
IES Solutions, with the App Anch’ioSegnalo, will attend the conference on Public Administration and Social Media –  #pasocial “Social Revolution – Così cambia la PA” (This is how the PA changes): from 10 to 13.30, at Palazzo della Cultura in Catania, together with the Catania Municipality and the Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale (Agency for the Digital Italy).

#Pasocial is the group of communicators of the Italian government which aims to develop the new public communication on social platforms both at national and local level.

The moderator will be Francesco Di Costanzo, promoter of #PASocial and director of cittadiniditwitter.it

Amongst other speakers, will intervene:
Enzo Bianco, Mayor of Catania
Francesco Nicodemo, Communication Advisor for Palazzo Chigi
Marco Bani, Chief of Technical Secretariat of Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale

Livia Iacolare, Head of Media Partnership Twitter Italia
Luca Cari, Responsible of emergency communication of #Vigilidelfuoco (National Fire Service)
Matteo Tempestini, #terremotocentroitalia project

Anch’ioSegnalo is the application that allows to anyone in the Sicilian territory to send alerts about near dangers directly to the control room of the Regional Civil Protection.