ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES COUNCIL OPEN CALL. European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)(2013/C 165/09). COST brings together researchers and experts in different countries working on specific topics. COST does NOT fund research itself, but supports networking activities such as meetings, conferences, short-term scientific exchanges and outreach activities. Currently around 250 scientific networks (actions) are supported.
Invitation to tender – Study on “Available semantics assets for the interoperability of SMART APPLIANCES. Mapping into a common ontology as a M2M application layer semantics ” – SMART 2013/0077.
New action plan launched in South America to promote resilience, risk reduction, and preparedness towards disasters. “It is not the earthquake that kills you, it is the house collapsing on you”. With these words, Álvaro de Vicente, the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department’s (ECHO) South America office boss, is trying to illustrate how “natural disasters” are not as natural as they may seem.
Agreement on Horizon 2020. An informal deal on a package of laws to establish the EU’s next research and innovation programme, “Horizon 2020” (2014-2020) was reached by negotiators for European Parliament and the Irish Presidency of the Council on Tuesday 25 June 2013, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn (EU Commissioner for research) stated in the press release. The package agreed consists of five legal files: Establishment of Horizon 2020, Specific Programme Implementing Horizon 2020, Rules for participation, European Institute for Innovation and Technology (EIT) and Strategic Innovation Agenda of the EIT. It still needs to be confirmed by member states in the Council and by European parliament.
New action plan launched in South America to promote resilience, risk reduction, and preparedness towards disasters. “It is not the earthquake that kills you, it is the house collapsing on you”. With these words, Álvaro de Vicente, the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department’s (ECHO) South America office boss, is trying to illustrate how “natural disasters” are not as natural as they may seem.
Emergency Response Centre supporting Member States ravaged by floods. Since the beginning of the floods that have struck the countries of Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, the newly inaugurated Emergency Response Centre (ERC) of the European Commission based in DG ECHO, has been monitoring the situation continuously and supporting these Member States in their response.
DecretoFare: rilancio investimenti, accesso al credito per PMI e riduzione costi energetici. Rilanciare gli investimenti, facilitare l’accesso al credito soprattutto per le piccole e medie imprese, ridurre i costi energetici. Queste le principali misure previste dal “Decreto del fare”, interventi in grado di restituire fiducia all’economia e invertire le aspettative sul ciclo economico, creando le condizioni per riportare il Paese su un sentiero di crescita. Gli interventi previsti rispondono alla necessità di valorizzare le risorse pubbliche disponibili – che sono limitate – come leva per stimolare al massimo gli investimenti privati, attivando così un effetto moltiplicatore. Per rilanciare la competitività del nostro sistema imprenditoriale la prima necessità è creare le condizioni favorevoli perché le imprese tornino a investire in macchinari e in innovazione.§ionid=0&andorcat=AND&partebassaType=0&idareaCalendario1=0&MvediT=1&showMenu=1&showCat=1&showArchiveNewsBotton=0&idmenu=2263&id=2028283
I.Stat – il nuovo accesso diretto alla statistica italiana. E’ stata pubblicata la versione di prova del sito I.Stat, il datawarehouse delle statistiche prodotte dall’Istat, un patrimonio informativo completo ed omogeneo, unico per la statistica italiana. L’accesso a I.Stat è libero e gratuito per tutti.
I leader del G8 firmano un Carta sui dati aperti. I leader del G8 (Canada, Francia, Germania, Italia, Giappone, Russia, Regno Unito, Stati Uniti e Unione europea) hanno firmato una Carta sui dati aperti. La Carta Open Data definisce 5 principi strategici su cui si impegnano tutti i membri del G8. I membri del G8 hanno anche identificato 14 settori di alto valore per i quali rilasciare dati aperti e che includono dati geografici e sulle infrastrutture