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The eCall Days, the largest European conference about eCall, will be held in Hamburg (Germany) on 22 and 23 September. Political representatives (both national and from the European Community), researchers and industry stakeholders, as well as I_HeERO project members (like IES Solutions) will participate to the conference. There will be presented the current status of eCall implementation in Europe and in the rest of the world, future challenges an specific topics such as legal compliance and technological developments. The agenda is available here.

During the conference, Andy Rooke, the I_HeERO Technical Implementation Officer, and other I_HeERO representatives will speak about the current status of the project and its future activities.


Dr. Uberto Delprato, CEO of IES, will attend the eCall Days as IES and I_HeERO representative, while on the previous day he will attend the 32nd meeting of CEN TC278 WG15. The CEN/TC 278 manages the preparation of standards in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in Europe. It serves as a platform for European stakeholder to exchange knowledge, information, best practices and experiences in ITS.