It has been held on June the 13th, 2018, at the Regional Civil Protection of Friuli Venezia Giulia premises in Palmanova (Udine), the training event on the use of software solutions supporting cross-border cooperation between Italy and Slovenia. Personnel from the Regional Control Room of Friuli Venezia Giulia in Italy (SOR) and the National and Regional Civil Protection Services from Slovenia (CORS and ReCOs) participated to the event. After a short demonstration, end users had the possibility to try directly the functionalities of the software tools implemented by IES Solutions, Italy, and HITEC, Luxembourg, partners of the AlpDIRIS project. The aim of the implemented tools is to realise a fast and efficient interoperable communication of information, based on the use of the CAP (Common Alerting Protocol) in case of events that seek collaboration and the deployment of resources from both Italian and Slovenian sides.