The meeting
Tomorrow, 28 February, the EPISECC, SECTOR, REDIRNET and SecInCore projects will organise a joint meeting on Common Information Space for information sharing in disaster risk management. Make different systems able to communicate between them is one of the most challenging issues in Public Protection & Disaster Relief (PPDR). It is a common opinion that a better interoperability can greatly enhance disaster management, thanks to a better collaboration, an improved situational awareness and a more coordinated action. Currently, there are three main obstacles that make European interoperability difficult: linguistic barriers, the lack of common taxonomies, and the lack of standardised Network Enabled Communication.
The four projects respond to the European Commission call for a Common Information Space by suggesting approaches to its realisation as well as collecting ideas and feedbacks from organisations that operate at the EU level. Amongst them, EPISECC is focussed on the creation of a common taxonomy of emergency related terms, stored on a semantic repository, and on technological solutions for interoperability that enables emergency services to share information and communicate in disaster management. The project has also produced an inventory of past disasters, for academic purposes. Uberto Delprato, CEO of IES Solutions, will be one of the representatives of the EPISECC project.
The meeting will take place from 09:30 to 15:00, at HUSA President Park Hotel in Brussels.
The projects
The four projects have a common goal: to improve the interoperability in Europe during disaster management. The projects are:
EPISECC: Establish Pan-European Information Space to Enhance Security of Citizens. IES Solutions is a member of this project.
REDIRNET: Emergency Responder Data Interoperability Network
SecInCoRe: Secure Dynamic Cloud for Information, Communication and Resource Interoperability based on Pan-European Disaster Inventory, focused on preparedness phase
SECTOR: Secure European Common Information Space for the Interoperability of First Responders and Police Authorities
What: Joint Meeting sul Common Information Space
When: 28/02/2017
Where: HUSA President Park Hotel, Bruxelles, Belgio
More info: (EPISECC), (REDIRNET), (SecInCoRe) (SECTOR),