/56_INSTANCE_0HsI/10402/464038#
5 marzo 2009 Genova.INFO DAY: I Fondi europei per l’energia dalle attività di ricerca alle iniziative di dimostrazione e divulgazione. La giornata informativa – organizzata da Enterprise Europe Network ALPS di Unioncamere Liguria – è volta a presentare e approfondire da un lato il bando ENERGIA del 7° Programma quadro per la ricerca e lo sviluppo tecnologico (7° PQ) dell’Unione europea attualmente aperto (scadenza 29/04/09), dall’altro lato il bando 2009 del programma Energia Intelligente per l’Europa (IEE). http://alpsliguria.eu/it/upload/05MAR09-INFO.pdf
Preinformazione-Bando Anticipazione sui bandi 2009 delle Joint Technology Initiative ENIAC ed ARTEMIS. La tempistica relativa ai due bandi è la seguente:
- 26 Febbraio 2009 pubblicazione dei due bandi
- 15 Aprile 2009 scadenza presentazione del “Project outline”
- 15 Maggio 2009 invio feedback ai proponenti sul “Project outline”
- 3 Settembre 2009 scadenza presentazione del “Full project proposal”
Il budget totale indicativo per il bando 2009 ENIAC è di 90.474 milioni di euro, mentre il budget totale indicativo per il bando 2009 ARTEMIS è di 104.516 milioni di euro. http://first.aster.it/news/show_news.php?ID=19256