Ministero Sviluppo Economico

Invito presentazione canditure per aggiornamento “Elenco degli esperti per la valutazione dei progetti di ricerca di sistema del settore elettrico” Deadline 30-05-2009

Ministero Affari Esteri

La Commissione Europea mette a disposizione del nostro Paese per il secondo semestre 2009 un massimo di 15 posti presso i propri servizi per il programma di Esperti Nazionali in Formazione Professionale (ENFP), prima denominato Stages strutturali, con inizio l’1 ottobre o il 16 ottobre 2009. /


L’Incubatore d’imprese dell’ESA sigla un partenariato con l’italiana BIC Lazio.Il 3 marzo 2009, Volker Liebig, Direttore dei Programmi di Osservazione della Terra dell’ESA e Capo dello stabilimento ESA-ESRIN in Italia, ed Enrico D’Agostino, Presidente di BIC Lazio, hanno firmato all’ESA–ESRIN di Frascati un contratto di supporto all’iniziativa “ESA Business Incubation” formalizzando un nuovo accordo di collaborazione.

MCC Incentivi per le imprese

Prosegue il potenziamento del Fondo di Garanzia per le Pmi che il Governo sta attuando come misura per far fronte alla crisi economica. Dopo le modifiche apportate con il decreto anti-crisi di dicembre, un’altra novità di grande rilievo è stata introdotta  dal Comitato di Gestione nella riunione del 9 aprile 2009: l’importo massimo garantito per singola impresa è stato triplicato passando da 500 mila euro a 1,5 milioni di euro.


Estonia backs eCall. Today, the eCall Memorandum of Understanding (eCall MoU) got the backing of Estonia. The country thereby commits itself to the timely implementation of eCall, the pan-European emergency call system. eCall enables a car involved in a serious crash to automatically dial 112 and call the nearest emergency centre. In the call, it notifies the accident and transmits its exact location. Jüri Pihl, Estonian Minister of the Interior, signed the eCall MoU in the presence of Viviane Reding, European Commissioner for the Information Society and Media. Estonia is the 15th EU Member State to sign the MoU.

Call for proposals EACEA/06/09 ‘Under the Lifelong Learning’ Programme Award of grants for actions to develop and implement the European Qualifications Framework (Eqf), including national and sectoral qualifications frameworks (Text with EEA relevance) (2009/C 98/08) Budget EUR 2 million Deadline 14 August 2009

CALL FOR PROPOSALS EACEA/07/09 ‘Under the Lifelong Learning’ Programme Support for European cooperation in education and training (2009/C 98/09) Budget EUR 2,787 million Deadline 14 August 2009

Call Advertising for a negotiated procedure for a service contract of a value below or equal to 60.000€ – INFSO.H1 – eHealth raising awareness Campaign. Launch and manage a media/communication campaign on eHealth in several EU Member States in order to raise awareness about European eHealth activities. A key objective of the campaign is to give visibility to the EC projects in the field of eHealth and to demonstrate their concrete impact/results. Additional objectives are to better attract health professionals and patients’ attention and encourage them to use the ICT-based solutions already available. Deadline 01/04/2009

Call for tender: Support programme for the EU authorities to identify emergency response capabilities for registration at the IAEA Response Assistance Network (EU RANET support). The aim of the project is to promote the IAEA RANET programme and assist the EU Member States to identify those emergency response capabilities that can be offered as international assistance in the event of a radiological or nuclear emergency.Deadline 15/06/2009

7 May 2009, Brussels, Belgium. Info Session on EU Interoperability & Standards.Europe has always promoted the development of a practical eHealth framework and an ICT infrastructure that would enable secure access to patient health information, particularly with respect to basic patient summaries and ePrescriptions between different European healthcare systems. To achieve this goal, EU Interoperability and the use of common standards is crucial. The event will consist of 2 sessions: an open session with 5 presentations on the EU interoperability and standards and a closed session aiming to discuss a possible industry statement on interoperability and use of standards for Belgium (members only session) – For participation, register on the Agoria website.


19.05.09 Turin, Italy Training conference on the Seventh Framework Programme, Third in a series of events, it is intended to delve deeper into the administrative, legal and management concerns.European Commission representatives and other experts will talk about:

  • problematic issues encountered in the framework of EC audits;
  • rules for participating in Joint Undertakings (JU) financed by the European Commission;
  • administrative challenges encountered at the national level in the financial and contractual management of Marie Curie Actions and European Research Council (ERC) grants;
  • improving communication and dissemination;
  • improving financial and administrative sections in FP7 project proposals.

25.06.09 Brussels, Belgium Conference on science and technology in times of crisis.The conference will be dedicated to the following issues:

  • ‘How can science and technology (S&T) policy help to recover from a recession and to address the global systemic crises of our time (energy, environment, water, food supply)?’
  • ‘Transition toward the knowledge-based economy, the role of innovation diffusion and smart specialisation’;
  • ‘Governance and reforms in research and development funding in the context of a larger and more heterogeneous EU’.


6 e 7 maggio 2009 Firenze.Better Software 2009 – Firenze. Better Software, la prima conferenza italiana sul management dei progetti software rivolta a imprenditori e manager del settore IT ma anche a studenti universitari che vogliono incontrare i maggiori esperti del campo. Nella centralissima location dell’Auditorium Al Duomo, a due passi dalla stazione centrale, va in scena un evento eclettico che vede protagonisti 32 esperti riconosciuti a livello nazionale e internazionale. Gli argomenti trattati spaziano dal web 2.0 all’open source, dal project management al design, dal licensing e al marketing.