Study on the Impact of the introduction of multicore technologies on the computing market and opportunities for Europe – SMART 2011/0066. The objective of the study to analyse the markets, applications, business models, business ecosystems of the Parallel Multicore Computing and Energy-Efficient Computing and to develop recommendations for future research and policy actions to improve the competitive position of Europe. Deadline: 31 May 2011
MEDIA 2007 — DEVELOPMENT, DISTRIBUTION, PROMOTION AND TRAINING. Call for proposals — EACEA/03/11 Support for the transnational distribution of European films — The ‘Sales Agent scheme’ 2011 (2011/C 121/22) Budget EUR 1 000 000 Deadline 17 June 2011
MEDIA 2007 Call for proposals — EACEA/05/11 Support for the implementation of pilot projects (2011/C 121/23) Budget 1 500 000 euro Deadline 14 June 2011
MEDIA 2007 — DEVELOPMENT, DISTRIBUTION, PROMOTION AND TRAINING Call for proposals — EACEA/01/11 Support for the transnational distribution of European films — The ‘automatic’ scheme 2011 (2011/C 121/24) Budget EUR 18 314 675 Deadline 17 June 2011
MEDIA 2007 Call for proposals — EACEA/06/11 Support to Video on Demand and Digital Cinema Distribution (2011/C 121/25) Budget EUR 7 000 000 Deadline 20 June 2011
CALL FOR PROPOSALS — EACEA/14/11 MEDIA 2007 — Promotion/Access to markets (2011/C 123/09) Budget EUR 2 560 000 Deadline 10 June 2011
7-9 June 2011, Debrecen, Hungary Week of Innovative Regions in Europe 2011 (WIRE2011). The conference – considering the document of ‘EUROPE 2020, a strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive development strategy’ and the ‘Innovation Union Flagship Initiative’ – focuses on questions related to knowledge, innovation and competitiveness in economy with respect to research infrastructure investments, clusters and their effects on how they can support smart growth in the regions.
6 – 9 June 2011, Lyon, France. 8th European ITS Congress. Under the motto “Intelligent Mobility – Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) for sustainable transport of persons and goods in urban regions”, this event will highlight the importance of bringing intelligent solutions not only to urban transport, but, more generally, to the interfaces and interchanges of urban and inter-urban networks. An exhibition will show the latest European achievements in ITS.
23 – 25 May 2011, Prato, Italy 2011 Major Cities of Europe Annual Conference. The goal of the conference is to discuss the role of ICT in response to the key challenges for European Local Governments. It will focus on two main themes: “Do More With Less” and “Smart Cities”.
25 – 26 May 2011, Lappeenranta, Finland. 2nd EU-Russia Innovation Forum. The Forum aims to offer a platform for setting up cooperation projects between the EU and Russia. Best practices in innovative management through European and Russian case studies will be presented. A specific focus will be given to development and cooperation opportunities in the fields of energy efficiency and renewable energy and ICT and health. A large Business Matchmaking event, in cooperation with the European Enterprise Network (EEN) and an Innovation Exhibition will be organised in connection with the Forum. Some 300 European and Russian companies are expected to attend the event.
14 – 15 June 2011, Brussels, Belgium. 3rd European Connected Health Leadership Summit. This event will bring together healthcare professionals, researchers, companies, entrepreneurs, business leaders, policy makers, health ministries and other stakeholders to discuss ways to advance the deployment and innovation of Connected Health throughout Europe. Topics to be covered include the European Digital Agenda, Innovation to Deployment, Procurement of eHealth, EU & US Collaborations, the European Innovation Partnership on active and healthy ageing and Connected Health’s contribution to regional economic development.
10 June 2011 Brussels, Conference on the Common Strategic Framework for EU research and innovation funding. The conference is aimed at anyone interested in the development of the next Strategic Framework Programme for Research and Innovation of the European Union. Stakeholders from research institutions, industry, universities, non-governmental organisations, scientists and politicians are especially invited to take part in making EU funding more attractive and easier to access for participants.
15 April – 15 May 2011, Intercontinental, H-1052 Budapest, 1052 Apáczai Csere J. street 12-14 Europe and the Internet of Things: Leading the Way Forward. On May 16, 2011. the European Commission and the Hungarian Innovation Office are jointly organizing a high level Internet of Things conference in Budapest, as part of the program of the Hungarian EU Presidency. The conference is joining a series of other events of the Future Internet Week between 16-20 May, 2011. Representatives of the Commission and the Hungarian government, as well as renown speakers of industry and academia from around the World will introduce the newest results and challenges of the new technology.
Commission seeks views on improving healthcare by applying ICT (eHealth). The European Commission is seeking citizens’ and other interested parties’ views on how the EU can help to deliver widespread benefits to the quality and efficiency of healthcare by applying information and communication technologies (ICT) (so-called ‘eHealth’). ICT is already playing a central role in addressing the numerous challenges faced by healthcare systems across the EU including an ageing population, a rise in chronic diseases, budget cuts and a shortage of healthcare workers by for example allowing remote diagnosis, remote monitoring of patients’ condition and secure sharing of patient records between healthcare professionals. However, there is considerable potential to develop eHealth much further in the future.
eHealth Week 2011: Information Technology provides a cure for Europe’s mounting healthcare costs. In the context of an ageing population, cutting-edge but expensive medical treatments and of a well-informed, demanding population, Information Technology is a cornerstone for a sustainable world-class healthcare for Europe. At the eHealth Week 2011, the annual gathering of the European eHealth communities, stakeholders will draw the attention on how IT solutions can make Europe’s health systems fit for future challenges. “Current methods of delivering healthcare are simply not sustainable in the face of demographic changes and the expected chronic disease wave”. More than 30% Europeans will be 65 or over in 2025.
News and Views on the European Union and Member States Partnership for International Cooperation. International cooperation enhances European competitiveness. This is why the European Union supports and drives a number of activities related to international cooperation between the European Union (EU), its member states, and third countries.
Public consultation on a possible successor to PROGRESS 2007-2013. The Commission has undertaken the review of its financial instruments for the next post-2013 multiannual financial framework. The EU programme for employment and social solidarity, – PROGRESS (2007-2013), is also subject to a review. In this context, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion invites you to take part in the public consultation on a successor instrument. PROGRESS was established to support financially the implementation of the objectives of the European Union in employment, social affairs and equal opportunities. It aims to improve the application of EU law and achieve shared understanding and ownership of EU objectives and policies among the decision makers and stakeholders both at the EU level and in the Member States.
Technical rules agreed for using 4G wireless broadband devices on GSM frequencies. Technical rules on how the 900 and 1800 MHz radio frequency bands should be opened up to advanced 4th generation (4G) communication devices have just been adopted by the European Commission. The rules, which are important to avoid interference problems with existing GSM and 3G devices, are an important step to bringing wireless broadband access to more EU citizens and businesses. The Commission Decision, which must be implemented by Member States by the end of 2011, will therefore help to achieve the targets of the Digital Agenda for Europe to give every European access to basic broadband by 2013 and fast and ultra fast broadband by 2020.
RegioStars – The Awards for Regional Innovative Projects: call is launched. The call for RegioStars 2012 for projects supported by EU regional policy is now launched. The objective of the RegioStars Awards is to identify good practices in regional development and to highlight original and innovative projects which could be attractive and inspiring to other regions. Are eligible projects that have been co-financed under the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund or the Cohesion Fund or Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) after 1 January 2000. Note this year’s award category for INCLUSIVE GROWTH – Strategies, initiatives or projects addressing the challenge of demographic change and supporting active ageing (2012 is the “European Year of Active Ageing and Intergenerational Solidarity”). The deadline for receipt of applications is 15 July 2011.
Fondo Innovazione Tecnologica: pubblicazione graduatoria del bando tematico per l’accesso agli incentivi per start up. È in corso di pubblicazione nella Gazzetta Ufficiale la graduatoria del bando tematico per l’accesso agli incentivi del Fondo per l’innovazione tecnologica (FIT), legge 46/82, diretto ad agevolare programmi di sviluppo sperimentale finalizzati alla realizzazione di innovazione di prodotto nei settori di alta e medio/alta tecnologia da parte di imprese in fase di avvio (start-up).
Presentato il Programma Nazionale della Ricerca (PNR) 2011-2013 . Il Programma Nazionale di Ricerca 2011-2013 (PNR )sviluppa e concretizza una delle direttrici fondamentali del Programma Nazionale di Riforma che allinea il Paese alla vision strategica di Europa 2020, indicando e descrivendo le azioni innovative volte a sostenere e accompagnare la transizione del sistema Paese verso l’economia della conoscenza. Il Programma è l’esito di una ampia consultazione che ha coinvolto la comunità scientifica e accademica, le forze economiche, la rappresentanza della Conferenza Stato Regioni e dell’Osservatorio sulle politiche regionali per la ricerca e l’innovazione, nonché tutte le Amministrazioni dello Stato competenti per materia.
6 giugno 2011 Modena. Info Day COST. In vista dell’invito a presentare proposte per il Programma COST (settembre 2011), la Direzione Ricerca e Relazioni Internazionali dell’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia ha voluto creare un’occasione di incontro e coordinamento tra i ricercatori delle Università italiane interessati a questo programma e alle possibilità di finanziamento e networking che offre.
19 May 2011 Budapest Opportunità per le PMI operanti nel settore ICT di incontrare investitori & Business Angels europei . Sono aperte le iscrizioni all’ICT VentureGate Brokerage Event che si terrà il 19 maggio 2011 a Budapest. L’evento è supportato dalla Commissione Europea attraverso l’iniziativa ICT Venture Gate che si propone di trovare soluzioni innovative per agevolare le interazioni tra PMI e investitori, quali Business Angels o Venture Capitalists, nel campo dell’innovazione.
12 maggio 2011 Torino. Dall’Unità d’Italia a Facebook. Nuove tecnologie, libri e Proprietà intellettuale: amici o nemici? Il diritto d’autore nell’editoria è materia dibattuta da secoli, ma con l’avvento di Internet si sono affacciate nuove e più complesse problematiche, a cui il legislatore, attraverso una normativa in continua evoluzione, cerca di trovare una soluzione, nel tentativo di coprire le sempre più larghe maglie del mondo virtuale. Le insidie della rete, quindi, ci sono e, anzi, al passo con la tecnologia si trasformano, offrendo un volto sempre diverso.
17 giugno 2011 Brussels Info-Day on FP7 Environment Research .The European Commission (Research & Innovation DG – Directorate Environment) is organising an InfoDay on FP7 Environment Research. The event aims to highlight the novelties of the 2012 Work Programme due to be published in July. It will provide guidance on proposal preparation and submission.
10 giugno 2011 Bruxelles. Conferenza sul Common Strategic Framework. Alla presenza della Commissaria e dei funzionari della DG RTD, oltre che di rappresentanti di enti e corpi legati al mondo della ricerca e dell’alta istruzione, verranno presentati i risultati della consultazione e verrà data la possibilità di commentarli ulteriormente. Stakeholders dal mondo dell’impresa e dell’imprenditoria interverranno per evidenziare il legame tra innovazione e crescita economica.
3 maggio 2011 Bruxelles Cerimonia di lancio delle PPP su Future Internet. Neelie Kroes, vice presidente della Commissione responsabile della Digital Agenda, il 3 maggio a Bruxelles terrà una conferenza per lanciare la Public Private Partnership in tema di Future Internet. Interverranno giornalisti, imprenditori, stakeholders.
19 maggio – 7 luglio 2011 Mediatori dell’innovazione – Centuria RIT e Amitié organizzano un percorso formativo sui temi del Trasferimento Tecnologico e del Marketing della Ricerca e dell’Innovazione, con l’obiettivo di fornire strumenti teorici ed applicativi per favorire il trasferimento dei risultati della ricerca e la collaborazione tra ricerca e impresa. Il percorso è infatti rivolto a giovani ricercatori e assegnisti degli enti di ricerca regionali, ma anche ai tecnici delle imprese interessate ad approfondire alcuni temi strategici per l’innovazione in azienda, nell’intento di attivare un network di conoscenza e rapporti tra i due diversi ambiti. Al fine di facilitare la partecipazione del maggior numero di persone, il corso è stato pensato come un percorso itinerante che tocca tutti i territori romagnoli (Faenza, Cesena, Ravenna, Forlì, Rimini). Il percorso si svolgerà da maggio a luglio 2011 e sarà completamente gratuito per tutti i partecipanti.
ACCESS2CANADA – Ricerca spaziale in Canada. Il progetto ACCESS2CANADA ha definito i programmi di ricerca e sviluppo e di innovazione in Canada aperti ai ricercatori europei. Tra gli altri, sono previsti anche programmi di ricerca spaziale. Il “Class Grant and Contribution Program – Space and Sub-Orbital Component” dell’Agenzia spaziale europea mettono a disposizione sovvenzioni e borse individuali per attività di ricerca ed esperimenti scientifici, per la formazione di personale altamente qualificato, per attività dimostrative che contribuiscano allo sviluppo delle conoscenze e dell’innovazione nel settore spaziale. I programmi finanziano anche voli e missioni spaziali internazionali, guidate dal Canada. Alcuni esempi di progetti eleggibili possono essere: sperimentazioni guidate dal Canada che necessitano di una piattaforma spaziale o suborbitale o sperimentazioni che contengono un esperimento guidato da attori stranieri con l’utilizzo di piattaforma spaziale o sub-orbitale.
Beni culturali: invito a presentare proposte nell’ambito del progetto CHARISMA. Finanziato nel Tema Infrastrutture di Ricerca, Il progetto CHARISMA, di cui APRE è partner, ha lanciato tre inviti a presentare proposte per i ricercatori europei o provenienti dai Paesi Associati nell’ambito della conservazione dei beni culturali. Deadline 28-04-2011
Sei miliardi alla ricerca in due anni Voucher alle pmi per il trasferimento tecnologico in azienda. Ammontano a 6 miliardi di euro i fondi a sostegno della ricerca che saranno resi disponibili tra il 2011 e il 2013. Una parte dei fondi del Programma operativo nazionale (Pon), su un totale di oltre 2 miliardi di fondi, sarà destinata a tutto il territorio nazionale, anziché alle sole regioni del Mezzogiorno. È prevista l’introduzione di un voucher a favore delle pmi per sostenere le attività di trasferimento tecnologico. Saranno privilegiati i progetti di rilevante importanza, capaci di avere una valenza che vada oltre l’interesse dei singoli proponenti, al fine di ottimizzare risorse, concentrandole per ridurre la frammentazione dei finanziamenti.
Credito d’imposta al 90% per trasferimenti da industria a Università. “Tutti i soldi trasferiti dall’industria all’università, anche senza commissione, possono generare un credito d’imposta al 90%”. È la proposta del governo, ha spiegato il ministro dell’Economia Giulio Tremonti, per stimolare la ricerca nel nostro Paese.“È nel programma nazionale di riforme che abbiamo mandato in Parlamento” – ha precisato il ministro, intervenendo a un incontro al Collegio Nuovo di Pavia per la presentazione del libro di Aldo Cazzullo Viva l’Italia.
25-26 May 2011, Lappeenranta, Finland. 2nd EU-Russia Innovation Forum. Signed in 2010, the EU-Russia Partnership for Modernisation is a shared agenda to help bring about reform in the field of the economy and society, with due respect for democracy and the rule of law. Its priority areas include the alignment of technical standards, the promotion of a sustainable low-carbon economy and dialogue with civil society. The forum’s themes are:
- Partnerships for Modernizations
- Innovativeness in Management
- Sharing Knowledge and Experiences
- Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
- Information & Communication Technologies
- Health
19 – 21 September 2011 Vienna, Austria. ‘Innovating innovation by research – 100 years after Schumpeter’. The conference programme will be centred on series of sessions that will take place over three days, moving from policy discussion and debate to Seventh Framework Programme networking and engagement. There will also be a focused networking event, providing information on the FP7-SSH-2012 call for proposals which will launch in summer 2011. Socioeconomic sciences and humanities (SSH) researchers and stakeholders (universities, research institutions, civil society organisations, and small and medium-sized enterprises) will have the opportunity to meet both potential coordinators and potential project partners in a structured networking environment.
15 – 17 September 2011 Reykjavik, Iceland.11th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents. Intelligent virtual agents (IVAs) are interactive characters that exhibit human-like qualities and communicate with humans or with each other using natural human modalities such as speech and gesture. They are capable of real-time perception, cognition and action that allow them to participate in dynamic social environments.
12 – 13 maggio 2011 Varsavia, Polonia. Conferenza annuale dell’Associazione europea delle organizzazioni di ricerca e tecnologia. Le organizzazioni di ricerca e tecnologia (ORT) sono organismi di conoscenza specializzati impegnati nello sviluppo e nel trasferimento della scienza e della tecnologia a vantaggio dell’economia e della società. Le RTO creano collegamenti tra la ricerca di base e le applicazioni industriali. Inoltre, contribuiscono a rafforzare l’andamento economico europeo sostenendo l’innovazione e le tecnologie relative ai prodotti e ai processi che favoriscono la crescita degli standard e della qualità della vita.
Extending scientific and technical cooperation with Israel. The European Commission and Israel have agreed a renewal of the Scientific and Technical Cooperation Agreement to cover the Fifth Framework Programme. The existing Agreement from 1996, covering the Fourth Framework Programme, allows for the participation of Israeli research organisations in all the EU’s specific RTD programmes. The Commission has now presented a proposal for the conclusion of the Agreement on the EU’s side, with the aim of its entering into force for the launch of the fifth Framework Programme.
EU calls for international energy cooperation projects (SYNERGY – 1999). The EU’s SYNERGY programme supports cooperative projects in the energy sector involving partners from within and outside the EU. The Commission has published a call for proposals for projects to be launched in 1999 under the programme. These projects should aim to further energy policy in areas of mutual interest and promote industrial cooperation between the EU and non-member countries.
Optimising the socio-economic benefits of the Information Society. In the framework of the multiannual Community programme to stimulate the establishment of the Information Society in Europe, the Commission is currently seeking proposals for projects to implement a scheme involving two initiatives. The first will promote transnational partnerships between SMEs and the second will promote the best use of Information Technologies.
Energy Charter Treaty amended to reflect changes in energy trading. A Council Decision approving amendments to the trade-related provisions of the 1994 Energy Charter Treaty, has now been published in the Official Journal. The text of the amendment to these provisions, agreed within the Energy Charter International Conference on 24 April 1998, takes into account recent developments in trade, especially in the light of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations, and the subsequent launch of the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
LIFE 1999: Call for proposals. The European Commission, DG XI, has published a call for proposals to be funded within the LIFE financial instrument for the environment during 1999. Actions eligible for funding within the framework of LIFE fall into three main categories:
- LIFE Environment
- LIFE Nature
- LIFE Third
Call for proposals – EU-USA Cooperation in higher education and vocational training. The European Commission, DG XXII, has published the third call for proposals for projects under the cooperation programme in the field of higher education and vocational education and training between the EU and the USA. The call covers the main component of the programme which concerns joint EU/US consortia projects. The programme supports a small number of original projects which can only or best be carried out through multilateral groupings. It is not intended to duplicate activities which can be carried out on a bilateral basis between the USA and individual EU Member States. Each consortium must include at least six partners, three from at least two EU Member States and three from at least two States of the USA. The first two partners from each side must be higher education or vocational training establishments. Third and subsequent partners may be similar institutions or may be other relevant organizations, such as businesses, publishers, NGOs, etc.
Organization of International Buyers’ Exhibitions (IBEX). The European Commission, DG XVI, has published a call for expressions of interest concerning the organization of International Buyers’ Exhibitions (IBEXs), in the context of regional policy and the SMEs Community Initiative. An IBEX features meetings between major firms and SMEs, which are designed to match the precise requirements of the big firms with the specific abilities of the SMEs to meet those needs. IBEXs are organized, normally during trade fairs or similar events, to promote cooperation between different categories of firm. An IBEX may be organized by a regional or local authority, or a regional professional body such as a chamber of commerce, with the support of similar bodies in other European regions.
Improving the financial environment of SMEs. Within the framework of the third multiannual programme for SMEs, the European Commission, DG XXIII, has published a call for proposals aimed at improving the financial environment of SMEs. The Commission intends to develop financial engineering instruments that can rectify weaknesses in financial structures in SMEs. This would not only be in terms of the volume of financial resources channelled towards SMEs, but also in terms of jobs created.
EU cancer programme launches call for new projects. Projects to contribute to the fight against cancer in Europe are being sought, following an EU call for proposals within the Europe against cancer programme. Proposals involving participants from several European countries may receive EU funding for activities in four areas:
– A: Data collection and research;
– B: Information and health education;
– C: Early detection and screening;
– D: Training and quality control and guarantees.
Call for support and coordination actions for trans-European telecommunications networks (TEN-TELECOM). The European Commission, DG XIII, has launched a rolling call for proposals aimed at the implementation of support and coordination actions which provide the appropriate environment for projects of common interest in the field of trans-European telecommunications networks (TEN-TELECOM). The Commission invites organizations or consortia to submit proposals for support actions, such as measures to prepare, support and disseminate the outcomes of projects. Proposals must include the reference “TI 4 Trans-European telecommunications support and coordination actions”. The indicative Community budget allocation for this call ranges from ECU 1 to 2 million.
SOCRATES programme – Call for proposals on questions of mutual interest in educational policy. The European Commission, DG XXII, has published a call for proposals concerning the implementation of Chapter III, Action 3, Point 1 (Questions of mutual interest concerning educational policy) of the SOCRATES Community action programme in the education field.The Commission intends to provide financial assistance for the development of studies and analyses on themes of mutual interest, and operational activities such as exchanges of experts, study visits, symposia and seminars on these themes. Proposals for studies should build on existing work, aim to identify trends and future developments, concern themes of interest at Community level and explain their added value in relation to existing work and national studies. Proposals for operational activities must involve participants from at least four or five countries.
Promotion of exports to Japan. The European Commission, DG IA, has published a call for proposals for projects to promote exports to Japan. These would be funded within the framework of the EU’s Export Promotion programme to Japan, under which funding of up to ECU 700,000 may be available during 1998.
EC-Canada cooperation in higher education and training – call for proposals. The European Commission has published the third call for proposals for the European Community – Canada programme of cooperation in higher education and training. This call for proposals concerns the encouragement of joint projects undertaken by consortia of higher education institution training establishments and other relevant organizations from the EU and Canada. The programme is administered by the European Commission, DG XXII, and by Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC) and the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT).
ESPRIT – Eleventh call for proposals. The European Commission, DG III, has published the eleventh call for proposals under the Community’s specific RTD programme in the field of Information Technologies (ESPRIT). This is anticipated to be the last call for proposals under the Fourth Framework Programme. Each area or task (identified by a task number) being called are domain-specific and relate to the ESPRIT 1998 work programme. All proposals will be evaluated in one single step.
Asia URBS programme – call for proposals. The European Commission has published a call for proposals for cooperative projects involving local authorities from the EU and countries in south and south-east Asia, under the Asia URBS programme. The aim is to encourage development cooperation at the level of cities, towns and local government.The programme will support projects of a socio-economic nature designed to address urban problems, essentially in any field under the responsibility of the local authorities concerned. Features of projects may include tackling problems common to several Asian cities, innovative and demonstrative nature of the proposals, exchange of experience and the involvement of social and economic groups and organisations representing local community interests.
Call for proposals for actions related to the promotion of renewable energy sources. The European Commission, DG XVII, has published a call for proposals for actions, measures and studies under the multiannual programme for the promotion of renewable energy sources in the Community (ALTENER).
Calls for proposals under the ASIA-INVEST programme. The European Commission, DG IB, has issued four calls for proposals under the ASIA-INVEST programme. This five-year programme, with a budget of ECU 45 million, is aimed at stimulating the formation of long-term business partnerships between SMEs in the EU and Asia.Three of the calls for proposals are sub-instruments of the Business Priming Fund, which aims at providing support to groups of companies to prepare them for business cooperation. The fourth call for proposals is an instrument of ASIA-INVEST called Asia-Interprise, which offers financial and technical support for business matching events. Each operation should not last longer than two years.
Call for projects – Youth for Europe programme. The European Commission, DG XXII, has published a call for proposals for projects under Action E.I of the Youth for Europe programme. The aim of this action is to contribute to the objectives of the programme by providing support for information activities for young people at a European level. The Commission will, therefore, support initiatives which aim to increase awareness among people working in the field of youth information as to the possibilities for cooperation between participating countries, and to increase cooperation for the dissemination of youth information.
INTERPRISE – Call for proposals. The European Commission, DG XXIII, has published a call for proposals under the INTERPRISE initiative to encourage partnerships between industries and/or services in Europe. Under this programme, events are organised where the heads of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are offered a series of pre-arranged business meetings with counterparts from other countries. The aim of these meetings is to conclude cooperation agreements across borders and thus stimulate the transnational business activities of SMEs. The proposals submitted must aim at promoting cooperation between SMEs and must aim to bring together heads of businesses from one or perhaps two well-defined sectors of economic activity. The objective must be to arrange meetings between firms in order to promote partnerships. Information seminars are thus excluded but may be accepted as a supplementary feature. Furthermore a spread of INTERPRISE events in terms of timing, sector and regions must also be achieved.
THE IMPACT OF ICT R&D IN THE LARGE SCALE DEPLOYMENT OF THE ELECTRIC VEHICLE – SMART 2011-0065 – 2011/S 75-122115 Budget € 200 000 Deadline: 31 May 2011
9th EraSME Call launched. The EraSME programme launched the 9th EraSME Call for transnational cooperative research project proposals. The call is for project consortia of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and research and technology organisations from at least 2 different EraSME countries and regions (Czech Republic, Austria, Belgium, Germany). The deadline is 30 September 2011. Czech partner is the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
I Facebook e l’e-commerce: l’era dell’ f-commerce. l social network di Zuckerberg accoglie i portali di shopping online, trasformandosi in un grande centro di opportunità per i vendor, ma al contempo in una killer application dell’ecommerce. Sempre al centro della scena, Facebook sfavilla sotto i riflettori della ribalta, che ovviamente mettono in luce gli aspetti positivi del noto social network, ma generano anche ombre sulla sua capacità di raccolta dati e profilazione degli utenti.
Approvato il Prae. “Finalmente il Lazio ha un Piano delle attività estrattive (Prae), uno strumento atteso da tanti, troppi anni. Ringrazio l’assemblea della Pisana e la commissione competente per il positivo contributo e per la celere tempistica relativa all’iter di approvazione”. Lo ha dichiarato l’assessore regionale alle Attività produttive e alle Politiche dei rifiuti Pietro Di Paolo.Il Piano è l’atto di programmazione settoriale che definisce gli indirizzi e gli obiettivi di riferimento per la ricerca, l’estrazione e la lavorazione di materiali di cava e di torbiera, nonché per il recupero delle aree interessate. Il Prae costituisce un fondamentale approccio conoscitivo: la fotografia dell’esistente con le linee guida per programmare ed esercitare le attività estrattive nel rispetto dell’ambiente. Il Piano contiene, inoltre, le previsioni sulle produzioni future, la stima dei fabbisogni, il censimento di tutte le cave in esercizio e i dettagli relativi.
Turismo, 10 mln di euro per i servizi innovativi. La Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, nell’ambito del bilancio di previsione per l’anno 2010, nel quale è iscritto il Centro di responsabilità n. 17 «Sviluppo e competitività del turismo», ha definito le modalità di utilizzo dei fondi stanziati, pari a 10 milioni di euro, per il potenziamento e il sostegno della realizzazione e diffusione dei servizi innovativi in favore dell’utenza turistica organizzati e gestiti dagli Enti pubblici territoriali, anche in forma associata. Il decreto attuativo, dello scorso 13 dicembre, è stato pubblicato in Gazzetta Ufficiale.
Vale il 2% del Pil l’Internet tricolore. n’indagine commissionata in Italia da Google e realizzata dal Boston Consulting Group fotografa lo stato della rete Internet nel nostro Paese. Nel 2015 l’Internet economy italiana rappresenterà tra il 3,3% ed il 4,5% del Pil. Fanno capolino in Rete i risultati di un’indagine commissionata in Italia da Google e realizzata dal Boston Consulting Group (Bcg). La ricerca fotografa lo stato della rete Internet nel nostro Paese, i fattori che ne possono guidare la crescita e presenta un confronto con le altre nazioni evidenziando quelli che saranno i cambiamenti nel futuro più immediato.
Iscriviti al webinar: I Social Media nel Piano di Comunicazione. Filas, attraverso Lazio-Side, propone un nuovo webinar (seminario on line fruibile via web), che sarà riproposto in due edizioni, dedicato ai social media. Cosa gli utenti si aspettano dai social media, come interagiscono, come impiegarli al meglio in un piano di comunicazione di marketing, evitando facili illusioni. Il seminario ha come obiettivo quello di fornire le valutazioni necessarie al corretto impiego dei singoli media a fronte della rivoluzione generata dalla comunicazione digitale.
Android, il presente (e futuro) degli smartphone. Se Apple domina in lungo e in largo, raggiungendo risultati record, il sistema operativo di Google sta per diventare il “Windows” degli Smartphone… Fa più impressione sapere che quest’anno si venderanno quasi mezzo miliardo di smartphone o che (per la precisione 470 milioni) Android, il sistema operativo inventato da Google, sarà presente sulla maggioranza di questi device?
Imprese, nasce SprintExport. È attivo dal 19 aprile SprintExport, il nuovo servizio di consulenza on-line dedicato alle imprese del Lazio che intendano avviare, o che abbiano avviato, progetti imprenditoriali di penetrazione nei mercati esteri. L’iniziativa è promossa dalla Regione Lazio, attraverso l’assessorato alle Attività produttive e Sviluppo Lazio, dal ministero dello Sviluppo economico e dall’Istituto nazionale per il commercio estero nell’ambito di un accordo di programma. Il servizio è realizzato in collaborazione con Unioncamere Lazio e con la rete delle Camere di commercio del Lazio ed è attivato per mezzo di SprintLazio, lo sportello regionale per l’internazionalizzazione.
Statuti Enti di ricerca.Il 19 aprile è stato pubblicato l’avviso sulla GU dell’avvenuta pubblicazione degli Statuti degli Enti di Ricerca. Entreranno in vigore il 1 maggio
REGIONE SICILIANA P.O. FESR 2007/2013 Asse IV, Linea di Intervento – Sostegno ad applicazioni sperimentali e innovazione di processo e organizzativa nei diversi settori di intervento. Il Dipartimento delle Attività Produttive della Regione Siciliana intende sostenere le attività di prevalente sviluppo sperimentale nei settori/ambiti di potenziale eccellenza, individuati dalla Strategia Regionale dell’Innovazione 2007/2013, ritenuti rilevanti per lo sviluppo dell’innovazione a livello regionale. Ulteriore finalità è il sostegno ad iniziative connesse ad innovazioni di processo ed organizzative attivate dal sistema imprenditoriale regionale. Le tipologie di intervento ammissibili ai contributi sono le attività di:
1. sviluppo sperimentale;
2. innovazione di processo;
3. innovazione organizzativa.
Budget euro 22.234.658,00 Deadline 31/05/2011