The decree Approvazione del profilo del protocollo per la trasmissione dei dati ai fini della cooperazione applicativa con i servizi di emergenza di cui al decreto 17 giugno 2008, published in the Official Gazette on June 21, 2011, defines the profile of the CAP protocol adopted by ‘Vigili del Fuoco’. Specifically, the CAP profile adopted, called “Profilo CAP Vigili del Fuoco”, is compliant to the CAP 2.0 standard and is the result of years of collaboration between Italian VVF and IES Solutions started with the REACT European project.

The document “Profilo CAP Vigili del Fuoco e modalità preferenziali di trasmissione” shows the validation table for CAP messages sent and received by CNVVF Operating Rooms so that all organizations involved in rescue operations can autonomously acquire instruments for the exchange of data with the VVF operating rooms that meet the required standard.

Further information:

Decree n 71 of May 23th, 2011
VVF Italian profile – CAP and Feed
Decree of June 17th, 2008