Calls for proposals — ESPON 2013 Programme (2011/C 245/08). Calls for Proposals for Applied Research Projects, Targeted Analyses, Scientific Platform/Tools Projects and Transnational Networking Activities are now open. Budget 7.417.176,09 €. Deadline 20 October 2011.
Call for proposals — Culture Programme (2007-2013) Implementation of the programme actions: multi annual cooperation projects; cooperation measures; special action (third countries); and support for bodies active at European level in the field of culture (2011/C 247/04)
SMART 2011/0035 Simulation, visualisation and visual computing technologies: EU position and future potential. The aim of the study is to inform decisions on future coverage and approach towards the fields of simulation, visualisation and visual computing within a future post 2013 EU Research and Innovation Programme. The study should analyse and assess the position of the EU research community and of EU industry in these areas. It should benchmark these activities against the main international competitors. It should also analyse the research and market potential in various application areas and identify the potential key players that should be involved in the definition of future R&D priorities and in subsequent research and development activities in the area. The data gathered and lessons learnt through this study will be fed into the Common Strategic Framework and Work Programme preparation process. Deadline: 9 September 2011
SMART 2011-0036 Quantifying public procurement of research and development of ICT solutions in Europe. This study aims to gather data about the amount of public procurements of research and development that are taking place in the Member States and that are not tendered EU wide. The purpose is to quantify the data in such a way that also allows the identification of R&D procurement expenditure across areas of public sector activity, and across categories of expenditure, in particular for this study focusing on ICT related goods and services procured. This study should be carried out in line with R&D expenditure measurement methodologies already used in official yearly statistics, scoreboards and benchmarking exercises relating to R&D expenditure across Europe in comparison with the rest of the world developed by EUROSTAT in cooperation with member states’ national statistics offices, OECD and the European Commission. Deadline: 16 September 2011
Call for proposals: “Supporting Public Procurement Of Innovative Solutions: Networking And Financing Procurement”. The present call for proposals aims at supporting public procurers in purchasing new and improved solutions, products and services in areas of grand societal challenges as defined by Innovation Union communication. This objective is to be realised through establishing trans-national networks to enable Contracting Authorities (as defined by Directives 2004/18/EC and 2004/17/EC) and organizations supporting innovation procurement: to offset the additional risks and costs, to collaborate to create a critical mass, to test the feasibility and implementation modalities of a future EU support scheme. Deadline: 27 September 2011
17 November 2011, Barcelona 3rd meeting of the ITU-T Focus Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility. The main objective of the Focus Group on Audiovisual Media Accessibility (FG AVA) is to address the need to make audiovisual media accessible for persons with disabilities. The Focus Group encourages participation of all standards development organizations (SDOs) working in this area. The FG AVA is open to ITU Member States, Sector Members, Associates and Academia. It is also open to any individual from a country which is a member of ITU and who is willing to contribute to the work.
13 – 14 September 2011, Maastricht’. Health and Structural Funds – sharing good practice to prepare for the post 2013 period’. This course is intended to deal with practical know-how knowledge and is designed for officials and experts especially from the EU12 and EU15 MS with Convergence Regions who represent SF Managing Authorities at national and regional levels, national and regional MoH, regional and local health authorities, regional governments, NGOs, regional development agencies who are involved in managing, accessing and using Structural Funds (SF) in the current period and planning for the 2014-2020 period. For further details please see the course information on the dedicated website.
6 – 7 September 2011, Brussels European Congress ‘Transforming Access to Digital Europe in Public Libraries’. The ECEI11 agenda will focus particularly on the transformative role that libraries can play by acting as key institutions for change and providing access to the many new digital opportunities across Europe. A key aim will be to shine a spotlight on the links between EU policies on e-inclusion and public libraries highlighting where and how libraries can contribute to wider EU policy, strategy and outcomes as well as being linked to investment.
OMEGA at the top of the data transfer game. Researchers in Europe have successfully developed a new transfer technology for video data. An outcome of the OMEGA project, the team transferred data at an extremely fast rate of 100 megabits per second (Mbit/s) without any losses. OMEGA (‘Home gigabit access’) was funded under the ‘Information and communication technologies’ (ICT) Theme of the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) to the tune of EUR 12.41 million. This latest technology could be brought to market a lot sooner than expected.
La Regione avvia la consultazione sul Rapporto Ambientale. Nell’ambito della proposta di revisione del POR FESR, la Regione Lazio ha avviato la consultazione pubblica sul Rapporto Ambientale. Il relativo avviso è pubblicato sul Il relativo avviso è pubblicato sul BURL n. 31 del 20/8/2011, nella PARTE III: “AVVISO, ai sensi dell’articolo 14 del D.Lgs.152/06 e di deposito della documentazione inerente la procedura di Valutazione Ambientale Strategica relativa alla revisione del POR FESR Lazio 2007/2013 approvata dal CdS del POR il 18/02/2011”. Il Rapporto Ambientale (RA) è un documento previsto dalla normativa sulla Valutazione Ambientale Strategica (VAS). Quest’ultima è parte integrante dell’iter di pianificazione e programmazione di tutti gli strumenti che possono comportare impatti sull’ambiente.
L’Europa in Comune. Prosegue “L’Europa in Comune”, il programma formativo sulle opportunità di finanziamento dell’Unione europea rivolto ad amministratori, dirigenti e funzionari dei comuni della Regione Lazio. L’obiettivo dell’amministrazione regionale è creare sul territorio una rete di referenti attivi in ambito di progettazione europea, al fine di poter attrarre nel Lazio parte di quei 18 miliardi di euro che la Commissione europea assegna annualmente. La prossima tappa del progetto è a MARINO dal 14 al 16 settembre, presso la sede del Comune.
22 August 2011 in Lyon, France. Workshop on upcoming trends in email. In recent years, email has become so widespread that users may often take it for granted. Inboxes receive not only personal and professional communications, but also marketing and commercial ads, alerts and notifications from websites or social networks, search engines results, agendas and more. As uses expand, so does the demand for ever-more complex technology and programming.
25 to 27 January 2012 in Leipzig, Germany Sixth International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems. Managing variability is a major issue in the development, maintenance, and evolution of software-intensive systems. To be managed effectively and efficiently, variability must be explicitly modeled. The workshop will address variability widely, including variability in requirements, architecture, implementation, validation, and verification as well as evolution of variability.
6 October 2011 ‘Meeting the climate and energy challenges in the EU’. Securing sustainable, reliable and affordable energy supplies and addressing climate change are major challenges. In 2010 more new wind energy capacity was made available in Europe than any other power generating technology, reaching a cumulative total of 84 GW. Increasingly, wind energy is perceived as low-risk and a sustainable investment that creates jobs, technological leadership, and greater energy independence.
24 to 26 February 2012 Rome, Italy. Second International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems. Pervasive and embedded computing and communication aim to provide trustworthy computing solutions and communication services all the time and everywhere. This has resulted in the need for an interdisciplinary field of research and development that combines signal processing with computer hardware and software technologies, and utilizes and integrates pervasive, wireless, embedded, wearable and/or mobile systems. Applications range from ambient intelligence to ubiquitous multimedia, multidimensional signal processing, sensors, robotics, integrated communication systems and nanotechnologies.
Open source publishing helping to realise Digital Agenda aims. One positive aspect of the Internet’s innovative capacity for rapid change has been the dawn of open access publishing that has came to prominence over the last decade. Leading the way is the non-profit organisation Creative Commons, which has just launched a new book showcasing how copyright, content sharing and collaboration can lead innovation in the digital age. Directly in line with the European Commission’s Digital Agenda strategy, which aims to make the Internet as fast as possible to foster economic growth and inspire job creation, as well as ensuring all citizens have access to the content and services they need, the Creative Commons project has had a direct impact on EU-funded research.
Piano nazionale per il Sud (23/08/2011). Nel corso della seduta del 3 agosto scorso il Comitato interministeriale per la programmazione economica (CIPE) ha sbloccato 7,3 miliardi di euro a valere sui Fondi Aree Sottoulizzate (FAS) da destinare al finanziamento di interventi strategici definiti nel documento programmatico di attuazione del Piano Nazionale per il Sud.
Cartografia al 2.000 per la Regione Sicilia. La Regione Sicilia ha stanziato 1.257.000 euro per l’aggiornamento speditivo della cartografia 1:2.000 da rilievo aerofotogrammetrico dei centri urbani (già consegnata ai comuni con voli effettuati negli anni 2003-2004) ai fini della redazione e/o revisione degli strumenti urbanistici.
Google acquista la Dealmap: mapping di coupon e sconti. Google ha acquistato la Dealmap, piccola azienda specializzata nella geolocalizzazione su baseGoogle Maps delle offerte e degli sconti che conta più di 2 milioni di utenti. Il mapping è già da tempo utilizzato per i servizi al consumatore ma, con questa azione, la più nota azienda che offre servizi sul web darà un impulso notevole al mercato.
Interim evaluation of Lifelong Learning Programme. The EC Directorate General for Education and Culture has published a report on the interim evaluation of the Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) that was carried out by the Lithuanian Public Policy and Management Institute. The report suggests, among others, that the number of objectives should be reduced and streamlined. Among the recommendations for the programme post-2013 is the demand for administrative simplification and unity between the sub-programmes.
Travel Grants for EU researchers to Argentina. The Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation of the Argentinean Republic (MINCYT), through Project ABEST A/EU Phase II, published a call for travel grants for European researchers, RTDI groups and SMEs to Argentina, in order to facilitate consortia building to participate jointly in FP7 projects/networks, ETPs, JTIs and PPPs.
Comune di San Giovanni La Punta (CT). Realizzazione di un’anagrafe immobiliare, catastale, tributaria e territoriale per la gestione del territorio e l’incremento delle entrate ordinarie (ICI, TARSU, e tributi equiparabili). Importo complessivo € 140.000 + iva. Scadenza 13 settembre 2011.
Comune di Vittoria (RG) Fornitura di servizi informatici per la realizzazione e l’aggiornamento del sistema informativo territoriale del nodo SITR comunale. Importo complessivo € 64.200 + iva. Scadenza 5 settembre 2011.
Autorità di bacino della Basilicata (PZ). Produzione di un modello digitale del terreno di precisione e di ortofoto a curve di livello relativi al reticolo idrografico secondario del territorio di competenza dell’ente. Importo complessivo € 263.000. Scadenza 29 settembre 2011.
Regione Toscana – grafo e numeri civici .Domande di partecipazione alle azioni operative finalizzate al raggiungimento degli obiettivi regionali per l’infomobilità. Aggionamento grafo stradale e numerici civici. Scadenza 30 settembre 2011.
ARIT (TE) Realizzazione del sistema integrato per la gestione informatizzata delle procedure in agricoltura – Sistema Informativo Agricolo Regionale (Regione Abruzzo). Importo complessivo € 637.500 + iva. Scadenza 22 settembre 2011.