20 May 2011 Brussels. Tsunami and earthquake research: meeting to learn lessons and boost cooperation. An EU-funded research project called SAFER has developed a groundbreaking earthquake early-warning system based on low-cost sensor technology used in car air-bags. Another, DEWS, has paved the way for a new warning system which has reduced by two-thirds the time needed to detect a seismic event that could trigger a tsunami in the Indian Ocean region, so badly hit in 2004. DEWS has also developed a text message alert system to maximise time for people to escape.
27 June – 1 July 2011, Hersonissos, Greece. Network Information Security Summer School. The European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) and the Institute for Computer Science (ICS) of the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH) are jointly organizing the 4th Summer School on Network and Information Security (NIS). The Summer School aims to provide a forum for experts in Information Security, policy makers from EU Member States and EU Institutions, decision makers from the industry, as well as members of the research and academic community, for interacting on cutting edge and interesting topics in NIS. In addition to the speeches and discussions, a poster session with FP7 projects in the area of security will take place.
22 – 24 June 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark. i-access: Accessible Information Provision for Lifelong Learning. Accessible Information Provision for Lifelong Learning (i-access) is a one year project of the European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education with the aim of raising awareness of the issues surrounding accessible information provision for Lifelong Learning and developing recommendations on how it can be addressed.This project is co-financed by a European Community Grant under the Lifelong Learning Transversal Programme, Key Activity 1: Policy Co-operation and Innovation. The conference aims to discuss the implications of accessible information for Lifelong Learning, as well as identifying practical recommendations.
5 – 7 October 2011, Barcelona, Spain. EPoSS General Assembly, Annual Forum & Proposers’s Day 2011. EPoSS, the European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration, is an industry-driven policy initiative, defining R&D and innovation needs as well as policy requirements related to Smart Systems Integration and integrated Micro- and Nanosystems. This event will offer a forum to meet with key representatives from industry, research and the European Commision, to learn about Smart Systems and Manufacturing and to catch up on new developments in the integration of technologies, functionalities and new materials. Participants can also take an active role in defining roadmaps or become a partner in future research projects.
29 June 2011, Brussels, Belgium. ECTA Conference 2011 – Triggering Fibre in Europe. The Commission has set ambitious targets for high speed broadband in Europe. This event, organised by the European Competitive Telecommunications Association (ECTA) will look at the commercial and policy initiatives that are needed to trigger fibre investment and take-up, including the regulatory environment, retail and wholesale pricing strategies for legacy copper and fibre networks, optimal business models for fibre roll-out, and the conditions in which “copper switch-off” could occur. The debate on triggering fibre investment comes at a critical time as the Commission prepares to issue guidance on wholesale pricing and other key regulatory issues which will influence the business case for high-speed broadband in Europe.
Neelie Kroes discusses Internet governance with US Administration. Neelie Kroes (European Commission Vice President for the Digital Agenda) and Lawrence Strickling (Assistant Secretary – US Department of Commerce) met in Brussels on May 12th to discuss a wide range of topics dedicated to ensuring the sustainability of the multistakeholder private sector-led model of Internet governance which both the EU and the US have stoutly defended over many years.
Better choice & more competitive prices for German broadband customers thanks to EU action. German consumers stand to benefit from better choice and more competitive prices for broadband internet access thanks to EU action which has obliged the German Government to comply with EU law and so not protect Deutsche Telekom from competition on the broadband market. If applied as originally drafted, a German law would have made it difficult for telecom operators to compete on this market. As Germany has now removed the provision in question, the European Commission has closed the infringement case it had opened against Germany. The Commission has also closed a second infringement case against Germany concerning restrictions on the technologies allowed to use the 2.6 GHz radio frequency band. Germany’s national rules have now been changed, opening the frequencies to all compatible wireless systems that provide telecoms services (i.e. not only mobile but also fixed wireless services). As a result, there is no longer any impediment to the roll-out of EU-wide wireless broadband services in that frequency band and customers stand to have more choice.
Digital Agenda for Europe Video Contributions. Making the Digital Agenda a reality is a collaborative effort of citizens, companies, NGOs, and governments. So why not share with us what you are actually doing to make it happen, and what you think you need to achieve a greater impact? Make a short video, “Making the Digital Agenda happen” and post it on YouTube. Send us the details using this form and it will appear on this website for others to watch and rate. We will show the top-rated videos at the Plenary Session of the Digital Agenda Assembly. Deadline for posting videos is midnight CET on 31st May. Material provided should be copyright free.
European research behind the Future Internet. In the context of this week’s “Future Internet week” event in Budapest, the European Commission is currently reviewing the progress of some 140 “Future Internet” research projects which it supports. The Internet connects over 1.5 billion people today and billions of objects are expected to get connected tomorrow. EU-funded research aims to make the Internet of the future a dynamic place for innovation, growth and jobs. Building on this existing EU-funded research, a €600 million “Future Internet” Public-Private Partnership was launched on 3rd May 2011 to develop new ways of building better services and improving business innovation for the Future Internet. Boosting the EU’s research, development and innovation efforts is a key element of the Digital Agenda for Europe.
Commission seeks views on how best to exploit cloud computing in Europe. The European Commission is seeking views from citizens, businesses, public administrations and other interested parties on how to fully benefit from ‘cloud computing’. Cloud computing enables companies, public administrations and individuals, using networks such as the internet, to access their data and software on computers located somewhere else. It can help businesses – especially SMEs – to drastically reduce information technology costs, help governments supply services at a lower cost and save energy by making more efficient use of hardware. Cloud computing is already used widely, for example for web-based e-mail services.
Call for tenders for the development of tools and services for the Water Information System for Europe. The integrated approach on water management in the EU implementing the EU water legislation has led to the need for integrated information management of all EU water policies. The WISE has become the main reporting tool for water-related legislation- a comprehensive and shared European data and information management system for water, including river basins. The development of the WISE system has been carried out until now according to the 1st WISE Implementation Plan. Further development of the WISE system is planned to integrate additional information and to streamline reporting by ensuring information exchange and interoperability at different hierarchical data information levels under all EU water policies and other EU-wide reporting obligations on water.
Prior Information Notice – Quantifying public procurement of research and development of ICT solutions in Europe. The purpose of the study is: — to gather quantitative evidence of the amount of, on the one hand, the amount of R&D, and, on the other hand, the amount of ICT products and services, that is procured by public contracting authorities across the EU Member States and associated countries (across different levels of administration: such as national, regional and local level), — to cross-reference these 2 data sets, providing quantitative evidence of the amount of ICT-related R&D that is procured by public contracting authorities, — to cluster this data on a map that shows in which main fields of public interest (public transport, e-government, energy, environment, healthcare, security) the above procurement expenditures occur. Deadline: To be announced
Call for tender – Study on “Methodology for energy-efficiency measurements applicable to ICT in buildings” – SMART 2011/0072 – The study should allow to collect the appropriate data and produce a better quantitative analysis of the energy savings potential of ICT solutions in residential and non-residential buildings, and also to define a common way to establish and calculate the energy savings for non-residential buildings. It would facilitate the evaluation of behavioural changes occurring due to the installation of ICT solutions and better public awareness. The findings can also be used in order to take future policy decisions, to determine future research areas and topics to support from EU funding. > Duration must not exceed 9 months. > The total price quoted cannot exceed EUR 185.000. Deadline: 21/06/2011
Provincia di Varese. Servizio relativo alla realizzazione del database topografico tridimensionale multiscala dei territori dei comuni aderenti al progetto dell’aggregazione Provincia di Varese. Importo complessivo: € 401.211 + iva. Scadenza 26 giugno 2011.
Ferservizi SpA – Gruppo FS. Supporto all’implementazione del sistema di gestione ambientale di Ferrovie dello Stato SpA e di società operative del gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato. Importo presunto € 1.400.000 + iva. Scadenza 17 giugno 2011.
Pubblicato in Gazzetta il “Decreto Sviluppo”. “Misure urgenti per lo sviluppo”: questo il punto all’Ordine del Giorno che ha portato all’approvazione, lo scorso 5 maggio in Consiglio dei Ministri, del Decreto-legge che prevede svariati provvedimenti finalizzati al rilancio dell’economia del Paese. Pubblicato sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale n.70 del 13 maggio 2011, il testo è entrato in vigore il giorno successivo e contiene nuove regole per gli appalti, i mutui, i contratti di ricerca, le assunzioni al Sud e i precari nella scuola, gli sgravi fiscali, il turismo, il Piano casa e molto altro ancora, al punto che più che un provvedimento con le disposizioni urgenti per il primo semestre europeo, il Decreto Sviluppo sembra quasi una nuova Finanziaria. Ma le priorità su cui si muove il Decreto sono essenzialmente tre:
- semplificazioni, opere pubbliche, sostegno alle imprese che investono in ricerca
- assunzioni al Sud
- turismo
Ricerca Partner: Enterprise and Sustainable Geographic Information Systems (ESGIS): Strategic Planning and Design that offers Large Scale Flexible and On-Demand Services through SOA and e-Government Cloud Computing. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology offers the combination of mapping, relational database technology, and analytical tools for improving the management and operations of almost every aspect of societal activity. Government and public sector GIS activities and services include environmental management, transporation and mobility, economic growth, employment, social cohesion, safety and emergency management, homeland security, utilities and infrastructure management, cultural identity and preservation, and parks, recreation and outdoor pursuits. GIS is a tool that strategically and innovatively deployed offers a better way of manging and improving our quality of life.
Emilia-Romagna: in arrivo due bandi per innovazione, reti e neo-imprese. Sostenere le imprese che investono, puntano sull’innovazione e creano posti di lavoro a tempo indeterminato. Questo l’obiettivo dei due bandi approvati dalla Giunta regionale, che mettono a disposizione risorse per complessivi 15 milioni di euro: 10 andranno a finanziare l’ammodernamento tecnologico e le reti, i restanti 5 saranno destinati alla nascita di nuove aziende. Con questa iniziativa, la Regione Emilia-Romagna compie un ulteriore passo avanti nel suo percorso di supporto ai processi di cambiamento tecnologico e organizzativo, attraverso il sostegno a progetti realizzati da singole aziende o da raggruppamenti di imprese. Finalità ultima: consentire loro un salto qualitativo, incentivandone gli investimenti nell’innovazione.
15 – 16 June 2011 Brussels, Belgium. ‘ICT finance marketplace venture academy and investment forum’. The two-day event will focus on small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and how to meet potential strategic partners. Focusing on the information and technology information (ICT) sector, the conference will be divided into a venture academy and an investment forum. The venture academy will consist of a one-day, coaching event where experienced coaches from relevant industry areas will help SMEs pragmatically to develop their pitching skills towards potential investors.
7 June 2011 Rotterdam, the Netherlands ‘Science marketing 2011’. In a knowledge-based economy, the integration of science in society has become a complex, multi-stakeholder process. The public, politics, the market are all stakeholders, and science needs to deliver separate results on all levels and to all parties involved. From a scientific perspective, these stakeholders function as separate market parties. This makes marketing of science intricate, but necessary. Strategies for ‘science marketing’ that are effective and scientifically acceptable are needed to attract new talents, enhance public acceptance of new technologies and maintain competitiveness.
Avviso candidatura consigli amministrazione. Avviso di chiamata pubblica alla candidatura per la presidenza e a componente dei consigli di amministrazione degli enti pubblici nazionali di ricerca
24 maggio 2011 Napoli. ‘L’Europa e le PMI’ Fondi comunitari. Orientamenti e Strumenti Regionali a sostegno del mondo imprenditoriale. L’Eurosportello Azienda speciale della Camera di Commercio di Napoli, partner della rete “Enterprise Europe Network” – BRIDG€conomies e Unioncamere Campania organizzano per il giorno 24 maggio un seminario dedicato alle risorse europee a sostegno delle PMI. Il dibattito affronterà il ruolo delle imprese nei nuovi scenari europei, individuando ed analizzando gli strumenti ed i modelli che la Regione Campania sta utilizzando per il rilancio competitivo delle imprese campane.
7 giugno 2011 Palermo.“Efficienza energetica. Tutela dell’ambiente, opportunità di crescita. Confindustria ha organizzato un ciclo di seminari sul territorio nazionale finalizzato a coinvolgere e sensibilizzare le istituzioni locali e gli operatori economici ad investire nell’efficienza energetica, uno degli obiettivi posti a livello europeo per contrastare i mutamenti climatici e ridurre la dipendenza da fonti fossili. Le iniziative intendono illustrare un documento programmatico che identifica alcuni settori in cui è necessario investire, verificando i vantaggi per la collettività e le ripercussioni sul bilancio dello Stato.
6 giugno 2011 Rieti. IntFormatevi, a Rieti un seminario sugli Emirati Arabi Uniti. Sarà organizzato a Rieti il seminario “Focus Emirati Arabi Uniti: opportunità e vantaggi per le PMI del Lazio. Come presentare l’impresa ed il prodotto nel contesto culturale arabo”, il nuovo appuntamenti di IntFormatevi, il percorso di formazione gratuito indirizzato alle PMI del Lazio realizzato da SprintLazio e ICE, Istituto nazionale per il Commercio Estero, in collaborazione con BIC Lazio e Unioncamere Lazio, in qualità di partner della rete EEN – Enterprise Europe Network.
24 maggio Roma. Forum della Ricerca e dell’Innovazione. La Regione Lazio presenta il programma strategico regionale sulla ricerca, l’innovazione e il trasferimento tecnologico.
Stabilizzazione LSU, approvate le graduatorie. Con la determinazione B1017 del 13 gennaio 2011 la Regione Lazio ha approvato gli elenchi dei beneficiari e dei non ammessi a contributo nell’ambito dell’Avviso pubblico per la stabilizzazione di LSU (LR n. 21/2002).
COST at GraphITA!. Find out what COST is doing at GraphITA and read COST’s interview with 2010 Nobel Prize Laureate in Physics! In the latest years graphene research has witnessed a tremendous explosion. This two-dimensional dream material has come into the main spotlight of fundamental and applied research in diverse nano-science fields but, surprisingly rapidly, it has also attracted the interest of major stakeholders in the private sector, such as the ICT industry.
New “Technology Transfer Offices Circle”. In line with one of the commitments of the flagship initiative Innovation Union, the JRC has launched the “TTO (Technology Transfer Offices) Circle”, which met for the first time on 28-29 April 2011 at the premises of the European Space Agency in Noordwijk (NL). This Circle aims at enhancing mutual collaboration and brings together TTOs of Austria, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Poland, Norway, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey and Finland, including four international organizations (CERN, EMBL, ESA and ILL). The next meeting will take place in Grenoble (FR) in October this year to discuss further topics of common interest.
New online tool for SME owners for calculating the hourly rates. The European Commission introduced new online tool for calculating the hourly rates for personnel costs. This tool should support the recently introduced simplification measures to facilitate the participation of SME owners and natural persons in FP7 projects. The measure says that SME owners whose salaries are not formally registered in their accounts can now be reimbursed, through flat-rate payments, for their contribution to work on research projects.
ARTEMIS and ENIAC, first wave of applications opened. On 19 May MEYES of the CR opens the first wave of applications in JTIs ARTEMIS and ENIAC.
Pubblicato sul sito della DG Occupazione e affari sociali, l’invito a presentare proposte Progress n° VP/2011/010 – Progetti che contribuiscono alle buone pratiche – Il presente invito riguarda due diverse aree strategiche. Gli obiettivi principali sono: incoraggiare l’apprendimento reciproco a tutti i livelli e migliorare la diffusione delle politiche più efficaci per: 1) implementare le competenze che riguardano l’iniziativa faro: “Una strategia per nuove competenze e posti di lavoro e 2) attuare l’iniziativa faro” Giovani in Movimento”.