
Candidature per Esperti Nazionali Distaccati (END) – scadenze: 10 marzo 2009 e 6 aprile 2009. http://www.miur.it/UserFiles/3009.pdf

La Joint Technology Initiative ARTEMIS ha lanciato un bando per progetti di R&S sul tema dei sistemi embedded. Il MIUR ha impegnato per questo bando 10 M€. http://www.miur.it/0006Menu_C/0012Docume/0015Atti_M/7647La_JTI_cf3.htm

Candidature per Esperti Nazionali Distaccati (END) – 11 posti (scadenza 9 aprile 2009) e 29 posti (scadenza 6 maggio 2009) http://www.miur.it/UserFiles/3027.pdf

Bando per la raccolta di progetti congiunti di ricerca per l’anno 2009, sulla base dell’accordo di cooperazione nel campo della ricerca e dello sviluppo industriale, scientifico e tecnologico tra ITALIA ed ISRAELE Deadline Scadenza: 31 maggio 2009 http://www.miur.it/0006Menu_C/0012Docume/0015Atti_M/7659Bando__cf3.htm


ESRIN a porte aperte per la Settimana della Cultura Scientifica e Tecnologica.Nell’ambito della XIX Settimana della Cultura Scientifica e Tecnologica promossa dal Ministero italiano dell’Università e della Ricerca (MIUR) dal 23 al 29 marzo, l’ESRIN, il Centro per le Osservazioni della Terra dell’ESA, che sorge in prossimità di Frascati (Roma), apre le porte alle scuole medie superiori per la mattinata di venerdì 27 marzo. http://www.esa.int/esaCP/SEMZUEITYRF_Italy_0.html


30/03/2009 Roma.Il progetto SM BIO POWER: nuove opportunità per le PMI dei settori Salute, ICT e NMP Il primo SM BIO POWER Workshop Italiano http://www.apre.it/Eventi/giornata.asp?id=885

EEA Grants Iceland, Liechtenstein Norway

Projects approved under Czech research fund. €2.3 million in grants have been awarded to 15 partnership projects between Czech research institutions and entities from Iceland and Norway. http://www.eeagrants.org/id/1100


Al via il primo bando di gara del DTC dal titolo: INFRASTRUTTURA TECNOLOGICA PER IL DISTRETTO TECNOLOGICO PER I BENI E LE ATTIVITA’ CULTURALI DEL LAZIOIl bando, che nasce anche dalle proposte progettuali scaturite dall’Audizione pubblica realizzata nel novembre 2008, costituisce l’avvio degli interventi attuativi previsti nell’Accordo di Programma Quadro 6 fra il Ministero dello Sviluppo economico, il Ministero della Università e Ricerca, il Ministero per i Beni e le Attività culturali e la Regione Lazio, finalizzati alla costituzione e allo sviluppo del Distretto. http://www.filas.it/News.aspx?IDNews=330

La Legge 388 del 2000 e le sue recenti applicazioni hanno messo a disposizione delle aziende i cosiddetti Fondi Interprofessionali, strumenti gratuiti per la formazione dei lavoratori erogati in funzione dei bisogni espressi dalle  aziende stesse. Tali strumenti possono essere utilizzati anche dalle piccole e piccolissime imprese, strutturalmente svantaggiate rispetto alla pratica della formazione. Filas, con il prossimo webinar, illustrerà gli strumenti più rilevanti. Il servizio  sarà disponibile a partire dal 24 marzo sul portale Lazio-side. In particolare, il webinar fornirà informazioni sui prossimi Piani di formazione territoriali o settoriali/distrettuali finanziati da Fondimpresa nell’ambito dell’Avviso 2/2008. http://www.filas.it/News.aspx?IDNews=336

Regione Lazio

La Regione investe 28 milioni per formare apprendisti.Sono in arrivo nuove opportunità per gli apprendisti del Lazio. Da oggi tutti i ragazzi tra i 18 e 29 anni con un contratto di apprendistato avranno a disposizione un loro portale, mentre le imprese di riferimento potranno beneficiare del supporto economico della Regione Lazio per formarli. http://www.regione.lazio.it/web2/main/sala_stampa/news_dettaglio.php?id=3464


Incentivi alle operazioni di aggregazione aziendale – Errata corrige. L’Agenzia delle Entrate precisa quanto segue. La costituzione di una società a responsabilità limitata, a seguito di un’operazione di aggregazione tra aziende, in cui l’assegnazione della quota al capitale sociale è pari al 99,6 per cento a un socio e solo lo 0,4 per cento all’altro socio (in virtù della scarsa consistenza patrimoniale dell’azienda da questi detenuta e alla mancanza di avviamento che è indice di non operatività), determina una fusione “squilibrata” che impedisce l’applicazione del c.d. “bonus aggregazioni”. http://www.ipi.it/inside.asp?id=67&id_modu=2576


23.08.2009 Cannes, French.The Fifth International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC 2009) http://www.netconfs.net/show_cfp.php?n=80


Nuclear waste management EU-funded Research improves technology for disposal in deep geological formations.New technologies have been developed for the disposal of packages containing highly active and long-lived radioactive waste produced by nuclear power plants. Thanks to the results of the European Commission sponsored research project ESDRED (Engineering Studies and Demonstrations of Repository Designs), promising solutions for the disposal of this waste underground, are now available. They can be adapted to the main geological formations found in Europe as there are clay, crystalline and salt formations. The project concluded at the beginning of this year. http://ec.europa.eu/research/index.cfm?pg=newsalert&lg=en&year=2009&na=na-190309

Re-use of Public Sector Information: Commission starts infringement against Italy. European Commission today launched an infringement proceeding against Italy for incomplete and incorrect transposition of the EU Directive on the re-use of public sector information (PSI Directive). The Commission is sending a letter of formal notice (the first step of an infringement proceeding under the EC Treaty) to Italy as Italian law does not yet contain all the provisions of the PSI Directive. One of the concerns is the exclusion of cadastral and mortgage data – a valuable sector of re-usable information – from the scope of the Directive. http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/09/425&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en

Commission calls for doubling funding for ICT research and innovation. Making Europe the world leader in ICT is the goal of the new strategy proposed today by the European Commission. Today Europe represents 34% of the global information and communication technologies (ICT) market, and its value is growing by 4% per year. However, the value added produced by the EU’s ICT sector amounts to only 23% of the total, because both Europe’s market and research efforts are fragmented. As a result, Europe is lagging behind its global competitors in ICT research and in the production of innovative ICT-based products and services. The strategy proposed calls on Member States and industry to pool resources and work together more in ICT research and innovation. http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/09/397&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en

Call for proposals under the work programme of the ENIAC Joint Undertaking (2009/C 64/12).The 2009 Call will focus on the following subprogrammes:

  • SP1 – Nanoelectronics for Health & Wellness
  • SP2 – Nanoelectronics for Transport & Mobility*
  • SP3 – Nanoelectronics for Security & Safety
  • SP4 – Nanoelectronics for Energy & Environment*
  • SP5 – Nanoelectronics for Communication
  • SP6 – Nanoelectronics for E-Society
  • SP7 – Design Methods & Tools for Nanoelectronics
  • SP8 – Equipment & Materials for Nanoelectronics

Budget 104 423 500 euro Deadline 06 May 2009 http://eniac.eu/

2009 Call for proposals — Civil protection Financial Instrument — Cooperation projects on preparedness and prevention (2009/C 57/03). The 2009 call for proposals for cooperation projects on prevention and preparedness in the field of civil protection covers TWO separate sections, each with its own objectives and specific budget:(A) Prevention projects and (B) Preparedness projects  Deadline 18 May 2009 http://ec.europa.eu/environment/civil/prote/call_prep_2009.htm

2 – 3 April 2009, Turin, Italy.Broadband and EU action in the recovery plan.This European Commission event will focus on issues at stake in the forthcoming EU broadband strategy, information about the EU spending on broadband within the context of the recovery plan and the sharing of broadband good practices between rural and regional development authorities. http://www.regione.piemonte.it/innovazione/regions4ict.html

29 – 30 April 2009, Brno, Czech Republic. ICT Brokerage 2009.This is one of the official events held under the Czech Presidency of the European Union and is an accompanying event of the conference “Research Connection 2009”. It will focus on mobilising key research actors and companies from all over Europe, in particular from neighbouring regions, to collaborate and establish partnerships in ICT research and development. http://www.ict-brokerage.cz/en/home/

20 – 22 April 2009, Beijing, China.I-ESA China 2009 – Interoperability for Enterprise Software and Applications. I-ESA Conferences aim to bring together the world’s leading researchers and practitioners in the area of Enterprise Interoperability to exchange their visions and debate on new user needs and emerging solutions coming from research results. The objective of I-ESA China 2009 is to promote collaboration of European and Chinese enterprises through Enterprise Interoperability. http://www.i-esa.org.cn/OncePortal/portal/

17 May 2009, Global event. World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.The purpose of the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD), is to help raise awareness of the possibilities that the use of the Internet and other information and communication technologies (ICT) can bring to societies and economies, as well as of ways to bridge the digital divide. http://www.informationsocietyday.info/2009/index.php?body=participa&lang=en

2 – 3 April 2009, Sophia Antipolis, France.Virtual Physiological Human: Modelling and Simulation of Organs. The two organisations will welcome top-level experts who will share their vision of Modelling and Simulation of Life while demonstrating how research and standards, supported by the European Commission, can benefit people, society and business. http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/newsroom/cf/itemdetail.cfm?item_id=4745&utm_campaign=isp&utm_medium=rss&utm_source=newsroom&utm_content=type-news

6 – 8 May 2009, Caceres, Spain.Fostering Regional Creativity and Innovation: Technologies, Methods and People.This annual conference is organised by eris@, the European Regional Information Society Association. The event will offer participants a chance to hear about and discuss an agenda based on the key themes of innovation and creativity, focusing on method. http://www.ianis.net/about/AC2009Extremadura/Pages/default.aspx

5 – 8 October 2009, Brussels, Belgium.OPEN DAYS 2009: Global challenges, European responses.The seventh OPEN DAYS will be held in Brussels accompanied by local events all over Europe throughout the month of October. While the Brussels event will consist of about 100 seminars, workshops, debates, exhibitions and networking for a for around 7,000 participants it is planned that again over 200 local events will be organised. http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/conferences/od2008/index.cfm

2 April 2009, Brussels, Belgium.Can eHealth ease the cost of ageing Europe?What contribution can eHealth and associated novel telehealth services, including diagnosis, treatment and monitoring at home make to cutting the costs of the chronically ill, who although comparatively few in number already account for fourfifths of Europe’s spending on healthcare? And what role can and should the EU play in fostering the spread of eHealth? http://www.friendsofeurope.org/Portals/6/Documents/Programmes/FoE%20-%20CC%20-Ehealth%20-02-04-09%20-%20progr%20and%20reg%20form.pdf

21 – 23 April 2009, Göteborg, Sweden. Vitalis eHealth Conference and Fair.This conference and exhibition aims to cover every aspect of business development in health, care and welfare where IT solutions provide support and assistance. http://nemonet.swefair.se/templates/FlexiblePage____171411.aspx


Calls for proposals under the 2009 work programme ‘People’ of the 7th EC Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities (2009/C 63/08) Intra-European Fellowships  FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IEF Budget: € 95 000 000, International Incoming Fellowships FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IIF Budget: € 28 000 000, International Outgoing Fellowships FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IOF Budget: € 28 000 000 Deadline 18.08.2009 http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/dc/index.cfm?fuseaction=UserSite.FP7CallsPage

Europe must raise its game to become world leader in ICTs, Commission says.If Europe is to become a world leader in information and communications technologies (ICTs), it must double its research investments, attract more skilled workers and remove barriers to business growth, according to a new European Commission communication; the strategy described also aims to ensure that the economy and society benefit fully from these new technologies.

La Commissione Europea ha recentemente pubblicato la versione aggiornata delle “Linee guida per l’IPR” nel VII Programma Quadro di RST ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/docs/ipr_en.pdf

EU project upgrades flood research database.EU-funded researchers have released an upgrade of their pan-European flood research database. The online platform is the first ‘one-stop-shop’ to allow European countries to easily exchange data gleaned from research into flood risk management. As well as providing information to policy makers, researchers, funding bodies and those working in flood risk management, the database is designed to help EU Member States implement the European Floods Directive. http://cordis.europa.eu/search/index.cfm?fuseaction=news.document&N_RCN=30587

CHORIST project targets improved rescue safety and communication systems. Natural hazards and industrial accidents wreak havoc on people’s lives, and the lack of appropriate emergency management or planning can trigger human, environmental and financial losses. The EU-funded CHORIST (‘Integrating communications for enhanced environmental risk management and citizens safety’) project seeks to increase the rapidity and effectiveness of interventions following a natural or industrial disaster, thus optimising people’s safety and communications between rescuers. http://www.chorist.eu/

CORDIS launches Cofunded Calls page. CORDIS, the Community Research and Development Information Service, has extended its calls service and now offers a webpage specially dedicated to cofunded calls. http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/people/cofund_en.html

02.04.2009 Turin, Italy Conference on ‘European regions for better ICT connections’. The European Commission’s economic recovery plan for Europe includes a proposal to channel part of the unspent EU budget into broadband investment and the development of an EU broadband strategy. As part of this process, the Commission is launching a set of initiatives aimed at starting a wide consultation on issues surrounding the strategy. http://www.regione.piemonte.it/innovazione/regions4ict.html

26-28.05.2009 Brussels, Belgium Conference on ‘Sustainable development – a challenge for European research’, The event is organised by the European Commission, in cooperation with the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and will highlight the multiple ways in which European research contributes to global sustainable development. These include understanding the environment, technological solutions, and influencing mindsets and behaviours. http://ec.europa.eu/research/sd/conference/2009/index_en.cfm

01.04.2009 Brussels, Belgium Seminar on ‘Regions of knowledge and the Lisbon Strategy’.At the seminar, speakers from the European Union, as well as Czech institutions, will give presentations on the innovative potential of Czech regions and the connection of structural funds with Community programmes that promote regional research and development. http://www.czelo.cz/detail/?news=1005

28.05.2009 Berlin Germany European research career fair.The fair, which is expected to attract about 60 exhibitors and 1,500 European researchers, is intended to further contacts between research organisations and researchers, allow exhibitors to present career opportunities and recruit suitable candidates, and give researchers a chance to get personal professional advice. http://www.researchcareerfair.com/jsp/core/PlageHome.jsp


Emilia Romagna:Progetti Integrati di Impresa. Tipologia: Misura 1.1 Azione B del programma triennale 2003/2005. La misura in oggetto prevede il sostegno alle PMI per mezzo della concessione di incentivi in conto interessi da parte degli istituti di credito convenzionati, a fronte dell’acquisizione di macchine utensili o di produzione (legge Sabatini), e di investimenti in innovazione tecnologica, tutela ambientale, innovazione organizzativa, innovazione commerciale e sicurezza sul lavoro (L.598/94).La misura prevede un contributo agli interessi variabile dal 23 al 60% del tasso di riferimento in base alla localizzazione e dimensione dell’impresa. E’ previsto un contributo aggiuntivo in regime “de minimis” per l’accesso alla garanzia. Il valore minimo del finanziamento è pari ad euro 75.000,00 quello massimo è pari ad euro 1.560.000,00. Deadline 31/05/2009

Innovazione: social network in Piemonte.Il Piemonte ha presentato un social network dedicato agli operatori dell’innovazione e del trasferimento tecnologico. I social network sono oggi un fenomeno in rapida espansione che offre significative opportunità di interazione e di scambio di conoscenze, anche a livello professionale, tra i membri delle singole reti. http://www.enzima-p.it/

Piccole e medie imprese: il quadro delle nuove misure di sostegno.Piccole e medie imprese: il Ministero dello sviluppo economico ha presentato un quadro delle misure pronte o in fase di finalizzazione, tra le quali il Fondo Competitività e Innovazione, il Fondo Nazionale Innovazione (brevetti) e l’aumento di risorse (da 1,3 a 1,5 miliardi) del Fondo di Garanzia.L’occasione è stata data dal Tavolo di iniziativa per le Piccole e Medie imprese, realizzato in attuazione dello Small Business Act: il testo di misure, definito nel mese di dicembre in sede europea e sostenuto dai Capi di Stato e di Governo, per il rilancio e la valorizzazione delle aziende di minor dimensione. http://www.sviluppoeconomico.gov.it/primopiano/dettaglio_primopiano.php?sezione=primopiano&tema_dir=tema2&id_primopiano=186


Debutta “Scienza in rete”, il web journal delle scienze.Scienziati schierati in prima linea per la divulgazione scientifica, grazie anche alla forza dei social network come YouTube e Facebook.E’ stata infatti presentata oggi a Milano ‘Scienza in rete’, la prima testata online gestita da alcuni dei piu’ importanti scienziati italiani, e che si rivolge tanto agli addetti ai lavori quanto ai politici, ai cittadini,agli appassionati. http://www.lascienzainrete.it/

7 aprile 2009 Anno Roma, Europeo della Creatività e dell’Innovazione. In occasione dell’Anno Europeo della Creatività e dell’Innovazione, la Rappresentanza in Italia della Commissione europea, ha promosso – insieme alle principali reti di informazione dell’Unione europea ed a Universitas Mercatorum, Università telematica delle Camere di commercio italiane – una campagna nazionale di informazione e comunicazione dal titolo “Il triangolo della conoscenza: Istruzione, Ricerca, Innovazione ” volta a coinvolgere i cittadini, le imprese, il mondo accademico e quello della ricerca, nella costruzione del progetto europeo. http://first.aster.it/doc09/eventi/070309_UnioncamereRoma.pdf


Pubblicati on line i criteri di selezione per le prime Comunità per la Conoscenza e l’Innovazione (Knowledge and Innovation Communities – KICs).L’obiettivo delle Comunità per la Conoscenza e l’Innovazione è quello di riunire insieme i tre elementi del triangolo della conoscenza. Essesono costituite da partenariati excellence-driven tra università, centri di ricerca, imprese, comprese le PMI, e altri stakeholder nel settore dell’innovazione.Le KICs promuoveranno la realizzazione, la diffusione e l’utilizzo dei nuovi prodotti della conoscenza e delle migliori pratiche nel settore dell’innovazione, trasformando i risultati della formazione terziaria e delle attività di ricerca in innovazione utilizzabile a livello commerciale. http://ec.europa.eu/eit/news_en.htm#kicselectioncriteria