
Best LIFE Environment projects 2008-2009 uncovered.The EU Member States represented on the LIFE Committee and the European Commission’s LIFE Unit have announced the selection of the 22 best LIFE Environment projects for 2008-2009. Of these outstanding environmental projects, five have been selected as the very best, or the Best of the Best (BoBs).


10-11 Settembre 2009 Forum Italiano Ambient Assisted Living

Legge 6/2000 DD 7 maggio 2009, 364/Ric. Regole e modalità per la presentazione delle richieste di concessione dei contributi per progetti intesi a favorire la diffusione della cultura scientifica (G.U. n.109 del 13 maggio 2009) Deadline 12 giugno 2009.


29 Settembre 2009 Stoccolma.SRC09- Security Research Conference 2009. The fourth European Security Research Conference – SRC09 – will be held in Stockholm on 29 and 30 September 2009. Organised under the Swedish Presidency of the European Union, with the support of the European Commission, this event will bring together more than 1,200 representatives from the worlds of research, industry and Security end-users.


Imprese, dal POR FESR Lazio due nuovi bandi.Nuove opportunità dall’Europa per le imprese del Lazio. L’assessorato regionale a Pmi, commercio e artigianato, tramite Sviluppo Lazio, promuove due nuovi bandi nell’ambito dal POR FESR Lazio 2007-2013. I testi sono  pubblicati sul Bollettino ufficiale del 7 maggio 2009. Il primo bando concede contributi per l’acquisizione di servizi reali avanzati che possano contribuire ai processi di innovazione. Il secondo concede contributi a programmi d’investimento finalizzati all’introduzione e all’impiego di tecniche per la prevenzione dell’inquinamento e il risparmio energetico.Budget10 milioni  Deadline 06.07.2009

Dal 1° giugno 2009, alle ore 10.00,  sarà aperto il bando per l’ottenimento delle agevolazioni previste dal D.M. 593/2000 a sostegno della ricerca industriale e dello sviluppo precompetitivo. Sono considerati beneficiari della misura in questione: imprese che esercitano attività industriale diretta alla produzione di beni e/o di servizi; imprese che esercitano attività di trasporto per terra, per acqua o per aria; imprese artigiane di produzione; centri di ricerca con personalità giuridica autonoma promossi da una o più imprese suddette; consorzi e società consortili comunque costituiti, purché con partecipazione finanziaria superiore al 50% da parte delle imprese suddette; i parchi scientifici e tecnologici indicati nella deliberazione MURST del 25 marzo 1994.


European Commission paves the way for European mobile satellite services.European consumers and businesses, particularly in rural areas, can expect to benefit from innovative wireless communication services after the European Commission selected two operators, Inmarsat Ventures Limited and Solaris Mobile Limited, to provide mobile satellite services across Europe. The services, such as high-speed internet access, mobile television and radio or emergency communications, will be provided over a specifically reserved spectrum. Both satellite operators demonstrated an advanced level of technical and commercial ability to provide these services.

Semantic design cuts costs, saves time.EU-funded researchers have developed an innovative semantic engineering environment that will help product designers increase their productivity while saving time. The SevenPro (‘Semantic virtual engineering environment for product design’) project, backed by the EU with more than EUR 2.6 million in financing, targeted technology and tool development to support deep mining of product engineering knowledge from multimedia repositories and semantically enhanced 3D interaction.

Call addressed to individuals for the establishment of a database of prospective independent experts to assist the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) with tasks in connection with the evaluation and implementation of Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs)  2009/C 110/05) Deadline 30.09.2013

CALL FOR PROPOSALS — EACEA/01/2009 Support for the implementation of Pilot Projects (2009/C 111/06). The global objectives of the programme are the following:

  • preserve and enhance European cultural and linguistic diversity
  • increase the circulation and viewership of European audiovisual works inside and outside the EU
  • strengthen the competitiveness of the European audiovisual sector in the framework of an open and competitive European market favourable to employmen

Budget EUR 2 million Deadline 15 July 2009

MEDIA 2007 Call for proposals — EACEA/02/2009. Support to Video on Demand and Digital Cinema Distribution. (2009/C 111/07) Budget EUR 8 million Deadline 15 July 2009

CALL FOR PROPOSALS — EAC/21/2009 Preparatory action in the field of Sport (2009/C 111/08) Budget EUR 4 000 000 Deadline 31 August 2009

LIFE+ CALL FOR PROPOSALS 2009 (2009/C 111/09) Budget EUR 250 000 000 Deadline 15 September 2009

13 October 2009, Stockholm, Sweden. Public Procurement of Innovation – a driver for future health in Europe. The aim of the Conference is, in coherency with Lisbon regarding research and development, to enlighten Europe on the subject of public procurement of innovation in the life science area in order to increase the competitiveness in EU and thereby also increase the industrial development. A large part of the GDP in the member states goes to public procurement, which can be used to drive innovation.

4 – 6 November 2009, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America. Telehealth and Assistive Technology 2009. Telehealth and Assistive Technology 2009 is intended to be an international forum for researchers and practitioners interested in the advances in and applications of Telehealth, assistive software technology, assistive ergonomics technology, assistive rehabilitative technolo

26 – 28 May 2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. World Congress on Information Technology 2010. The “Challenges of Change” will be the motto that will strengthen the long-term impact and value of the World Congress on Information Technology.


Finanziamenti dall’ESA alle PMI.Un’opportunità per le Piccole Medie Emprese è la possibilità di farsi finanziare progetti innovativi di ricerca nel campo spaziale. Telerilevamento, localizzazione satellitare, mapping, sono temi che rientrano in questo segmento. Ed allora, se avete un’idea originale che pensate possa avere un mercato interessante, perchè non partecipare ai bandi proposti dall’Agenzia Spaziale Europea?