SAVE ME - Experimental test at the CNVVF training facility in Montelibretti

On January 27, 2011 about two hundred children and teenegers of the "Istituto…

SAVE ME - The first international Workshop on transport emergencies

The first international "Workshop on transport emergencies" will take place in…

ViewFinder successfully completed

The ViewFinder project was successfully completed on 19th January 2010. The…

REACT on "eStrategies"

REACT objectives and achievements have been published on the "eStrategies"…

REACT presented at the CAP Implementers Workshop

Today REACT will be presented at the WIS Common Alerting Protocol (X.1303)…

REACH112 Selected for funding

The European Commission officially announced on Friday, 24 October, 2008, the…

3rd 112 Awards Ceremony, 10 February 2009

The 3rd 112 Awards Ceremony will be held on 10 February 2009, eve of the 2nd…

Information sharing tackles emergencies in Italy, and beyond! [/lang_en]

ICT Results has jut published an article on the recent adoption of CAP by the…

BeAware Kick-off in Helsinki

BeAware project Kicked off in Helsinki.