IDIRA Project - Large Scale Exercise on "Pandemic" scenario

The first IDIRA large scale exercise, aimed at the validation of the tools…

Refire at the seminar on fire prevention and emergency management of railway tunnels

On 20 March 2013 in Perugia took place the seminar on fire prevention and the…

ESENet project launch

Practitioners, authorities and industry representatives from all over Europe…

ESENet project kick off

ESENet(Emergency Services Europe Network) project kicked off on 1th January…

REACH112 standardization outcome: ETSI TR 103 170 Total Conversation Access to Emergency Services

The standardization work in ETSI EMTEL performed by the REACH112 Consortium,…

The REFIRE paper accepted for publication

The paper "A REference implementation of interoperable indoor location &…

REACH112 Final Conference

The REACH112 Final Conference will be held in Santiago de Compostela, Spain, on…

REACH112 on the blog of the Vice-President of the European Commission

The REACH112 project, managed by IES Solutions, mentioned by the Vice-President…

Accessible 112 emergency services

The “European Parliament Written Declaration 0035/2011 on the need for…

IDIRA Kick-off meeting

The IDIRA Kick-off meeting will take place in Dresda on May 4th - 5th, 2011.…