ALPDIRIS (Alpine Disaster Relieve for Italy and Slovenia) aims at enhancing the cooperation between Italy and Slovenia regarding mountain search and rescue, especially referring to communication and data exchange. |
GRALLE (Galileo Reliable Automatic Low Laten Emergency warning service) will perform a feasibility study on a Emergency Warning System (EWS) based on the European satellite system Galileo. |
The overall objective of EPISECC is to improve the current collaboration and cooperation processes which involve first responders during major crisis and disasters. |
EmerGent aims at understanding the positive and the negative impact of social media in emergencies in order to enhance objective and perceived safety and security of citizens before, during and after emergencies. |
NAFTES (NAval Fire fighting Training & Education System) aims at improving the fire-fighting training of on-board ship crews with the support of an e-learning platform and AR equipment. |
The project IDIRA wants to give an opportunity to disaster management organisations and interested researchers to express their experience, demand and ideas on technical and organisational interoperability for multinational disaster management actions. |
The ESENet Coordination Action aims at establishing a network of stakeholders in the Emergency Management domain that will identify, discuss and agree on needs, requirements, new technologies and best practices in responding to everyday as well as to major emergencies. |
REACH112 will provide an improvement of the access to emergency services for all citizens, especially for people with disabilities. The project will offer an alternative to traditional voice telephony. |
REACT aims at reducing risks to citizens and the environment by enhancing the interactivity of citizens with Emergency Services and by providing added value to integrated information coming from disparate sources. |
The SAVE ME EU project aims to develop a system that detects natural and man-made disaster events in public transport terminals/vehicles and critical infrastructures and supports quick and optimal mass evacuation guidance. |
The REFIRE project aims to the adoption of effective location and communication services for indoor and deep-indoor emergencies and define a set of standards and protocols able to enable daily use of interoperable systems. |
The VIEW-FINDER project develops robots having the primary task of data gathering. They detect the presence of chemicals and collect camera images and forward the data to an advanced base station. |
The RESCUER project focuses on both (a) the development of an intelligent mechatronic Emergency Risk Management tool and (b) on the associated Information and Communication Technology. |
The prime objective of the LOCCATEC project is the design and realisation of a system, which would make available quickly and cost-effectively to the rescue teams reliable information on the presence (or not) of people in each closed space of the building during its collapse. |
The LIAISON project will turn emergent technologies, applications and services into actual business cases in order to allow key European actors to fulfil in a competitive manner the needs of workers in their daily life, for seamless and personalised location services across heterogeneous network. |
ODIN is directly focused on the necessities of the citizens and the Small Medium Enterprises (Users) of the rural regions, and proposes an innovative solution to bring them on the Information Society. |
Il software SIGEM GIS consiste in una interfaccia geografica in grado di visualizzare in modo semplice ed intuitivo i risultati di simulazioni di esplosioni, incendi, rilascio di gas, etc., permettendo di procedere, in casi di scenario operativo, alla definizione delle zone da evacuare. |