Practitioners, authorities and industry representatives from all over Europe seek to create a network of professionals in the emergency management field.
27 February 2013, Brussels – The European Emergency Number Association (EENA), in collaboration with its project partners IES Solutions and ERUPSI, announces the launch of ESENet (Emergency Services Europe Network). ESENet is an extensive project which aims at establishing a European network of stakeholders in the Emergency Management domain.
The main objectives of ESENet are to identify, discuss and agree on needs, requirements, new technologies and best practices in responding to both everyday and major emergencies. Over the next two years, representatives including those from EENA’s Emergency Services Staff Network (ESSN) and some of its member companies will come together and participate in 8 web meetings and 4 workshops and contribute to working documents on topics such as interoperability at all levels and in all types of safety and security missions.
The project is due to run for two years and it is funded under the FP7 Security programme.