Jixel for Fires

Jixel is currently being used by emergency services of Calabria Region (Vigili Del Fuoco, Corpo Forestale dello Stato, Protezione Civile) to coordinate intervention in case for fires in the whole region territory.

  • Organizational structures of the area

    Jixel has been customized taking into account the particular organizational structures of the area.
    The AIB organization consists of three decision-making levels:
    Command and Control room:
    VVF (Comando provinciale dei Vigili del Fuoco)
    PROCIV (Protezione Civile)
    CFS (Corpo Forestale dello Stato)

    COP (Centro Operativo Provinciale / Province Operational Center).
    One per province (5 in total). It decides if, when and how many resources have to be sent for the intervention. It frees resources or moves them to other places. It may request the use of Fire Fighting Aircrafts (i.e. Canadair).

    It works at a regional level, oversees the evolution of the situation on the base of statistics on provinces, manages Fire Fighting Aircrafts, substitutes COPs in the night.

  • JIXEL Cap Generator – Its use for fires in Calabria

    Cap Generator is being used by the emergency services of Calabria to create and share information on fires. The user of Cap Generator is able to create different jixels depending on the type of information to be inserted (fire / resources / structures).
    The application permits to insert all the information that can be relevant for the jixel, e.g. the type of fire (like woods) for a jixel with a “fire” tipology, the type of resource (jeep, helicopter, etc.) for a jixel with a “resource” tipology, the type of structure for a jixel with a “structure” tipology, and other information about location, description and caller.

    The Cap Generator is able to visualize the jixels created in the overall area (Calabria) or in the specific zone (at province level), depending on the authorization level held by the user.

    All information created using the CAPGenerator interface can be accessed by the intended recipients and displayed on the CAPViewer geographical interface.

    CAP Generator for fires in Calabria

  • JIXEL Capviewewer

    With a combination of map view, synthetic textual presentation and full-details presentation, CAPViewer allows users to have an overview of the evolution of the situation in a selected area. Users may filter information according to several criteria, search a given location, be updated in real time with messages coming from COPs or Command and Control rooms.

    CAP Viewer for fires in Calabria