

ParkService a market validation project on an existing prototype service (also called ParkService) offering telematic support for people with Parkinson disease (PD) living at home.
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The purpose of Billing4Rent is to perform pan-European validation of an Application Service Provider (ASP) hosted billing service for lower tier telecommunications operators, Internet Service Providers, eGovernment and other genres of service providers.
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SINTEB (Sistema Integrato Emissione Biglietti) è un sistema informativo web based per l’emissione di biglietti per trasporto merci, realizzato per conto della Logitec Lines (http://www.logiteclines.com), società dalla grande esperienza nella gestione multimodale del trasporto merci.
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The 3D of “Bellini Garden” in Catania

L’attività primaria, in termini di effort e tempi, nell’ambito della collaborazione per il “Progetto Speciale Recupero e Valorizzazione del Verde Storico Giardino Bellini”, è stata la modellazione e quindi il rendering del Giardino Bellini secondo le specifiche del Progetto Esecutivo.
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RAWFIE The purpose of the RAWFIE initiative is to create a federation of different network testbeds that will work together to make their resources available under a common framework.
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