MOBILE View is an user interface for the U.S. EPA MOBILE6 model. MOBILE6 is an emission factor model for predicting highway emissions from cars, motorcycles, light- and heavy-duty trucks under various conditions.

MOBILE View: user interface for the U.S. EPA MOBILE6 model

MOBILE6 accounts for the emission impacts of factors such as changes in vehicle emission standards, in vehicle populations and activity, and variation in local conditions such as temperature, humidity and fuel quality.

MOBILE View takes the guess work out of setting up your MOBILE6 projects. Model Run Wizards guide you through all the steps necessary to create a project, and Scenario Wizards allow you to further individualize scenarios to more closely reflect specific conditions.

* Mobile source control strategies and emission inventories
* Metropolitan and transportation planning
* Academic and investigative research
* Environmental impact assessments

It’s possible to view details about Lakes Enviromental products on You Tube Channel.

Lakes Environmental
IES Solutions distributes Lakes Environmental products