Data Output
SHAKYGROUND offers several levels of output which enable the user to immediately check and evaluate the results how to write analytical essay of a simulation. After completing the numerical processing, the standard output is generated (example displayed in Figure 5).
Figure 5. Output Window for ShakyGround
It consists of a plot of the response spectra and their statistical variation, and of a table with important signal parameters, i.e., peak ground acceleration, velocity and displacement, RMS-values of the three types of signal, the duration of strong ground motion (calculated following the concept of HUSID-plots), finally corresponding magnitude values (MS deduced from the seismic moment, MWA as obtained from the simulated signals). All these results can be saved to a georeferenced data base, where they can be easily accessed for further processing with GIS-applications.
By choosing “View Results” the program generates a screen displaying the graphical visualization of the single simulated seismograms and response spectra (Figure 6), where the user can scroll the recorded seismograms and response spectra one by one. The accelerograms can be visualized together with velocity, displacement and WOOD-ANDERSON seismograms, as shown in the figure. By choosing a seismogram length different than the one proposed as default,buy term papers online plots can be visualized in their total length or be zoomed.
Figure 6. Single Results
The user may decide which signal types are shown by ticking on/off the selection boxes on left-hand side. The graphical interface allows the editing of the figures so that they can be easily imported in other documents, an extremely useful feature for the preparation of publications and reports.