

IES developed a friendly environment allowing the simulation of strong ground motion by means of synthetic simulation of acceleration seismograms and the estimation of seismic load in a given area.
It forms the seismological base for the design of earthquake-resistant buildings and for land use planning. Moreover, it allows the identification of sites where the expected ground shaking is severe; this can be useful for emergency planning, as well as for enhancing earthquake awareness.
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Air Quality

IES Solutions distributes Lakes Environmental products, complete and powerful air dispersion modeling packages used extensively to assess pollution concentration and deposition from a wide variety of sources.
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Fire Risk

Abbiamo competenze nel monitoraggio ambientale e nello specifico le nostre esperienze sono incentrate nelle aree del rischio incendi. Per la gestione del rischio incendi viene utilizzato del software concepito per effettuare la scansione automatica del territorio, pixel per pixel, nelle bande della radiazione non visibile.
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IES Solutions fornisce software realizzato per effettuare il censimento dei tetti in cemento-amianto sulla base di criteri di probabilità di appartenenza alla classe CA.
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Industrial Risk

IES Solutions distributes Lakes Environmental products, advanced ecological risk assessment program for conducting a comprehensive multi-pathway ecological risk assessment by simultaneously calculating risk values for multiple chemicals, from multiple sources, at multiple exposure locations.
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