News from OASIS - Emergency Interoperability

Massimo Cristaldi has been elected member of the Steering Committee of the…

IES at the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Jump-Start and CAP Implementation Workshop

IES Solutions CEO, Uberto Delprato and IES Solutions CTO, Massimo Cristaldi,…

EmerGent Project Board Meeting in Balestrand

EmerGent project board meeting was held in Balestrand (Norway) from 1st to 2nd…

IES at ISCRAM 2015

IES CEO, Dr. Uberto Delprato, is attending the 12th International Conference on…

IES at the International Workshop on Innovation for Crisis Management (I4CM)

IES is attending the International Workshop on Innovation for Crisis Management…

IES Solutions joins OASIS

After working for several years for the adoption of the CAP Protocol in Europe,…

Understanding Collaborative Work Practices - Short Paper

In the framework of the EPISECC project, Dr. Eng. Uberto Delprato, CEO of IES…