Today is an important day for DG-ECHO, the Directorate-General of the European Commission for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations: they will host the general kick-off meeting for all the civil protection projects funded by this DG. Amongst them there is ALPDIRIS (Alpine Disaster Relieve for Italy and Slovenia – more info available here), the project related to cross-border alpine Search and Rescue operations. The kick-off meeting officially declares the project started, and the works will last 24 months.
IES Solutions is a member of ALPDIRIS, and IES’ CEO, dr. Uberto Delprato, will be representing the company. He will show the project aims and structure to the representatives of European Commission and of the other civil protection projects.
During the day, the participants will visit the ERCC (Emergency Response Coordination Centre), the centre of the DG-ECHO which is responsible of the management and the support of the civil protection operation, including the European Civil Protection Mechanism.

What: ALPDIRIS Kick-off Meeting, within the DG-ECHO day for the presentation of civil protection projects
When: 18/1/2017
Where: DG-ECHO, Brusells, Belgium