CALL FOR PROPOSALS — EAC/13/11. European Policy Network on the Implementation of Key Competences in School Education (2011/C 180/15).
The overall aim of this call is to establish a Europe-wide network of relevant organisations in countries participating in the Lifelong Learning Programme. The aim of the network is to develop policy advice for the implementation of the 2006 Recommendation on key competences for lifelong learning in schools. Budget EUR 500 000 Deadline 30 September 2011

Sul sito della Commissione europea Imprese ed industria è stato pubblicato l’Invito a presentare proposte “Supporting Public Procurement Of Innovative Solutions: Networking And Financing Procurement” ENT/CIP/11/C/N02C011, nell’ambito del Programma quadro CIP. L’obiettivo delle attività finanziate dal presente invito è quello di sostenere gli appalti pubblici per l’acquisto di prodotti e servizi innovativi in settori strategici, come definito dalla comunicazione “Unione dell’innovazione”, aumentando così la domanda di innovazione e valorizzazione dei servizi pubblici in relazione al miglioramento della qualità/efficienza dei servizi pubblici. Deadline 27/09/2011–call-for-proposals.aspx

Call for proposals under the work programme of the ENIAC Joint Undertaking (2011/C 183/07) ENIAC-2011-2.

Call for proposals — EAC/01/11 — (2011/C 183/08) European Policy Network on the Education of Children and Young People with a Migrant Background. The purpose of this call is to strengthen cross-European collaboration between high level decision makers, academics and practitioners for raising the educational attainment of children and young people from a migrant background. The call aims to support the establishment of a European network to analyse, develop and exchange policy and practice in the area. Budget EUR 500 000 Deadline 14 October 2011.

Call for proposals 2011 — Civil protection Financial Instrument — Exercises (2011/C 169/08). The call for proposals for Exercises in the field of the Community Civil Protection Mechanism 2011 refers to action 2.2 of the Work Programme 2011 and aims to support exercises simulating the situation and conditions of major emergencies which will  require the activation of the Community  Civil Protection Mechanism, including Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear emergencies, and the involvement of Participating States through the MIC, mainly with deployment of intervention teams (including modules), Coordination and/or Assessment Teams of experts, National key contact point  staff, officials of the Community institutions and other intervention support.

European Disability Forum and partners launch campaign for Accessible websites.
On the occasion of the 1st Digital Agenda Assembly EDF and its partners launched their campaign for Accessible websites. 95% of public websites remain inaccessible. Concretely, this means that older people and persons with disabilities cannot access vital information online and perform the same everyday tasks as non-disabled people can. The European Commission has committed to improving web-accessibility by 2015: The Digital Agenda for Europe, one of the flagships of the Europe 2020 Strategy, and the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 mention a legislative proposal that would “ensure that public sector websites and websites providing basic services to citizens are fully accessible by 2015”.

Roadmap for Accessible User Interfaces. A roadmap is being developed for research on accessible user interfaces. The roadmap will include: (a) Clear proposals on what technologies need to be supported (eg eye tracking, voice/gesture reckoning, wearable devices, smart displays). (b) Clear inputs on what methodologies have to be investigated (eg adaptive UI design, accessibility evaluation guidelines for devices, services and applications). (c) Clear contributions on what kind of tools should be developed (eg automatic accessibility verification/design tools, accessible user interface description languages). This roadmap is one of the inputs to the thinking and direction of future research funding by the European Commission in this area, and the aim is to gather input from a diverse range of stakeholders.

Only two social networking sites protect privacy of minors’ profiles by default. Only two social networking sites (Bebo and MySpace) tested on behalf of the European Commission have default settings to make minors’ profiles accessible only to their approved list of contacts and only 4 sites ensure minors can be contacted by default by friends only (Bebo, MySpace, Netlog and SchuelerVZ). However, a majority of 14 social networking sites tested do give minors age-appropriate safety information, respond to requests for help and prevent minors’ profiles from being searched via external search engines. The number of minors using social networking sites in the EU is growing – currently 77% of 13-16 year olds and 38% of 9-12 year olds who use the Internet.

EU and Japan agree to strengthen cooperation in Future Internet research. Senior officials from the EU and Japan have agreed on a common area for research in Future Internet and New Generation Networks. This will be the subject of the first ever EU-Japan coordinated calls for ICT research proposals in 2012-13. The EU and Japan share many similar goals in designing the Internet of the future. We have the Internet of connected computers, and connected people, and the Internet is now going mobile. In the near future it will connect a whole range of machines and objects, generating ever-increasing volumes of data. But the internet needs to adapt to manage future data streams, and provide the associated levels of accuracy, resilience and safety.

Commission concerns on aspects of Belgian regulators’ proposal to regulate broadcasting and (to a lesser extent) broadband markets. The European Commission has expressed a number of concerns on a proposal by the Belgian audiovisual regulators to regulate broadcasting services in Belgium. It has also raised some questions on the Belgian telecommunications regulator’s proposal to regulate broadband access. In particular, the Commission is asking the Belgian regulators to take full account of market developments in both markets and to further substantiate and justify its reasoning with regard to the broadcasting market. The Commission’s role is to oversee the details of remedies proposed by national telecoms regulators to address competition problems so as to ensure that customers and businesses are able to benefit from a fair and competitive single EU telecoms market, and that operators have the regulatory certainty they need to confidently operate EU-wide.

24 – 28 October 2011, Poznan, Poland Future Internet Week.
The “Future Internet Week” will consist of a series of events, such as conferences, meetings and workshops, covering different aspects of the Future Internet. The event is organised in connection with the Polish Presidency of the EU.

11 October 2011, Brussels, Belgium Addressing evolving needs for cross-border eGovernment services. This workshop will focus on the evolving needs of the European Union towards a more efficient delivery of ICT-facilitated public services for citizens and businesses across the EU. The target is to widen the scope of use of the electronic means that public administrations have at their disposal outside the local, regional or national level. A further aim is to facilitate mobility of businesses and citizens i.e. for entrepreneurs to set up and run a business anywhere in Europe and allowing individuals to study, work, reside, receive health care and retire anywhere in the European Union.




La ricerca nelle PMI. L’innovazione sente ancora la crisi. Le impresa più piccole e flessibili attive soprattutto sul fronte dell’innovazione di processo.
La ricerca intra muros continua a risentire della crisi e ristagna. Ma non è crollata: la vitalità delle aziende, anche di quelle di piccole dimensioni, è testimoniata dai livelli di spesa in R&S, che nel 2010 si sono mantenuti intorno ai 10 miliardi di euro, senza quindi cadute significative, anche se i finanziamenti alla ricerca continuano a essere di difficile accesso. Le piccole aziende – a parte settori come vernici, chimica farmaceutica e  altri segmenti legati alla sanità, in cui alcune Pmi sono leader mondiali – puntano soprattutto sull’innovazione di processo, indispensabile per adattarsi alle esigenze del mercato.


‘Horizon 2020’ – Il nuovo nome per il futuro programma di finanziamenti europei per la ricerca e l’innovazione.
Il Commissario europeo per la ricerca e l’innovazione, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn ha annunciato con entusiasmo l’esito della votazione online sul nome del futuro Programma dell’Unione europea di ricerca e innovazione. E’ ‘Horizon 2020’ il nome del nuovo  che sarà proposto entro la fine dell’anno alla Commissione europea. Il nome è stato selezionato grazie al concorso comunitario “Dategli un nome!”, aperto lo scorso marzo, con cui sono stati raccolti circa 1.600 contributi.

Preinformazione Invito a presentare proposte MOVE/SUB/01-2011 sulla sicurezza stradale
. La Commissione europea intende concedere sovvenzioni per un importo indicativo totale di 1 000 000 Euro per promuovere la sicurezza stradale come annunciato nel Programma di lavoro 2011 adottato dalla Commissione europea. Ulteriori informazioni su tale invito e la documentazione necessaria per presentare le proposte progettuali  saranno disponibili sul sito web della direzione generale Mobilità e trasporti.


13 to 15 September 2011 in Oxford, UK. The 11th International Conference on Education and Development.
Global recession, climate change, conflict and emergency are challenges that have dominated the first decade of the 21st century. They have left few countries untouched. Governments are struggling to redress declining trade, brain drain and loss of revenues. Education risks being a casualty of these contemporary uncertainties. It is a catalyst for growth, environmental protection and peace-building, but it can also aggravate social tensions and marginalisation.

29 August to 2 September 2011 in Helsinki, Finland. Fifth International Workshop on Advances in Quality of Service Management. Service level management (SLM) is the process of managing the quality of service (QoS) demanded by clients and offered by providers. In the past, SLM approaches have focused on service contract definition, monitoring and reporting and have typically been handled by enterprise system management tools. However, traditional approaches may be inadequate when dealing with complex service-oriented architectures. Service-oriented architectures are compositional, dynamic and often distributed over the internet. For such architectures, SLM becomes a challenge that can no longer be handled by traditional monitoring tools.


Strategic Innovation Agenda (SIA) EIT published.
The European Institute of Innovation and Technology’s (EIT) Governing Board has submitted the EIT’s Strategic Innovation Agenda (SIA) – Investing in Innovation beyond 2014 In the SIA, the Governing Board outlines the EIT’s vision for the future as an entrepreneurially driven innovation impact investment institute and its proposed strategy for contributing to the increase of Europe’s innovation capacity and competitiveness.


Il mercato della realtà aumentata cresce. La seconda edizione dell’IAR, la conferenza dedicata alle prospettive offerte dalla realtà aumentata, ha messo in evidenza un importante aspetto: il mercato legato a tale tecnologia è in costante crescita, spinto principalmente dall’introduzione di nuove feature nei dispositivi mobile, i quali rappresentano l’habitat ideale per un simile strumento.
Grazie alla realtà aumentata è possibile infatti ricevere in tempo reale informazioni su un luogo, un monumento oppure un oggetto semplicemente visualizzandolo tramite la fotocamera del proprio smartphone: un’apposita applicazione si occupa di individuare la posizione geografica dell’utente, riconoscere in relazione ai dati raccolti quanto ripreso dal sensore della fotocamera e di scaricare tutte le informazioni utili dalla Rete, sovrapponendole all’immagine mostrata sul display offrendo una nuova esperienza di navigazione.